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Wetlands and Waterways Permits

This guide provides an overview of the permit process for wetlands and waterways, including information on jurisdiction, exemptions, streamlined permits, and mitigation. It also offers tips for avoiding common pitfalls and preventing violations.

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Wetlands and Waterways Permits

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Patti Caswell Statewide Wetlands/Permits Program Coordinator Geo-Environmental, ODOT Wetlands and Waterways Permits

  2. Overview • The main actors: DSL and the Corps • A recommended decision sequence to navigate the permit process • Avoiding permit process potholes • Tools and references

  3. DSL Waters of the state • Essential salmon habitat • Non-essential salmon habitat State Removal-Fill Law DSL Factoids • Admin. rule timeframes to issue • 50 cy permit threshold in non-essential habitat Permit types • General Authorizations • General Permits (new) • Removal-Fill Permits

  4. Corps of Engineers Waters of the U.S. • 404 waters • Section 10 waters • Navigable waters Section 404 Clean Water Act Section 10 Rivers and Harbors Act Corps Factoids • No hard timeframes to issue permits • No permit volume thresholds • ESA compliance critical • Tribal consultation critical Permit types • Nationwide • Regional General • Individual

  5. Basic permit questions • Do I need a permit for this project? • If so, what are the requirements to obtain it? • How long will it take to get?

  6. A recommended decision sequence

  7. A recommended decision sequence • Is the project area jurisdictional? • If yes, does an exemption apply? • If a permit is required, do we qualify for a “streamlined” permit? • Is mitigation required?

  8. Fresh Waters Tidal Waters Removal-Fill Law Removal-Fill Law & Removal-Fill Law Uplands Section 404 Section 404 Uplands Section 10 Section 10 if navigable High Tide Line Mean High Water OHWL Ground Water Line Freshwater Wetlands Coastal Wetlands Tidelands Streams, ponds, lakes, some ditches 1a. Jurisdiction (cartoon version)

  9. 1b. Jurisdiction example Willamette R. Wetlands N OHWL High flow channel above OHW (not regulated) Upland (not regulated) Coast Fork Bridge, I-5 Willamette River, Lane Co.

  10. Roadside ditch Drainage ditch 1c. Challenging jurisdictional features “Dry” Wetlands

  11. 2. Do exemptions apply? • Culvert replacements • cleaning sediment from barrel • installing larger diameter barrel within the road prism • Not for: • temporary road access fills • stream realignment • sand bag dams for temporary water management?

  12. 2. Do exemptions apply? • Repair/maintenance of transportation structures • repair of road scour that had riprap • scour around structures that had riprap • Not for: • relocating structures • scour that was unprotected

  13. 3a. Do we fit a “streamlined” permit? • DSL • General authorizations ~ mini individual permits • General Permits (new and untried) • Corps • Nationwide Permits • Regional General Permits

  14. DEQ SWMP SHPO OK DEQ 401 Cert Tribal OK NMFS BiOp - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1 3b. Permit application timing ~ -3 wks Final JPA Items In DSL/Corps Individual Permit GA & NWP Permit target date JPA submittal time before target date (months)

  15. 4. Mitigation • Avoid impacts • Minimize unavoidable impacts • Rectify temporary impacts • Compensate for permanent unavoidable impacts • Mitigation banks – first priority • Fee in lieu – second priority • Physical mitigation site – last option unless a low cost, low risk option is available

  16. Avoiding permit process potholes

  17. Typical potholes • Timing of wetland delineation/jurisdictional determinations • Incomplete applications • Negative public comments during app review • Final completeness items missing before permit issuance • Surprise permit conditions

  18. Preventing violations No work zone Construction Fencing Wetland Contract special provisions • No equipment • No driving • No disturbance • Prevent sediment discharge into NWZ

  19. For detailed info— • ODOT Geo-Environmental E-guide • http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/GEOENVIRONMENTAL/e_guide.shtml • ODOT Geo-Environmental Wetlands and Permits Manual • http://www.oregon.gov/ODOT/HWY/WETMANUAL/

  20. End

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