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Mental Illness Unit. Schizophrenia. Word Salad.

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  1. Mental Illness Unit Schizophrenia

  2. Word Salad • A woman was delighted to receive a letter from her son abroad, but distraught when she read it: “Dear mother…I am writing on paper. The pen I am using is from a factory called Perry and Co. The factory is in England. The city of London is in England. I know this from my school days. Then I always liked geography. My last teacher in that subject was Professor August A. He was a man with black eyes. There are also blue and grey eyes and other sorts too. I have heard it said that snakes have green eyes. All people have eyes. There are some, too, who are blind.”

  3. Schizophrenia • Sufferers have difficulty using language to communicate • Affects working memory (used to make sentences) • May not remember the beginning of a sentence and thus finishes it with an unrelated thought

  4. What is Schizophrenia • Definition: a group of disorders characterized by confused and disconnected thoughts, emotions, and perceptions • Affects 1% of worlds population (2.4 mil Americans) • Delusions: false beliefs that a person maintains in the face of contrary evidence • “Losing contact with reality”

  5. What is Schizophrenia • Hallucinations: Perceptions that have no direct or external cause • Incoherence: marked decline in thought process • Disturbances of affect: emotions that are inappropriate for the circumstances • Deterioration in Normal Movement: slowed movement, no movement, or highly agitated behavior • Decline in previous levels of functioning: EX – sharp drop off in productivity at work • Diverted Attention: inability to focus attention

  6. Types of Schizophrenia • Several Subtypes: • Paranoid: involves hallucinations and delusions of grandeur • Persecution: Someone is always watching me • Catatonic: long, motionless periods, waxy flexibility • Disorganized: incoherent lang., inappropriate emotions, giggling for no apparent reason, delusions, etc. • Remission: someone whose symptoms are gone or still exist but are not severe enough to earn diagnosis

  7. Types of Schizophrenia • Undifferentiated : encompasses the basic symptoms of schizophrenia (deterioration of functioning, hallucinations, delusions, inappropriate emotions, thought disorders • Schizophrenia usually leads to hospitalization • Patients become “burned out” – unlikely to function normally in society • Recovery is possible but no real cure exists

  8. Causes of Schizophrenia • Biological Influences: • Genetics play a role (1% of general population) • Odds increase 10% if already found in family • Environmental factors as well • Biochemistry & Physiology • Chemical imbalances in the brain • Dopamine Hypothesis

  9. Causes of Schizophrenia • Family and Interactions: • Not enough on its own but may CONTRIBUTE to problems in adult years • Families of individuals who later develop schizophrenia are often on the verge of falling apart • Communication often seems disorganized in the early family life of people who later develop schizophrenia

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