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ESDSWG Restructuring and MPARWG H. K. (Rama) Ramapriyan NASA/GSFC

ESDSWG Restructuring and MPARWG H. K. (Rama) Ramapriyan NASA/GSFC Metrics Planning and Reporting (MPAR) WG 10 th Earth Science Data Systems Working Group Newport News, VA November, 2011. MPARWG Changes.

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ESDSWG Restructuring and MPARWG H. K. (Rama) Ramapriyan NASA/GSFC

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  1. ESDSWG Restructuring and MPARWG H. K. (Rama) Ramapriyan NASA/GSFC Metrics Planning and Reporting (MPAR) WG 10th Earth Science Data Systems Working Group Newport News, VA November, 2011

  2. MPARWG Changes • MPARWG was originally set up to ensure appropriate amount of reporting was included in the community data systems • Metrics had to be defined and tools established • MPARWG has been very successful • All six recommendations made by MPARWG since 2004 have been approved by HQ • MCT has been in place and fully operational • Metrics collection and reporting to HQ has, for some time, been a “routine” responsibility of the ESDIS Project • Given this, and the focus of ESDSWG on technology, standards and new missions, we will reconstitute MPARWG as follows: • “Active” members of current MPARWG will form a new Metrics Planning Group (MPG) • H. K. Ramapriyan (Rama), with responsibility in ESDIS Project to support Community Data Systems (CDS) programs, will call for ad hoc meetings of MPG as needed • Metrics and other reporting from CDS projects will continue to be ESDIS responsibility • Metrics planning and reporting will no longer be part of ESDSWG • Budget for MPG and reporting activities will be realigned to reflect this (an internal ESDIS change) • During this meeting we will continue topics from prior MPARWG meetings – product quality and citations metrics and make action plan to conclude these • Future agenda topics for MPG are TBD

  3. Metrics Planning Group • Membership in MPG • Open to NASA data and service provider community, but ad hoc groups set up depending on topics needing attention. • MEaSUREs projects PI’s and / or metrics points of contact will be informed of ad hoc topics and are welcome to participate. • Scope of Work • Provides recommendations regarding need for any new metrics when new Community Data Systems are identified. • Recommends additions, deletions or modifications to the set of metrics. Recommendations may be approved, modified or rejected by NASA HQ. If approved, NASA Science Mission Directorate (SMD) funded ES data and service providers will have to make recommended changes in their reporting.

  4. Players and Roles (1 of 2) • MPG- Review and recommend program-level performance metrics • H. (Rama) Ramapriyan (GSFC) and Clyde Brown (LaRC / SSAI) – Co-Chairs – set agenda, conduct business, gather and forward recommendations to Frank Lindsay for transmission to NASA HQ. • Martha Maiden (HQ) – Review recommendations, coordinate with HQ Program Managers, Program Scientists, Study Managers. Approve, disapprove or modify recommendations. • Steve Berrick (HQ) – Program Manager for ACCESS projects. Sets policies, reporting requirements. • MPG Members – participate (vigorously) in discussions preceding recommendations • Greg Hunolt (SGT) – support co-chairs in conducting business (e.g., keep minutes of meetings/telecons, “shepherd” recommendations through MPG voting process and prepare for approval)

  5. Players and Roles (2 of 2) • Metrics Collection and Reporting: • H. (Rama) Ramapriyan (GSFC) – Lead – Ensure collection of metrics from all activities (MEaSUREs / REASoN / ACCESS), development of summary reports required by HQ. • Randy Barth (ADNET) – Maintain web-based metrics collection tool (MCT) originally developed by UMD. • Kevin Murphy (GSFC), Natalie Pressley (Columbus) – Support MEaSUREs transition to metrics reporting via EMS (ESDIS Metrics System). • Martha Maiden (HQ) – Coordinate with HQ Program Managers, Program Scientists, Study Managers. Set policy, establish reporting requirements, liaison with OMB to provide overall summary reports of all NASA Earth science data system activities. • Steve Berrick (HQ) – ACCESS Program Manager – Sets policy for ACCESSes, establish reporting requirements. • MEaSUREs / REASoN / ACCESS Projects – Enter reports using metrics tools. • Greg Hunolt (Columbus) – Support Rama in contacting projects, resolving any technical issues, ensuring consistency, generating summary reports, and reporting status. • Jody Garner (ADNET) – Maintain operational web-site to collect metrics; provide technical help with web-site to reporting projects.

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