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Review of UCARIS: Developing a Research Information System for a Specialist Arts Institution

Review of UCARIS: Developing a Research Information System for a Specialist Arts Institution. Thursday 11 th July Open Repositories 2013. Who I am Why I’m here Topic and range of this presentation. Introduction. Image 1. Stairway to REF heaven. Information about UCA RAE 2008

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Review of UCARIS: Developing a Research Information System for a Specialist Arts Institution

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Review of UCARIS: Developing a Research Information System for a Specialist Arts Institution Thursday 11th July Open Repositories 2013

  2. Who I am Why I’m here Topic and range of this presentation Introduction

  3. Image 1 Stairway to REF heaven

  4. Information about UCA RAE 2008 manual data input time consuming mainly paper-based Recommendations Prelude

  5. Image 2 Pre UCARIS scenario

  6. “As well as being critical for the REF submission, the vision behind the implementation of UCARIS using EPrints is that there should be “one input, many outputs”, thus reducing the burden on researchers, academics and administrators in producing publications lists and data reports for many different purposes.” (Silva: 2010) Step one – the vision

  7. UCA Research Online

  8. Staff profile

  9. Staff output and gallery page

  10. Timeline for UCARIS

  11. UCARIS conceptual model

  12. Survey of commercial and open source applications Scoping analysis Working with integrating LDAP and UCA Research Online Phase 1, Sept. 2010 – July 2011

  13. Setting up of ePrints REF plugin Pilot HR testing Integration with UCA systems Phase 2, Aug. 2011 – July 2012

  14. Development for finalised reporting for REF submission Demonstration to Research Office staff Submission of completed outputs to REF Phase 3, Aug. 2012 – July 2013

  15. UCARIS interfaces

  16. UCARIS

  17. A system in place to support submissions to REF Increased internal and external visibility of research Efficiency UCARIS - impact and benefit

  18. Communication between departments has improved Key to success is the involvement of stakeholders Submission for future HEFCE research assessment exercises Lessons learned and the future

  19. RAE 2008REF 2014 manual data input some manual data input time consuming streamlined mainly paper based mainly electronic RAE 2008 and REF 2014

  20. Image 3 Pre UCARIS scenario

  21. Image 4 Post UCARIS, REF 2014

  22. Step one - why develop UCARIS? Step two – development of UCARIS Step three – impact and benefit Coda – three steps to REF heaven

  23. Image 5 Stairway to REF Heaven

  24. Carlos Silva VADS ePrints staff Leigh Garrett VADS Library and Student Services Staff Professor Lesley Millar Research Office Staff UCA Acknowledgements

  25. Image credits Diagrams Timeline for UCARIS – Spalding, A. (2013) Timeline for UCARIS UCARIS framework – Silva, C. (2010) UCARIS Framework UCARIS interfaces – Silva, C. (2011) UCARIS Interfaces Images Images 1 and 5 Stairway to Heaven – z0h3. (2011) Stairway to Heaven At: http://z0h3.deviantart.com/art/Stairway-to-heaven-212430230 [accessed 10.06.2013] Images 2 and 3 Messy Office – Well Read Hostess. (2009) Messy Office At: http://wellreadhostess.com/2009/06/page/2/ Image 4 Tidy Office – Be An Original. (2007) Tidy Office At: http://beanoriginal.net/the-benefits-of-a-clean-desk-and-a-tidy-office/ [accessed 16.06.2013] Bibliography Silva, C. (2010) Business Case and Strategic Development Fund bid for the development of UCARIS University for the Creative Arts Research Information System “One input, many outputs” Silva, C. (2012). UCARIS Project Update http//ucaris.ucreative.ac.uk [accessed 16.06.2013] http://www.ucreative.ac.uk/[accessed 16.06.2013] Image credits and bibliography

  26. Thank you Contact details: Carlos Silvacsilva@ucreative.ac.uk Anne Spalding maspalding@ucreative.ac.uk

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