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Satellite Remote Sounding of CO 2 in the Upper Troposphere by the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder. M. T. Chahine 1 , Luke Chen 1 , Paul Dimotakis 2 , Xun Jiang 1 , Qinbin Li 1 , Edward T. Olsen 1 , Thomas Pagano 1 , James Randerson 3 and Yuk L.Yung 2 1. JPL, 2. Caltech, 3.UCI.
Satellite Remote Sounding of CO2 in the Upper Troposphere by the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder M. T. Chahine1, Luke Chen1, Paul Dimotakis2, Xun Jiang1, Qinbin Li1, Edward T. Olsen1, Thomas Pagano1, James Randerson3 and Yuk L.Yung2 1. JPL, 2. Caltech, 3.UCI California Institute of Technology EGU Apr 2008
Overview • Motivation • Validation of AIRS CO2 • Spatial Patterns of CO2 • Stratospheric Sudden Warming: Influence on CO2 and O3
Motivation • Improve the understanding of the global warming, large-scale dynamics and stratosphere-troposphere interactions • Offer a unique opportunity to validate and improve the vertical transport in the models
Data • AIRS CO2 and O3 • Aircraft Data of CO2 from Matsueda et al. [2002], Climate Monitoring & Diagnostics Laboratory (CMDL), and INTEX-NA; CO2 column data at Wisconsin [Washenfelder et al. 2006] • Ozonesonde data from World Ozone and Ultraviolet Data (WOUDC)
Comparison Between AIRS CO2 with Matsueda Aircraft Data JAL Flights (every two weeks) SD: -1.3 ± 0.45 ppmv CO2 retrieved by Vanishing Partial Derivatives (VPD) M. Chahine, C. Barnet, E.T. Olsen, L. Chen, and E. Maddy [2005, GRL]
Comparison Between AIRS CO2 with INTEX-NA Aircraft Data Comparison Accuracy 0.15 ± 0.71 ppmv
Comparison Between AIRS CO2 with Column CO2 at Park Fall
Overview • Motivation • Validation of AIRS CO2 • Spatial Patterns of CO2 • Stratospheric Sudden Warming: Influence on CO2 and O3
Version 5 VPD AIRS CO2 ● Matsueda CO2 aircraft data ● CMDL CO2 aircraft data ● Michada CO2 aircraft data —— Version 5 AIRS CO2 —— Count of Clusters —— CJCTM 2D (CMDL BC) —— GEOS-Chem 3D (CMDL BC) —— GEOS-Chem 3D (Source/Sink) —— MOZART2 (CMDL BC)
Spatial Pattern of CO2 500 hPa geopotential height & wind vectors from NCEP2 Reanalysis
Overview • Motivation • Validation of AIRS CO2 • Spatial Patterns of CO2 • Stratospheric Sudden Warming: Influence on CO2 and O3
Stratospheric Sudden Warming (SSW) • Strongest dynamical coupling between stratosphere and troposphere • During SSW: Polar stratospheric temperature rise and the circum-polar flow reverse direction in a few days • After SSW: Decrease of vortex area; Less downwelling in the polar region • Important influence on chemical tracers
Influence of Sudden Warming on Tracers Troposphere Outside Polar Vortex High CO2 Low O3 Inside Polar Vortex Low CO2 High O3 Circum-polar wind After SSW: Decrease of Vortex Area -----> High CO2 is transported into Pole Low O3 is transported into Pole Polar CO2 should increase and polar O3 should decrease after the final warming
Influence of Sudden Warming on Tracers Stratosphere Low CO2 High O3 Troposphere High CO2 Low O3 Circum-polar wind After SSW: Less Downwelling -----> Less stratospheric low CO2 (high O3) will be transported into troposphere Mid trop CO2 should increase and mid trop O3 should decrease after the final warming
Influence of Sudden Stratospheric Warming on CO2 and O3 AIRS- April 2003 ——Zonal Wind at 60N-80N - - - AIRS Temperature at 50N-90N ——AIRS Retrieved CO2 ——AIRS Retrieved O3 40 ppbv April 1 April 30 AIRS retrieved upper tropospheric CO2 increases while AIRS 300 mb O3 decreases following a sudden stratospheric warming event
Influence of Sudden Stratospheric Warming on CO2 and O3 AIRS- April 2003 ——Zonal Wind at 60N-80N - - - AIRS Temperature at 50N-90N ——AIRS Retrieved CO2 ——AIRS Retrieved O3 40 ppbv - - -Model CO2 - - -Model O3 April 1 April 30 AIRS retrieved upper tropospheric CO2 increases while AIRS 300 mb O3 decreases following a sudden stratospheric warming event
Before SSW After SSW CO2 O3 Contour: NCEP2 GPH at 500 hPa
AIRS CO2 (Apr 2003) AIRS O3 (Apr 2003)
Conclusions • With AIRS, we monitor the distribution and transport of global CO2 on a weekly basis for the first time. • The latitudinal distribution of AIRS retrievals of upper tropospheric CO2 agrees reasonably well with in situ aircraft observations of CO2 and model simulations. • Significant spatiotemporal variability in the AIRS CO2. • AIRS retrieved upper tropospheric CO2 increases while AIRS 300 mb O3 decreases following a sudden stratospheric warming event. References: Chahine et al., GRL, doi:2005GL024165, 2005. Jiang et al., JAS, 64, 2751-2755, 2007. Jiang et al., Submitted to GBC, 2007. Chahine et al., Submitted to Science, 2008.