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Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS) What Will PIMS Do For You ? PASBO Conference

Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS) What Will PIMS Do For You ? PASBO Conference Sharon Clark, PDE Alan Hartwig, Deloitte Consulting Bob McGrath, PDE Diane Meck, Pottstown School District Colleen Shearburn, Unionville-Chadds Ford School District March 6, 2008.

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Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS) What Will PIMS Do For You ? PASBO Conference

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  1. Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS) What Will PIMS Do For You ? PASBO Conference Sharon Clark, PDE Alan Hartwig, Deloitte Consulting Bob McGrath, PDE Diane Meck, Pottstown School District Colleen Shearburn, Unionville-Chadds Ford School District March 6, 2008

  2. PIMS Refresher PIMS is: PDE’s student-level information system designed to improve student achievement through more efficient and effective use of data Enterprise-wide data collection, data warehouse and reporting Primary goal of PIMS is to enable the improvement of educational achievement for all PA students. Implementation began in 2006 with PAsecureID ID assigned to 1.8M PreK-12 public school students in 733 LEAs First step towards longitudinal student data First Year of PIMS includes implementation of: Automated and secure data collection from LEAs Data warehouse – eScholar Complete Data Warehouse Reporting and analysis tools - Cognos

  3. PIMS Status PIMS has: Collected data on more than 1.8 million students Demographic data Program participation School enrollment Collected data on more than 150K staff members Demographic data Staff Assignments Generated the Precode file for the PSSA exams Provided over 100 reports for LEAs and PDE PIMS will: Collect data on Course, Course Instructor, Course Enrollment in April Collect data on Student Attendance, School Calendars, Career and Technical Education in August

  4. Collection #3: Course Data PIMS Year 1 Schedule – March 2007 through August 2008 4/2007 5/2007 8/2007 12/2007 10/2007 7/2007 9/2007 11/2007 1/2008 2/2008 4/2008 5/2008 6/2008 3/2007 6/2007 3/2008 7/2008 8/2008 Data Submission Pilot Data SubmissionTraining Requirements Analysis Year 1 Planning Infrastructure Acquisition and Implementation Collection #1: Student Enrollment Data Collection #4: Child Accounting Data Collection #2: Staff Data Special Collection: NGA High School Graduation Rate PIMS Visioning Year 2 + Planning Standard Report Development Custom Report Development Custom Reporting Requirements Reporting Training SIF Pilot Today

  5. PIMS 2007-2008 Data Collection Schedule

  6. PIMS Course Collection • Student/staff data being collected in March • Precode demographic update • English Language Learners (ELL) • Course data will be collected in April. This will include 3 new templates: • Course • Course Instructor • Student Course Enrollment • Webinars will be held in March on the Course specific data • Course collection will allow PDE to correctly calculate Highly Qualified Teacher (HQT)

  7. Impact of PIMS on PDE Collections/Systems

  8. Upcoming Significant PIMS Activities • SIF Pilot in late Spring • Student Locator Framework • Vertical Reporting Framework • Updated collections for Day Calendar and CTE data in August 2008 collection • New information to be released in March • Continuation of PIMS Pilot group through the August 2008 data collection • Pilot group provides invaluable advice and input to the PIMS team • Generation of initial HQT and Child Accounting type Reports

  9. Data Collection Summary

  10. LEA Participation Summary

  11. Future Scope of PIMS • PIMS Steering Committee finalizing the plan for Years 2 and 3 • Potential scope areas include: • Additional data (e.g. assessment, safe schools, migrant, special education) • New sectors (e.g. post-secondary) • New features and functionality • Expansion of reporting and analysis tools to PDE and LEA users

  12. PIMS 2008-2009 Proposed Data Collection Schedule* * Dependent on finalization of PIMS Year 2 Planning by the PIMS Steering Committee

  13. Types of PIMS Reports • Summary Reports • Shows a summary of data uploaded or modified for a particular template • Verification Reports • Alerts user to missing data or violations of business rules • Shows summary and detail data uploaded for a particular template • Enrollment Reports • Allows LEAs to review their enrollment data and print the Accuracy Certification Statement (ACS) • Precode Reports • Allows LEAs to validate the information to be included in the Precode extract is accurate • Staff Profile Reports • Provides summary, detail, and ACS reports to allow LEAs to validate their staff data submissions

  14. Planned Future Reports • Course Enrollments • HQT Related • Child Accounting Related • Career and Technical Education • Student Achievement

  15. What Will PIMS Do For You ? • Collect data at individual student level instead of aggregate • Reduce redundant and inconsistent PDE data collections • Six data collections were eliminated in Year 1 • Collect data once and use it many times - “one version of the truth” • Improve data quality • Provide reporting and analysis tools • Calculate HQT at classroom level • Provide access to student achievement results to measure impact of programs • Calculate NGA graduation rate (4-year cohort) • Provide ability to do longitudinal analysis

  16. Unlocking the answers to …. • What is the relationship between course offerings and student performance? • What is the impact of specific programs and services? • How well do graduates of different middle schools do in high school? • What percentage of students who participated in a particular program obtained their high school diploma? • Are there early indicators that students will struggle in later grades? • Do students perform better after being in a charter school as opposed to a public school? • How does class size impact future student achievement?

  17. PIMS Project Resources • Project website: http://www.pde.state.pa.us/PIMS • PIMS User Manual Volume 1 and 2 • Who Reports Whom – updated version now available • Who Reports What • PIMS Access Database • Voluntary Vendor Participation Program • Informational and Training Webinar Recordings • PIMS help desk • Via phone – 1-800-661-2423 • Via web form – www.pde.state.pa.us/PIMS click on PIMS Help link • Searchable Knowledge Base • Frequently Asked Questions

  18. Panel Questions • What have been some of the challenges in implementing PIMS this first year? • What have been some of the lessons learned? • What steps are you taking to ensure data quality? • How has PIMS impacted business processes? • What are some of the benefits that PIMS will bring over time? • What changes will there be for the 2008-2009 school year? • What will the data collection schedule be for the 2008-2009 school year?

  19. Questions and Discussion

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