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University Museums and Archives Portal — Welcome to the Portal of the University of Ferrara Museum and Archive System.
University Museums and Archives Portal — Welcome to the Portal of the University of Ferrara Museum and Archive System • Detail of a watercoloured woodcut in Leonhard Fuchs, De historia stirpium commentarii insignes, maximis impensis et vigiliis elaborati [...] , Basileae, in officina Isingriniana, 1542 (from the University of Ferrara Special Collections of books). Pagina italiana corrispondente: http://www.unife.it/ateneo/sma
The specialcollectionsofhistorical interest Unife willpreserveeveryevidenceconcerning the historyof the University, asregardsboth the CentralGovernment and the scientific and cultural life ofFaculties, Schools, Departments and Centres. The University willkeepsafe and enhance the natural and cultural heritagewithinitscompetence, includingscientificinstruments. Indeed, article 37 of the Unife RegulationforAdministration and Accounting includes the “individualgoods and collectionsof historical, archaeological and artistic interest” in thespecialcollectionsofhistorical interest. Specialcollections: books (descriptionsonlyavailable in Italian) Botany Chemistry EarthSciences EvolutionaryBiology HumanAnatomy LegalSciences Mathematics Physics Specialcollections: scientificinstruments (descriptionsonlyavailable in Italian) Chemistry PharmaceuticalSciences Physics Ancientfurnitureof the Navarra Pharmacy (descriptiononlyavailableinItalian) Pagina italiana corrispondente: http://www.unife.it/ateneo/sma/le-collezioni
The museums Museo di Paleontologia e Preistoria “P. Leonardi” (Paleontology and Prehistory Museum “P. Leonardi”) The museum was founded in 1964 as a sort of laboratory intended to complete the university classes and it is divided into 4 sections: Vertebrate paleontology, Prehistory, Invertebrate paleontology and Historical geology. It was created by the Venetian geologist and paleontologist Piero Leonardi, the first professor of Geology at the University of Ferrara. Museum webpages (only available in Italian) Museo Anatomico “G. Tumiati” (Anatomy Museum “G. Tumiati”) Even if it is a small museum when compared to the anatomy museums of other universities, Unife is proud of this institution, as a proof of the progress in medical sciences which has taken place in Ferrara since the Renaissance. The museum can be visited by prior appointment withProf. Silvano Capitani, Head of the Human Anatomy Section. Museum description (only available in Italian) Orto Botanico (Botanic Garden) Thanks to the Reform by Pope Clement XIV, in 1771 the University of Ferrara had the chance to establish its own Botanic Garden. Nowadays the Unife Botanic Garden is still extremely helpful in teaching activities for students attending not only university courses but also secondary and primary schools. Furthermore, activities and events for all citizens are organized. The Botanic Garden is open from Mondays to Fridays from 9am to 1 pm; admission is free. Botanic garden webpages Pagina italiana corrispondente: http://www.unife.it/ateneo/sma/i-musei
The temporaryexhibitions Temporary exhibitions hall, Palazzo Turchi di Bagno Corso Ercole I d’Este 32 – Ferrara 8 November - 21 December 2011 The exhibition has been EXTENDED until 27 January 2012 Opening hours Monday - Thursday, 9am - 6pm Friday, 9am - 4.30pm Past exhibitionsNext exhibitions Pagina italiana corrispondente: http://www.unife.it/ateneo/sma/mostre-temporanee
The archives Archivio generale (Generalarchive) The University of Ferrara generalarchive is made up of the recordsthathavebeenproducedsince 1942 by the Rectorateoffices and the administrative and teachingstructures (BoardofDirectors, AcademicSenate, FacultyCouncils). GeneralArchivewebpage (onlyavailable in Italian) Archivio storico (Historicalarchive) The historicalarchivecomprises the recordsof the University of Ferrara datingfromitsfoundation (1391) to 1942, whenitbecame a State University. HistoricalArchivewebpage (onlyavailable in Italian) Archivio Arch. Carlo Savonuzzi (Carlo SavonuzziArchitectarchive) The engineer and architect Carlo Savonuzzi (1897-1973) worked in Ferrara from 1922 to 1965 and becameoneof the mostimportantprofessionals in this area. Hisdaughter, Ms Gloria Savonuzzi, donatedherfather’s papers and drawingsto the University of Ferrara DepartmentofArchitecture. Carlo SavonuzziArchitectarchivewebpage (onlyavailable in Italian) Pagina italiana corrispondente: http://www.unife.it/ateneo/sma/gli-archivi
Our services [We are still working on this page, please come back later] Pagina italiana corrispondente: http://www.unife.it/ateneo/sma/i-nostri-servizi
Suggestions and complaints Users feedback is a key tool to improve the quality of Unife Museums services. If you want to report service problems or make suggestions, please download this form, fill it in and email it to info.sma@unife.it Pagina italiana corrispondente: http://www.unife.it/ateneo/sma/suggerimenti-e-reclami
Organisation of the Museum and Archive System Unife believes that museums, archives and naturalistic heritage are key resources for research and teaching, as well as they are historical heritage of public interest. History and organisation Projects Pagina italiana corrispondente: http://www.unife.it/ateneo/sma/lorganizzazione-del-sma
History and organisation As stated in itsStatutes, Unife willkeepsafe and enhance the natural and cultural heritagewithinitscompetence, includinghistoricalcollections and scientificinstruments. Unife willpreserveeveryevidenceconcerning the historyof the University, asregardsboth the CentralGovernment and the scientific and cultural life ofFaculties, Schools, Departments and Centres. The University of Ferrara Museum and Archive System (SMA) wasestablished in ordertogivearrangementsfor the governance of the universitymuseums. The SMA is also in chargeto coordinate and improve the effectiveness and efficiencyof the museumsservices, suchascataloguing, preserving and enhancing the natural and cultural heritage. Please, see the Regulationof SMA (onlyavailable in Italian). Pagina italiana corrispondente: http://www.unife.it/ateneo/sma/lorganizzazione-del-sma/organizzazione-del-sma/storia-e-organizzazione
Projects Ongoingprojects - Reviewing the Regulationof SMA after the approvalof the new Unife Statutes - Displaying the Carlo SavonuzziArchitect private archiveheldby the Library ofArchitecture (in collaborationwith the DepartmentofArchitecture) - Cataloguing the University of Ferrara musealgoodswithin the SIGEC project, promotedby the ItalianMinistry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and supported by CRUI (Conference of Italian University Rectors). Nextprojects - Accreditationof the Paleontology and PrehistoryMuseum “P. Leonardi”, the Botanic Garden and the AnatomyMuseum “G. Tumiati” by the regional authority - Creationof a Museumcontainingall the scientificcollectionsofhistorical interest heldby Unife. This museum is supposedtobehosted in the restored-to-be Palazzo Turchi di Bagno in via Ercole I d’Este. Pagina italiana corrispondente: http://www.unife.it/ateneo/sma/lorganizzazione-del-sma/organizzazione-del-sma/progetti-1