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Norovirus Challenge: Facts, Prevention, and Response Guide

Dive into the world of norovirus with essential information on prevention, handling outbreaks, and response protocols. Stay informed, stay safe!

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Norovirus Challenge: Facts, Prevention, and Response Guide

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  1. The Norovirus Challenge! Norovirus Facts Prevent Assemble Respond Total Cleanup 100 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500 500 Bonus Question

  2. Norovirus Facts- 100 Norovirus can be spread by • Contaminated food and water • Person-to-person • By airborne particles • All of the above • None of the above Answer

  3. Norovirus Facts- 200 Norovirus can spread through tiny particles from nearby vomit through the air to food and surfaces for up to • 25 inches • 25 feet • 25 yards • All of the above • None of the above Answer

  4. Norovirus Facts- 300 Norovirus symptoms include • Vomiting and diarrhea • Rash and congestion • Blurred vision and difficulty swallowing • All of the above • None of the above Answer

  5. Norovirus Facts- 400 Norovirus can be killed by • Freezing • An approved sanitizer safe for food contact surfaces • Immediate contact with stainless steel surfaces • Use of a EPA-approved disinfectant-strength chemical • All of the above Answer

  6. Norovirus Facts- 500 People infected with norovirus are contagious • Only when symptoms are active • Only before symptoms appear • From the moment they begin feeling ill to at least 3 days after recovery • B and C • None of the above Answer

  7. Prevent- 100 Which will NOT prevent the spread of norovirus? • Frequent handwashing • Bare hand contact with ready-to-eat foods • Reporting symptoms, like vomiting and diarrhea, to you director • All of the above • None of the above Answer

  8. Prevent- 200 Which symptoms must be reported to your facility’s director? • Diarrhea • Jaundice • Sore throat with fever • Exposure to norovirus • All of the above Answer

  9. Prevent- 300 Proper handwashing involves • Using soap and warm water • Scrubbing hands and exposed arms • At least 20 seconds of time to complete • All of the above • B and C only Answer

  10. Prevent- 400 Norovirus prevention is the responsibility of • Child care directors • Teachers and caregivers • Food service employees • B and C • All of the above Answer

  11. Prevent- 500 A foodservice employee has diarrhea. What should the director do? • Prevent the employee from handling food and food contact surfaces • Require the employee to work while wearing gloves • Exclude the employee completely from work • A and B only • None of the above Answer

  12. Assemble- 100 Which item is NOT personal protective equipment? • Disposable gown • Disposable gloves • Face mask with eye protection or goggles • Plastic garbage bag • All of the above are Answer

  13. Assemble- 200 Which piece of personal protective equipment would protect you from aerosolized particles of norovirus? • Disposable gown • Disposable gloves • Disposable shoe covers • Face mask with eye protection or goggles • None of the above Answer

  14. Assemble- 300 Which item is NOT in a body fluid cleanup kit? • Bucket and spray bottle • Paper towels • Hand sanitizer • Plastic garbage bag & twist-ties • All of the above are Answer

  15. Assemble- 400 If chlorine bleach is used, how much will be mixed into 1 gallon of water for the necessary concentration? • 1/2 cup • 1 1/2 cups • 2 1/5 cups • 2-3 cups • None of the above Answer

  16. Assemble- 500 Which is NOT part of a Body Fluid Cleanup Kit? • Sanitizer • Disposable paper towels • Plastic garbage bag • EPA-approved disinfectant • All of the above Answer

  17. Respond- 100 What is the FIRST step in responding to a vomiting incident? • Cover the area with absorbent material • Clean the area with disposable paper towels, detergent and water • Remove all individuals within a 25 foot radius and ask them to immediately wash their hands • Saturate the area with disinfectant • Saturate the area with sanitizer Answer

  18. Respond- 200 Which statement is correct? • Any employee in the vicinity of a vomiting incident should respond immediately. • Food being prepared nearby should be covered and put away before cleanup begins. • Start with immediately covering the waste. • Stop all foodservice operations including preparation and service. • All of the above Answer

  19. Respond- 300 If bleach is used what precaution should be taken? • Ensure the solution is 5000 parts per million • Prepare and use in a well ventilated area • Wear personal protective equipment to mix and use • All of the above • None of the above Answer

  20. Respond- 400 During and after the cleanup response, waste, paper towels, gloves and other disposable items should be placed into a • A nearby trash can • A dumpster • A garbage bag and taken to a pre-determined disposal area • All of the above • None of the above Answer

  21. Respond- 500 The best way to prevent spreading germs while re-gloving during a cleanup incident is to • Pull each glove back by the inside cuff until it comes off inside-out • Dispose of gloves in a garbage bag • Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and water before reapplying clean gloves • All of the above • None of the above Answer

  22. Total Cleanup - 100 Food within 25 feet of a vomiting cleanup incident should be • Returned to refrigeration to prevent temperature abuse during cleanup efforts • Thrown away • Re-washed or reheated before serving • All of the above • None of the above Answer

  23. Total Cleanup - 200 After responding to a body fluid cleanup incident you should • Clean and disinfect non-disposable items used in cleanup • Wash soiled uniforms with hot water and dry on the hot setting • Wash your hands, exposed arms, and face • All of the above • None of the above Answer

  24. Total Cleanup - 300 For food contact surfaces treated with disinfectant, it is important to • Use a clear water rinse • Use only disinfectant for the next 1-2 days • Remove and replace these items • All of the above • None of the above Answer

  25. Total Cleanup - 400 When cleanup is complete the Body Fluid Cleanup kit should be • Restocked before storing in the designated location • Stored in the food prep area for easy access • Inspected by the local Health Department • All of the above • None of the above Answer

  26. Total Cleanup - 500 After the disinfecting cleanup response, the final step for food contact surfaces is to • Wash, rinse and sanitize using an EPA-approved disinfectant • Wash, rinse and sanitize using an approved sanitizer safe for food contact surfaces • Exclude the employee that performed cleanup from working for 48 hours • All of the above • None of the above Answer

  27. Bonus Question What does the acronym P. A. R. T. stand for? Answer

  28. Norovirus Facts- 100 d. All of the above Table

  29. Norovirus Facts- 200 b. 25 feet Table

  30. Norovirus Facts- 300 • Vomiting and diarrhea Table

  31. Norovirus Facts- 400 d. Use of a EPA-approved disinfectant-strength chemical Table

  32. Norovirus Facts- 500 c. From the moment they begin feeling ill to at least 3 days after recovery Table

  33. Prevent- 100 b. Bare hand contact with ready-to-eat foods Table

  34. Prevent- 200 e. All of the above Table

  35. Prevent- 300 d. All of the above Table

  36. Prevent- 400 e. All of the above Table

  37. Prevent- 500 c. Exclude the employee completely from work Table

  38. Assemble- 100 d. Plastic garbage bag Table

  39. Assemble- 200 d. Face mask with eye protection or goggles Table

  40. Assemble- 300 c. Hand sanitizer Table

  41. Assemble- 400 b. 1 1/2 cups Table

  42. Assemble- 500 • Sanitizer Table

  43. Respond- 100 c. Remove all individuals within a 25 foot radius and ask them to immediately wash their hands Table

  44. Respond- 200 d. Stop all foodservice operations including preparation and service Table

  45. Respond- 300 d. All of the above Table

  46. Respond- 400 c. A garbage bag and taken to a pre-determined disposal area Table

  47. Respond- 500 d. All of the above Table

  48. Total Cleanup - 100 b. Thrown away Table

  49. Total Cleanup - 200 d. All of the above Table

  50. Total Cleanup - 300 • Use a clear water rinse Table

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