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CS.Time - Powerful Time & Attendance Software

CS.Time is a versatile time and attendance package customizable to your business needs. Manage workforce, payroll effortlessly with features like clocking, HR, access control, and more.

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CS.Time - Powerful Time & Attendance Software

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  1. CS Time is a powerful and flexible time and attendance package that can be customized to your needs without compromising on ease of use.

  2. CS Time – Features Overview • CS Time does so much more than just record clocking’s and calculating the total time worked. It can be one of your company's most powerful tools to manage your workforce and payroll. • With modules for: • ∙ Time & Attendance ∙ Human Recourses • ∙ Access Control ∙ Rostering • ∙ Job Costing ∙ Leave & Public Holidays

  3. CS Time – Time & Attendance Overview • The core of CS Time is time and attendance. It´s easy to use with a large number of features to give you quick and accurate results

  4. Employee management at your fingertips • See which employees are clocked In or Out by just viewing the list of employees: a green or red arrow indicates their current status. • Access individual employee clocking’s, hours, leave, rostering and HR information from the Browse Employees window.

  5. Easy adjustment of Clocking’s and Hours: • Clocking times are collected from electronic time clocks automatically through our live communications to calculate employee hours according to predefined shift rules. Missing clocking’s can be added, clocking times can be removed or changed while a record of the original clocking date and time is kept. Audit logging can be enabled for each operator login to stamp changes made within the system for audit tracking.

  6. Processed hours can be overridden or hours can be added or subtracted from the processed record. CS Time can be configured to require a reason for any manual changes or additions to the clocking’s and hours. An optional auditlog can track who made these changes and when.

  7. Track Exceptions: • Track employee late coming, early departures, extended lunch breaks and absenteeism easily in CS Time. Custom warnings can be created to flag almost any type of anomaly. These warnings or exceptions can be viewed on a 12 month calendar or even as a graph in certain CS Time Versions. You can pull detailed exception or warning reports from the system for a group of employees such as a department, a custom selection of employees or per employee.

  8. Leave and Public Holidays: • Keep record in CS Time Software of your employee leave to export leave hours to payroll or to allow CS Time to correctly calculate overtime at the end of your payroll period. Leave can be viewed and added or changed on a graphical leave planner. • View 12 months at one time for an individual employee or 1 month for a group of employees. You can add custom leave types into the Software or change the names of the default types in CS Time. • There is no limit to the number of leave types one can add into the system. Leave can be configured to be paid or unpaid, subtract from days earned or not subtracted, even the leave type colours can be configured to your own choices.

  9. Importing from various file formats also exist within the Software to allow the operator to import leave balances or leave records into the software, this is done to eliminate capturing the same information twice. Leave information can also be exported to external Payroll Software Packages.

  10. Reporting: • CS Time ships with a large number of default text and graphical reports. Draw a report on something as simple as a list of the employees to a timesheet which lists the employee clocking’s, leave and hours for the selected period. Existing reports can be customized or new reports can be created by your CS Time supplier. Reports can be printed to a printer, screen, file or emailed as an attachment. You can print a report to a PDF, MS Word or MS Excel file. Reports can also be scheduled to be printed at specified times and dates and your supervisors can have their reports in their Inbox when they get into work with automatic email scheduling straight from the software.

  11. Shift Rules and Hours Processing: • Up to 25 time categories and 255 time rates can be created. With the Job Costing Module, CS Time can even cater for when your employees are paid different rates according to which department or cost centrethey work in. • Pay your employees to the minute or round their hours to 5, 10, 15 minutes for example. • Balance employee overtime ie: CS Time can fill an employee's expected normal hours with the employees available overtime if the employee did not work his total expected normal hours. • Deductions of unpaid breaks such as lunch times can be done automatically within the software. 

  12. Export to Payroll: • Import your employee payroll hours into your payroll system in a matter of minutes. It is as simple as printing a report. CS Time can export to SAP, VIP, Pastel, Accsys, MCS, APay, Unique, Workforce, MYOB, chris21, Quickbooks, Wage Easy, Sage and QED to name but a few. If your payroll can accept a flat ASCII file or CSV file, the chances are excellent that we can export to it.

  13. Software Security: • Access to personal information can be restricted according to the CS Time Software Operator Login Details. Operators can be prevented from viewing sensitive HR information, changing clocking’s, changing hours or adding leave and more. You can also limit an operator to only view and maintain a certain group of employees.

  14. CS Time Features - Human Resources • The HR module allows you to access employee information like contact details, dependent information, employee training, employment history, etc. from a central point. • Links to external documents makes it easy to organize and find the information at short notice. • Access to sensitive information can be limited by the operators login.

  15. Record any disciplinary action taken against an employee, whether it is verbal or written. You can create offense and action codes according to your requirements. Record the date, witnesses, the hearing status, details of the offense and hearing and link any external documents to a disciplinary record.

  16. Create a record for each piece of equipment (tools, laptops, software, etc.) that you may hand out to your employees to use. Each Equipment Issued record contains the date and time issued, the serial number, condition, by whom it was issued and when it is expected to be returned by. When the equipment is returned, record the date returned, to whom it was returned and the condition returned in.

  17. Track employee promotions or changes in job descriptions. Create as many Position Codes as you like and record the employee notice period, probation period and contract status. • Some of your staff may receive training in specialized fields which requires re-certification every few years. Training records includes the result of the training, duration, location and the expiry date. You can also create a link to a copy of the employees certificate or to the course details.

  18. Use the HR module to keep track of important documents related to any of your employees like driving licenses, passports, identity documents, etc. If you have scanned copied of these documents, just create a link to each. Keep any additional information on your employee under the Notes section.

  19. CS Time Features - Access Control • Why spend money on an additional access control system if your time and attendance hardware and software includes optional access control functionality?

  20. Access Rights prevents unauthorized access to sensitive areas e.g. clean rooms and cash offices; or it can prevent employees from clocking in at a clock other than the one in their department.

  21. Time Zones prevent employees from accessing an area or clocking in for time and attendance purposes at certain times of the day.

  22. These features can be set on device and employee level e.g. one employee can swipe on a clock for time and attendance while another would be able to swipe on the same device to open a door into a restricted area.

  23. Anti-passback and pathing controls the movement of your employees, for example: employees will not be allowed to clock out at turnstiles unless they clocked out at their time and attendance stations.

  24. CS Time Features - Web Interface • The CS Time web interface allows you to access your time and attendance data via a web enabled device without having to install additional software. • CS Time has a built-in web server available on level Enterprise. Unlike terminal service no user licenses are required for your CS Time users.

  25. With the web interface each supervisor can correct their employees´ clocking’s, roster shifts and draw reports, making less work for your payroll administrator. Overriding employee hours in the web interface is even easier than in CS Time itself!

  26. When an employee applies for leave an e-mail is sent to the supervisor for approval. The supervisor can approve or reject the application without having to log into the web interface. The employee will receive an e-mail when the leave application has been approved or rejected.

  27. CS Timeclock • 3370 Fingerprint Model: • The 3370 was designed for larger sites which requires access control. • Employees can clock using a PIN number and or a proximity card / tag and or their fingerprints. • Designed to function with CS Time Software

  28. Features • Integrated keypad reader, proximity reader and fingerprint reader. • Fingerprint identification and verification. • The reader in the 3370 uses Liveness Detection and will only respond to a human finger.  • Three relays to trigger sirens or electronic door locks and turnstiles, etc. • Supports Time and Attendance, Access Control and Job Costing.

  29. Lumidigm Multispectral Imaging • This is a patented technology that uses multiple spectrums of light to identify unique fingerprint characteristics from the surface of the skin as well as subdermal layers. This makes the fingerprint identification process more reliable and results in the best liveness detection capability in the industry.

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