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Great Plains

Great Plains. By: Blair, Clare, Aidan, and Jonathon. Tribes. In the Great Plains they had different tribes such as the Cheyennes, Pawnees, Comanches, Sioux. Shelter.

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Great Plains

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Great Plains By: Blair, Clare, Aidan, and Jonathon

  2. Tribes In the Great Plains they had different tribes such as the Cheyennes, Pawnees, Comanches, Sioux.

  3. Shelter Sioux made homes called tepees. They used poles and buffalo skin.They put the skins on top of the poles so the homes are protected from weather. In the 1500's they used horses to move to different places. Men painted scenes of daily life on the outside.

  4. Clothes They make clothes out of skin from animals in the winter. They used animal skin because they had a lot of it. Animal skin is one of their natural resources. In the 1500's they used horses to hunt buffalo and get the buffalo's skin.

  5. Tools/Facts

  6. Pictures

  7. sonofthesouth.net • en.wikipedia.org • nationalgeographic.com • ahsd25.k12.il.us • sonofthesouth.net

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