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Nutrition. Nicholas Johnson Grade 8 Mr. Worsley. carbohydrates. -main energy source -types: Complex- (sugars)-quick energy Simple- (starches)-slow energy -contains vitamins, minerals, fibre -4 calories per gram -sources: grain, dairy, fruits, candy, etc…. Fats.

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  1. Nutrition Nicholas Johnson Grade 8 Mr. Worsley

  2. carbohydrates -main energy source -types: Complex- (sugars)-quick energy Simple- (starches)-slow energy -contains vitamins, minerals, fibre -4 calories per gram -sources: grain, dairy, fruits, candy, etc…

  3. Fats -dissolves & absorbs vitamins -concentrated energy -types: saturated- (not heart healthy) unsaturated- (heart healthy) trans- (not heart healthy)-heart disease -moves vitamins A, D, E, K around body -protect vital organs -sources: meat, dairy, lard, butter, etc…

  4. Protein -builds up & replaces body tissue -types: complete- (all nine amino acids) incomplete- (lacks amino acids) -makes hemoglobin -protects from disease -helps move body -sources: meat, milk, vegetables, peanuts, etc…

  5. Fiber -source of energy -types: water soluble- (dissolve in water) insoluble- (cannot dissolve water) -fights diseases -prevents cancer -sources: nuts, barley, wheat, etc…

  6. Vitamins -helps you grow and stay healthy -types: Fat soluble: (A, D, E & K) water soluble: (C & B) -Helps you stay heathy -helps prevent disease -sources: dairy, citrus, vegetables, etc…

  7. Vitamins -Vitamin C -helps body heal cuts - -Vitamin B -helps body make protein & energy Sources: vegetables

  8. Vitamin -Vitamin E -protects cells and tissue -good for red blood cells -Vitamin K -helps stop bleeding Sources: wheat, vegetables, dairy, nuts, etc…

  9. Vitamins -vitamin D: -help keep bones strong -helps absorb calcium Vitamin A: -helps see at night -

  10. Minerals(dietary) -helps body grow and develop -keeps you health -types: -macro: -contains iron, zinc, fluorine, copper -trace: -contains calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, lodine

  11. minerals -Calcium -helps bones -strong, healthy teeth -iron -transports oxygen -formation of hemoglobin -sources: meat, eggs, beans, vegetables, dairy, etc…

  12. minerals -Potassium -distinguishes water through body -zinc -helps immune system -helps cell growth/heal wound sources: meat, vegetabes, citrus fruits, etc…

  13. Water -helps body to work -helps fight illnesses -gets rid of waste Sources: fruits, vegetables, juices, etc…

  14. Bibliography • http://kidshealth.org/kid/stay_healthy/food/fat.html • http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/focus/nutrition/facts/lifestylemanagement/fats.htm • http://www.antioxidants-anti-aging-super-foods.com/vitamin-facts.html

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