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A VIATION S YSTEM C APACITY (ASC) OVERVIEW. Frank J. Aguilera ASC Program Deputy Director. August 11-13, 1999. http://www.asc.nasa.gov. 9/16/98. Three Pillars for Success. Access to Space. Technology Leaps. Global Civil Aviation. Aeronautics Technology Goals.
AVIATION SYSTEM CAPACITY (ASC) OVERVIEW Frank J. Aguilera ASC Program Deputy Director August 11-13, 1999 http://www.asc.nasa.gov 9/16/98
Three Pillars for Success Access to Space Technology Leaps Global Civil Aviation
Aeronautics Technology Goals • Reduce the aircraft accident rate by a factor of five within 10 years, and by a factor of ten within 20 years • Reduce emissions of future aircraft by a factor of three within 10 years, and a factor of five within 20 years • Reduce the perceived noise levels of future aircraft by a factor of two from today’s subsonic aircraft within 10 years, and by a factor of four within 20 years • While maintaining safety, triple the aviationsystem throughput, in all weather conditions,within 10 years • Reduce the cost of air travel by 25% within 10 years and by 50% within 20 years CONTRIBUTIONS TO “PILLARS FOR SUCCESS” Global Civil Aviation Air Traffic expected to triple in next 20 years ASC Program Elements • • Short-Haul Civil Tilt-Rotor (SHCT) • Terminal Area Productivity (TAP) • • Advanced Air Transportation Technologies (AATT)
ASC PROGRAM ELEMENTS ASC Project Goals • Short-Haul Civil Tilt-Rotor (SHCT) • Develop the most critical technologies to enable a civil tilt-rotor: • reducing perceived noise 12 dB • enabling safe terminal area operations • enabling OEI operation • Terminal Area Productivity (TAP) • Safely achieve clear-weather airport capacity in instrument-weather conditions: • increasing single runway throughput 12 to 15% • reducing lateral spacing below 3400 feet on parallel runways • Advanced Air Transportation Technologies (AATT) • In alliance with the FAA, enable next generation of increases in capacity, flexibility and efficiency, while maintaining safety, of aircraftoperations within the US and global airspace system: • increasing terminal throughput 40% • increasing enroute throughput 20%
TRL 3 / 6 User Requirement NASA Program 3x 1997 2007 2022 On-going: ASC On-going: Other Needed: OASTT Throughput Roadmap Goal • New ops concept • All ops beyond today’s VMC rules • 2nd generation ATM/AOC tools -- - integrated strategic/tactical planning - autonomous monitoring and advisories • Free Flight ops concept • IMC ops @ VMC rates • 1st generation tools -- automation aids Operations Systems: NAS 2005 Infrastructure Deployed Next-Gen Infrastructure Deployed 6 TRL 6 / 6 TRL 6 / 6 1 Extended Ops Systems TAP Objectives • Safe, efficient ATM with full- capacity, all-weather operations beyond current VMC rules • Robust, distributed information systems with autonomous monitoring and advisories Safety Technology for Advanced Operational Concepts SD 5 2 TRL 6 / 6 TRL 6 / 6 TRL 6 / 6 AATT 4 Aviation Ops Systems & Info Tech Base Integration of Intelligent Aviation Systems Aircraft Configuration: • Simultaneous, non-interfere ops • Neighborhood-friendly • High-capacity, unobtrusive ops • Revolutionary multi-modal ops • Optimized vehicle-infrastructure operations • Environment-tolerant operations TRL 6 / 6 TRL 6 / 6 Objectives Advanced Runway Independent Vehicle Systems • Expanded utilization of short- runway and runway independent aircraft within the NAS • Increased all-weather capacity and efficiency through high-productivity, environment-tolerant vehicles SHCT Runway Independent Aircraft 7 3 Rotorcraft Base Revolutionary High Productivity Vehicle Systems Airframe Systems & Propulsion Base TRL 3 / 6
3x TRL 3 / 6 User Requirement NASA Program OASTT Throughput: 10-Year Status & Metrics On-going: ASC On-going: Other Needed: PCA Milestone Goal TRL 3/ 6 SHCT Simul, Non-interfere ops, Neighborhood friendly Aircraft - FW Configuration TRL 6 / 6 7 Free flight ops con, IMC ops @ VMC rates, 1st gen decision aids Aircraft -Runway Independent 6 TRL 6 / 6 Flight demo of synthetic vision NAS Throughput - people/time TRL 6 / 6 2x NAS 2005 FAA Implementation 5 Operations Systems 4 TRL 6 / 6 SHCT Complex, low-noise flight path technology 3 TRL 6 / 6 Demo integrated AATT air/ground technologies Field demo of Terminal Area decision support tools 2 TRL 6 / 6 Demo of TAP technologies/ procedures 1 TRL 6 / 6 1x 1x 1997 2002 2007 Fiscal Year
ASC GOAL and OBJECTIVES GOAL Safely enable major increases in the capacity & productivity of the NAS through development of revolutionary operations systems & vehicle concepts OBJECTIVES • Improve NAS capacity, efficiency and access • Improve collaboration, predictability and flexibility for the NAS users. • Maintain system safety & minimize environmental effects • Develop vehicle concepts & technologies for runway-independent operations • Develop, validate & transfer advanced concepts, technologies & procedures to the customer community
ETG: While maintaining safety, triple the aviation system throughput, in all weather conditions, within 10 years. Aviation System Capacity Program AATT Project Milestone Completion • Relevant Milestone:Develop and demonstrate transition airspace decision support tools for: 1) ATC/AOC and ATC/Cockpit information exchange. 2) Conflict resolution. (4 Qtr FY01) • Accomplishments/Relationship to Milestone and ETG: • The Direct-To Tool was tested with a two-way connection to the FAA Center Host computer at the FAA Technical Center in Atlantic City, New Jersey from June 24-28, 1999. The purpose was to perform a functional check-out of Direct-To's two-mouse-click automatic flight plan amendment capability with a two-way connection between CTAS and the Host. In preparation for the test, the FAA and CSC made only minor modifications to the Host 320 Patch (a few lines of code) to allow simultaneous two-way communication with Direct-To flight plan amendments and TMA metering messages. The close-loop Direct-To/Host system performed near perfectly. After the first 30 minutes of testing, several Direct-To amendments were successfully input to the Host. Each time, CTAS received, within 1 second, a corresponding amendment message from the Host indicating the Direct-To amendment had been received and processed. Over 250 amendments of various types were sent to the Host via the point and click Direct-To interface during 20 hours of testing. • The test confirmed that the 320 Patch, with minor modifications, will allow TMA and Direct-To to operate simultaneously. This is the enabling technology to replace 20+ heads-down key strokes with 2 heads-up mouse clicks for flight plan amendments. This is a major workload reduction for air traffic controllers and, combined with the Direct-To advisories, a major potential benefit for aircraft operators. Lab results show about 1,300 minutes flying time savings per day in Ft. Worth Center alone. • Plans: • The Direct-To Tool is to be tested at the FAA Tech Center and later at the ZFW Center (Dallas - Ft. Worth) by the 3rd quarter of the year 2000.
APATH All Phases Transition Transition EDA CAP TMA EDP P-FAST A-FAST En Route Terminal CDS SMA NSAT L/Z VTT Surface Product Coverage Enroute & Descent Advisor EDA A-FAST Active Final Approach Spacing Tool Passive Final Approach Spacing Tool P-FAST APATH EDP Expedite Departure Path Airborne Planner to Avoid Traffic & Hazards SMA Surface Movement Advisor L/Z VTT Low/Zero Visibility Tower Tools CAP Collaborative Arrival Planning TMA Traffic Management Advisor NSAT National Surface Advisory Tool CDS Collaborative Departure Scheduling
ETG: While maintaining safety, triple the aviation system throughput, in all weather conditions, within 10 years. Aviation System Capacity Program AATT Project Milestone Completion Relevant Milestone: Air / Ground Integration Demonstration (M/S 7, due 3Q FY03) • Accomplishments/Relationship to Milestone and ETG: • AATT, through the Human Factors team, supported the FAA (and the CAA) in the planning for and assessment of CDTI • implementations in the cockpit for the following applications: • Evaluate Enhanced Visual Acquisition for “See & Avoid” • Evaluate Enhanced Visual Approaches • Demonstrate Airport Surface Situation Awareness • Demonstrate Station Keeping and Enhanced ITC/ITD, LC/LD • Demonstrate Departure Spacing • Demonstrate Final Approach Spacing • Plans: • Additionally, we are conducting a usability analysis of the display and input device, and a part-task simulation to • assess crew use of the CDTI to support efficient spacing during approach and landing. • Working with CAA to address Phase 2 issues related to conflict detection / resolution and display design • Additional Safe Flight 21 support is being discussed Note: This is a supporting task, Safe Flight 21
FAA Safe Flight 21Phase I – Operational Evaluation Airborne Express Airpark (ILN)Wilmington, OH CDTI Cockpit Display The Cargo Airline Association’s (CAA) Phase I Operational Evaluation was conducted at Airborne Express Airpark (ILN) on 10 July 1999. This operational evaluation included many aircraft equiped with a Cockpit Display of Traffic Information (CDTI) and Automatic Dependent Surveillance – Broadcast (ADS-B) technologies. Phase I was intended as a first step to achieving a fleetwide installation of an ADS-B based CDTI system for use as a pilot aid to visual acquisition of other traffic for see and avoid for increased safety and efficiency.
4 Airborne DC-9s 5 UPS 727s 3 FedEx 727s 2 FAA Convair 580s FAA 727 Honeywell Citation 5 Collins Sabreliner Navy P-3 Orion Ohio University Saratoga Cumulus Consultant Baron IIMorrow Partnavia NASA 757 BF Goodrich King Air FAA Safe Flight 21Phase I – Operational Evaluation Airborne Express Airpark (ILN)Wilmington, OH Aircraft Participants
FAA Safe Flight 21Phase I – Operational Evaluation Airborne Express Airpark (ILN)Wilmington, OH • NASA Contributions: • AATT, through the Human Factors team, supported the FAA • (and the CAA) in the planning for and assessment of CDTI implementations in the cockpit for the following applications: • Evaluate Enhanced Visual Acquisition for “See & Avoid” • Evaluate Enhanced Visual Approaches • Demonstrate Airport Surface Situation Awareness • Demonstrate Station Keeping and Enhanced ITC/ITD, LC/LD • Demonstrate Departure Spacing • Demonstrate Final Approach Spacing • • Conducting a usability analysis of the display and input device and a • Part-task simulation to assess crew use of the CDTI to support efficient spacing during approach and landing. • The results of NASA’s Human Factors investigations will support system modifications prior to fleet-wide implementation of ADS-B / CDTI.
ETG: While maintaining safety, triple the aviation system throughput, in all weather conditions, within 10 years. Aviation System Capacity Program Short Haul (Civil Tilt-rotor) Project Milestone Completion CTR-8 Stability & Control Augmentation System (SCAS) Development in VMS Bill Decker April 1999 Relevant Milestone:Full Motion Simulation in VMS facility (Level 1 Milestone, due 4th Qtr FY01) Shown: Photograph of T-Cab developed for both HSCT and SHCT Accomplishment/Relationship to Milestone and ETG: • Implemented and tuned neural net adaptive SCAS to the VMS XV-15 flight control algorithms. • Implemented and performed preliminary evaluations of noise abatement approach profiles intended for XV-15 flight test this Fall. • In support of flight test evaluation, implemented current Bell digital SCAS (rate augmentation) for XV-15 and implement and looked at new Attitude Retention (RCAH) SCAS. • Pilot-in-the-loop preliminary evaluations and commentary were collected using NASA staff pilots and two Bell pilots. No pilot HQR’s were collected during this simulation. Plans: • In the future will concentrate on exposing a larger group of pilots to the noise abatement profiles. In addition, we are likely to reinvigorate the study of desired side-stick control characteristics (two-axis). We may also explore use of wing flaps as drag brakes (also an item for the XV-15 flight test), for both noise control and to aid decelerations for IFR approaches.
ETG: While maintaining safety, triple the aviation system throughput, in all weather conditions, within 10 years. Aviation System Capacity Program Short Haul (Civil Tilt-rotor) Project CTR-8 SCAS Development in VMS using new T-Cab • Observed that final control system tuning must be conducted in as realistic an environment as possible. Most control systems are designed using analysis and then refined when the pilot starts feeling the response. Usually, control designers go for maximum "performance" without considering the impact of often "sharp-edged” responses. • The motion platform goes a long way toward exposing the undesirable effects while helping designer and pilot to reach a reasonable compromise. Consequently, we scheduled this tune-up effort while taking advantage of the entry to assist all Civil Tiltrotor operational activities.
Simulation 8(a) Completed BACKGROUND Complex, multi-segmented terminal operations procedures are under development to minimize noise while providing terminal area operations alternatives to conventional runways. The challenge has been to provide safe, low-workload, quiet approach and landing procedures. OBJECTIVES Develop and evaluate candidate noise abatement approach procedures to be tested in an XV-15 noise measurement flight test. Implement and evaluate the contributions of alternative control augmentation designs to assist demanding, precise terminal area operations. ACCOMPLISHED Four candidate noise abatement profiles were developed using the Rotorcraft Noise Model coupled to a noise minimization routine. The approach profiles were implemented and evaluated in a piloted simulation using the Vertical Motion Simulator. A research attitude retention control system for the XV-15 was implemented, evaluated and further developed prior to flight application. • FUTURE PLANS • The noise abatement approach profiles will be further refined and implemented and tested on the XV-15 during a terminal area noise measurement test scheduled for the Fall, 1999. Multi-segmented noise abatement approach profiles and control system variations will be evaluated by a larger population of evaluation pilots during VMS simulation entries in the Fall and Winter.
ETG: While maintaining safety, triple the aviation system throughput in all weather conditions, within 10 years TAP Project Milestone Activity Full-Mission Piloted CTAS/FMS Simulation in support of Level II Milestone 10 Dr. Everett Palmer, Dr. Thomas Prevot & Barry Crane (ARC) January, 1999 Relevant Milestone: Simulate full enhanced CTAS coordinated with FMS • Accomplishments/Relationship to Milestone and ETG: • Developed air-ground clearance phraseology for FMS procedures and datalink communications • Developed air-ground datalink by which CTAS generated routes could be uplinked and autoloaded into the FMS • Developed flight crew FMS descent procedures and datalink interfaces Shown: Demonstrated viability of FMS procedures from late cruise to initial approach with CTAS generated route modification uplinks in Center and TRACON airspace. Plans: This study focused on the flight deck. The next study will focus on controller procedures and their decision support tools. It will include the Langley B757 simulator flying in the CTAS air traffic control simulation at Ames.
Piloted CTAS/FMS Simulation in Support of Level II Milestone 10 Cockpit Automation Trajectories are communicated between air traffic control and aircraft via data link • Flight crews can follow these trajectories accurately using the aircraft's FMS automation • Air traffic controllers can determine the optimal modifications to the trajectories using the Center TRACON Automation System (CTAS) in order to Center TRACON Automation System CTAS • reduce flight delays • increase throughput • ensure flight safety
TMA & FAST Seattle ZSE Boston ZBW Minneapolis ZMP Salt Lake City ZLC New York ZNY Cleveland ZOB Chicago ZAU Oakland ZOA Denver ZDV Washington ZDC Indianapolis ZID Kansas City ZKC FAST TMA Los Angeles ZLA Atlanta ZTL Memphis ZME Albuquerque ZAB Ft. Worth ZFW TMA & FAST Jacksonville ZJX TMA & FAST Houston ZHU Miami ZMA TMA TMA & FAST TMA Free-Flight Phase 1 CTAS Sites • Center TRACON Automation System (CTAS) Software is a set of three software tools for managing air traffic control systems at major airports, they include: • Traffic Management • Advisor • • Final Approach Spacing • Tool • • Conflict Predictor Trial • Planner • These tools are designed to • optimize flight operations
FAA/NASA PARTNERSHIP • Strong Joint Program with Federal Aviation Administration • Based upon 8 MOU’s and MOA’s - listed in PCA • Administrators of NASA and FAA signed pioneering MOU in 9/95 • Formation of Inter-Agency Integrated Product Team (IAIPT) • Joint strategic management of the ATM-related program • NASA and FAA Co-Chairs • Direct reporting to NASA AA for ASTT and FAA AA for Research and Acquisition • Executive Steering Committee from Aviation Community • National Plan for ATM Research Developed • Approved by AA’s: • Version 1.0 in September 1996 • Version 2.0 in December 1997 • Recent NASA/FAA IG Audit of joint research cited the IAIPT and the National Plan as the example for how inter-agency programs should be managed. • Short-Haul Civil Tiltrotor also conducted under aegis of NASA/FAA MOA