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Engaging Students in Research: Procedures and Considerations

Discover how teachers involve students as researchers with developmentally appropriate activities, teaching research methods, activating background knowledge, and allowing think time. Explore community-specific projects at different grade levels to compare everyday life, understand cultural influences, and analyze demographic patterns.

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Engaging Students in Research: Procedures and Considerations

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  1. * What do students do when they are "researching"? • It is learning by doing. (John Dewey) • It is in doing that we learn best. (Aristotle) • Hands on, minds on. • “Real” questions engage students.

  2. What different procedures or considerations should a teacher make for involving students as researchers? • Developmentally appropriate activities. • Procedures (research methods) have to be taught. • Background knowledge must be activated and/or developed. • Allow “think time” for students.

  3. K-2 CommunitySpecific Projects • Standard: Students compare and contrast everyday life in different times and places. • Project: Oral HistoriesK- Invite Community Elder to Classroom • 1-2 - Students conduct oral interviews • Students compare and contrast the area they currently live in with how it changed over time.

  4. Grades 3/4 - CommunitySpecific Projects • Standard: Students identify the human & physical characteristics of the places they are studying. • How do natural resources affect culture? • Why was Sacramento chosen as a major population area and the capital of the state?

  5. Grades 5/6 - CommunitySpecific Projects • Standard: Students identify the human and physical characteristics and understand how those characteristics define place. • The “Nation” and “World” Communities. • Population - Migration patterns/trends. • Analyzing census information.

  6. Are research projects conducted differently at primary grades compared to upper grades? • Primary - more teacher directedtopic and materials provided by teacher • Intermediate - more student directedteacher provides topic, students provide research questions. • Upper grades - independentstudents select topic & questions, use teacher as resource

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