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To be a slave Julius Lester

To be a slave Julius Lester . Name: Mia B. Class Period: 6 th. Context Clues. Text Purpose. The author wrote the book to inform student/people on the affect slavery had on many. I believe the intended audience would be student. Text Structure.

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To be a slave Julius Lester

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  1. To be a slave Julius Lester Name: Mia B. Class Period: 6th

  2. Context Clues

  3. Text Purpose • The author wrote the book to inform student/people on the affect slavery had on many. I believe the intended audience would be student.

  4. Text Structure • The author in my perceptive used sequence, because he used multiple signal words. It affects the way I read, because it tells me what’s next and what may happen next.

  5. Both: 1.The selling of people 2.Making them do things not needed for 3.Money for people 4.Racist people 5.Trust issues Title: history 1.Slave owners 2.Slavery 3.Legal to sell people 4.Whipped people for little or no reason 5.Afarid to hit “owners” Title: present 1.Illegal to sell people 2.Not scared to hit 3.not abused as badly 4.Kids knew there own name 5.Education Text Representation

  6. Author’s Perspective/Point of View

  7. Main Idea

  8. Supporting Details

  9. Draw Inferences

  10. Title:”To be a slave” 1.The slaves experiences. 2.Gives feelings of the slaves 3. Facts and opinions 4.More in debt of slavery 5.How the auction blocks went Title: How slavery really ended in America 1.About the history of slavery . 2.Talks about the nation 3.More about Lincoln’s presidency 4.More about the forts 5. Both: 1.About slavery 2.Presidnet Lincoln 3. About Owners 4. 5. Compare-Contrast

  11. Facts

  12. Opinions

  13. Reading Response • What I found very sad was that they, the slaves, didn’t know there own names. On page 29/30. I felt bad and disliked it because they can take time to beat them and work them to death but they cant take time to teach them their names.

  14. Reading Response • The topic of whipping on page 33, like seriously that mad me a little mad, because they would whip them for little or no reason like they get pleasure out of doing so.

  15. Reading Response • On page 35 it was showing how not all slave owners mistreated their slaves. Some owners treated with a little more respect then others. so why are slave owner stereotyped as bad?

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