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New framework: Integration of observations and mechanical analysis

New framework: Integration of observations and mechanical analysis Builds on traditional courses that emphasize descriptive terminology, geometric techniques and kinematics “What methodology should we adopt to solve the problems of structural geology?”

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New framework: Integration of observations and mechanical analysis

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  1. GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  2. New framework: Integration of observations and mechanical analysis • Builds on traditional courses that emphasize descriptive terminology, geometric techniques and kinematics • “What methodology should we adopt to solve the problems of structural geology?” • “What are the fundamental constructs* that must be acknowledged and honored?” *conservation laws of mass, momentum, and energy combined with constitutive laws for material behavior and the kinematic relationships for strain and rate of deformation. • Contributions: • Natural resource discovery, assessment of natural hazards, and management of the environment • Intellectural and aesthetic pleasure GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  3. Motivations and opportunities • Earthquake hazards in California • Radar lineaments on Venus • Faulting in the North Sea • Anticracks in France • Mountain building on the Colorado Plateau GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology Photos from textbook web site.

  4. Responsibility of relevance GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  5. GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  6. Contributions forom geology, geodesy, geophysics: integrate for comprehensive view GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  7. Different views of an earthquake rupture: shear zone, different processes, and heterogeneity GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  8. Seismological model of the rupture GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  9. GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  10. GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  11. GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  12. GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  13. GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  14. GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  15. GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  16. GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  17. GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  18. GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  19. How does deformation relate to state of stress? Why do fractures initiate, propagate, and arrest where they do? GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  20. Hillers GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  21. GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  22. GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  23. Equilibrium analysis of Gilbert Hypothesis: Deeper laccoliths are wider because of need to have great area to push up against increasing weight of overburden. F=ma; Newton’s second law Pmpa2 Magma pushing up S2pad Shear resistance of faults Pwpa2 Overburden pushing down (Pm–Pw)pa2–2Sad = 0 a = 2dS/(Pm-Pw) GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

  24. Concluding remarks • Strategy for understanding complex tectonic processes: combine observations with conceptual and numerical models • Reductionism: break complex processes into their fundamental elements, analyze, then reassemble • Role of structural geology in society GLG510 Advanced Structural Geology

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