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Collegial Conversations – CCLS/RTTT Implementation. RTTT Admin Summer Institute Day 1 - July 29, 2014 10:40 – 11:55 a.m. Room A4. Agenda. Objective I can collaborate with my colleagues and consider possible solutions to common problems related to CCLS / RTTT implementation.
Collegial Conversations – CCLS/RTTT Implementation RTTT Admin Summer Institute Day 1 - July 29, 2014 10:40 – 11:55 a.m. Room A4 EngageNY.org
Agenda • Objective • I can collaborate with my colleagues and consider possible solutions to common problems related to CCLS / RTTT implementation. • Review Possible Topics • Suggest Possible Topics • Review Protocol & Schedule • Discuss (25 min. per topic) • Close EngageNY.org
Possible Topics NYS Modules … concerns/ district non-negotiables? Crafting /refining curriculum? (how to ensure rigor / fidelity to CCLS?) Building benchmarks / formative assessments – considerations? Vocabulary – developing building consistency? Independent reading / SSR policies - TIME Summer Reading issues ? Resource Issues (books? , time / schedule?) Other…. EngageNY.org
Conversation Cafe Agreements for a Great Conversation • Open-mindedness: listen to and respect all points of view • Acceptance: suspend judgment as best you can • Curiosity: seek to understand rather than persuade • Discovery: question old assumptions, look for new insights • Sincerity: speak for yourself about what has personal heart and meaning • Brevity: go for honesty and depth, but don’t go on and on EngageNY.org
Preparation: The host will have nametags (opt.), paper and pencil (for note-taking), an object (something symbolic or just handy) that is held by the person speaking, and perhaps a centerpiece (a Conversation Café table tent or a mini checkered table cloth for quick identification, etc.). • Welcome: The host welcomes everyone, states the topic for the café, reads the agreements, sets an ending time, and maybe calls for a moment of silence to relax, reflect and become open. EngageNY.org
Round one: Each person speaks in turn, going around the circle once. Each person holds the talking object while they speak. During this round, everyone says their name and speaks briefly about what is on their minds regarding the topic. Anyone may pass if they don’t want to speak. Everyone is asked to express themselves fully yet succinctly, allowing time for others to speak. No feedback or response. EngageNY.org
Round two: Now that everyone has been introduced, the group goes around the circle again. If someone wants to respond to another’s remarks, they can do so in their own turn. Each person holds the talking object. To allow more time for conversation, keep remarks brief, possibly just naming the theme or subjects you want to delve into more deeply. Again, no feedback or response. EngageNY.org
Spirited Dialogue: Now the conversation opens up and people can speak in no particular order. This conversation will take up most of the time. If there is domination, contention, or lack of focus, the host may suggest that the group again use the talking object. Keep in mind the agreements. • Closing: A few minutes before the end of the Café, the host will ask everyone to go around the circle again, giving each a chance to say briefly what they are taking away from the conversation. EngageNY.org
Schedule • 10:40 – 10:50– Overview & Topic Selection • 4-6 people / table • 10:55 – 11:20 – Round 1 (25 min.) SWITCH • 11:25 – 11:50 – Round 2 (25 min.) • Final Feedback • Content • Process EngageNY.org
Curriculum Ensure that lesson design, planned scaffolding, supports, and interventions maximize student thinking, analysis, and problem solving and constantly target the standards. Collaborate with colleagues on the best ways to adapt lessons plans to meet the needs of all students while still targeting grade level standards. Make curricular planning decisions for any English Language Learners (ELLs) using the Bilingual Common Core Progressions.
Instruction Make real-time decisions that maximize student thinking/ analysis, and problem solving. Reflect and act on feedback provided.
Data Driven Instruction Conduct test/task/ student-work-in-hand analysis meetings that follow a protocol such as the Analysis Meeting Protocol. Carefully discuss appropriate scaffolds/ supports for any students who are struggling against specific standards and push each other’s thinking to ensure student growth during all planned activities. Re-teach/ adjust teaching practice based on analysis of student progress against the Common Core State Standards
APPR Implementation Reflect and act on feedback provided on growth areas in practice and act on Teacher Improvement Plan when appropriate.
Culture of Safety & Development Communicate and foster an environment in which growth is a process that involves risk taking, making mistakes, and perseverance for students and colleagues Work with parents/families to help them to understand the Common Core State Standards and assessments. Provide access points for parents/families to understand shifts in instruction/ math progressions/ expectations for students like the ideas and resources accumulating on the parent page on EngageNY.org. Communicate specific, standards based areas of growth and development so that parents/families can track their students’ learning.