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How to Make a Girl Attracted to You Sexually Hashmi Healthcares Blog Every man desires to speak to the girl he likes but only a few possess that ability to directly go and talk to girls. If you are reading this blog right now, you may be the one who wants to know how to talk to a girl, or the one who talks to a girl but is friend-zoned every time, or the one who couldn’t impress the girl he wanted, or the one who want to polish his art of getting close to a girl and the last but not least, a person frustrated to get any girl. Most men are crude and artless when it comes to impressing a girl. Even the simple exchange of words with a girl takes mountain of efforts. On the other hand, girls are gifted with sharp conversation skills, humor and an insight to evaluate relations. They can effortlessly ?gure out if the guy is worth talking or not. So, when so much is at stake, it becomes really important to throw good light on this subject. And yes, you will have to read it till the end because reading makes a person wise and smart. Start now; ☛ ☛ First Focus On Yourself Become your best version of you– Develop good grooming habits in you. Maintain a good haircut, keep good hygiene, put on clothes that suit your personality (not necessarily expensive or brand new), and always try to improve your appearance. Stay ?t- Staying ?t and healthy should be preference of every guy. It balances your energy, corrects your body posture and increases con?dence. Exercise daily and see the improvement. Smile- Always put smile on your face. It makes your appearance easy and friendly. Girls like this attitude. Improve your qualities– Learn something new. If you are a creative person or someone who always indulge in new activities, it would surely add to your charm and personality. Be Con?dent– A girl always like con?dent person. But don’t take it for win-it-all con?dence. A man who can say his things properly and put his 6views in the right manner is the person most women look for. There are two Chances : Either you know a girl or don’t know a girl
When you don’t know a girl: Approach her and start a normal conversation. When you approach a girl, always remember to go from side or from front so that she can see you coming. Never say “hi” from behind her. It would alert her senses for vulnerability and your ?rst impression would not be that good as she will take you as a stupid person. The second thing is what to keep in mind. Don’t go with the approach to become a friend ?rst as it is deemed a safe way but it is not. You will lose half of your chances. Instead, talk to her as a person who ?nds her attractive and an engaging personality. Talk casually, but don’t bring odd topics like good weather, or current news. Just stick to the points like knowing her and talk on the topics of mutual interests. When you know a girl: It will help you to approach her easily. If you know her through any medium, you can ask for a date easily. You don’t need to be her friend to ask it, just pose with the behavior where she ?nds you sexually attracted to her. Build your repo as a person who is attracted to her and values her more than just a friend. Try to be close to her whenever you get time. Listen to her carefully and don’t treat her like a good friend who just want to be good guy and ignores the sexual part completely. When in group, you can show your friendly side with others so that she can see the difference that you want her more than just a friend. Never miss a chance to be with her alone and make her feel that these moments are important to you. You can do so by ignoring your phone, talking her cozily, taking her to coffee, taking care of her while roaming in a shopping mall, etc. Whenever you approach her to tell her the secret feelings, don’t think about these points;
✤ ✤ What if she takes me wrong? ✤ ✤ What if she rejects me, my contact with her will also end. ✤ ✤ What if she does not like me that way? ✤ ✤ What if she takes me as a sleaze? These points or similar ones can concern you but never let them take place in your mind as these are the points that will end your potential to make her feel sexually attracted to you. ➤ ➤ Break the Ice Don’t be afraid to speak ?rst but speak with what you have in your mind. Don’t speak on unnecessary or useless topics. Your lines should be such that shows your interest in her. Talk about yourself as well but don’t become an open book. Start slowly and give the overview with positive conclusions. She is also a human being with some highs and lows in her life. Treat her the same way. Don’t think hard remembering the punch lines that makes you look over. Talk about general topics as you talk with someone you already know. It eases the tension and creates a good bonding. Flirt And Be Natural
Puzzled how you can be natural while ?irting? If you get the catch, you will surely be able to create a balance between the two. Flirt here don’t mean boasting about her beauty or appearance. It means recognizing instances where you can appreciate her beauty, nature or personality. Don’t overreact it. The natural it will seem the better she would feel. ➤ ➤ Listen to Her but don’t Forget Yourself Girls like to play and they test you in the process. Listening to her should be your priority. Give her as much time as she wants to say her things, understand and empathize but never get into her tricks. For example, she may tell you her one not so important problem which has no solution at all and she keeps on telling about it. Now if you start reacting to it by providing advice or just becomes too confuse to think what you can do in this matter then she got you. You will become her friend. As you don’t desire to be her friend only, don’t behave like one. She will check your mental determination and reasonability at many points. So when she tells you such stories which have no end and no solution then just listen to it with interest, empathize it and move forward with some smart suggestion like “you are with her in any case”. Create Your Value and Act Like a Man What a woman desires for, is a man with some worth. Be worthy to her. Accompany her in her efforts, give her quality time, listen to whatever she has to say, eat with her, take her for some good hanging time, but then avoid places when she is going with her friends. Let her go and give some good suggestions for quality party place if
you can. Keep yourself updated using messages if she is ?ne or not, but don’t disturb her or limit her. It will build respect and she will keep soft feelings for you. Be a man does not mean to be macho or alpha male type, but possess qualities that make a man manly. Be ?rm in your decisions, have real goals to achieve, talk with eye contact, keep your face upward (don’t look towards ground always) and don’t fear to say your desires. She likes the man with guts. A man who can show his intentions gently that he is attracted to that woman sexually, always leave a deep impact on her heart. ➤ ➤ Play Balanced It is one of the critical points to remember. Never tell her everything that you hold for her in your heart. Maybe she is everything for you but if you will tell her like everything, there are chances that she would lose interest in you. It is human psychology. A person’s mind stay curious until it does not get the depth of it. So, don’t go with whatever your heart says, some things are to be revealed with time. It also keeps her mind engaged in your thoughts as she is not sure about your level of desires. It creates “attraction-tension” and you can take advantage of it by coming close to her. Talk her more and meet her more. Read her body language and the distance between your bodies
It is a crucial point that may either make you a person to hang with or a person to stay away from. When she is sitting beside you, facing towards you and talking by looking into your eyes only, it means she is interested to come closer to you. If she is sitting without facing towards you with occasional eye-contact and looking towards other things as well, it means she is not that sure to come closer to you. Another important thing is body distance. Sometimes, without knowing, she might come close to you, closer than the usual body distance. Don’t make her realize that, just let her be. Give her comfortable space with gentle touches even in that situation. On the other hand, if she is walking or standing with you, with her purse or jacket in between, it means consciously or unconsciously she does not want to remove the physical distance still. Respect her in both cases. One more thing, you want to be more than her friend so act like the one. Don’t hesitate to touch her hands or back while walking or standing. But be gentle, genuine and con?dent. If she does not like it, you will know her by her facial responses or maybe she directly says it. But it is necessary to let her know that you fancy her and want to be closer to her. Never forget your sanity and never try to force upon her. Things will happen eventually. ➤ ➤ Listen her Secrets, Notice how and when she touches you If she tells you something that she hasn’t told to others, it means she trust you. Strengthen her trust by silently listening to her. If she asks your secrets after that, tell her that too (not in detail). Notice how she is touching you or getting close to you. It will help you to read signs. If you are alone and she leans towards you while talking, then make way to bring her closer. It will give her positive signals. Touch her hands and play with her ?ngers. It works to entertain her sexual feelings. Slowly you would ?nd broader responses. Be Con?dent and have a good Self-esteem While you do all this, just be sure for one thing. Don’t lose your con?dence. There are vultures out there who are always on the hunt for good girls. Even with all that evil and treachery in their hearts, they manage to pose
as a good guy in front of girl. You are already a good person with honest feelings in your heart, you don’t have to fear anything or feel low for yourself. You just need to learn some conversational skills to talk with girls and the art to mingle with them with your genuine self. This art can be easily learnt when you approach the girl with con?dence and unhurt self esteem. We wish you a good luck in your endeavors. If you ?nd this blog helpful in any way, leave a word of appreciation. If you have any doubt/ query, comment that too. It helps us to know our audience better. SHARE THIS ARTICLE Hashmi Healthcares Sandy LEAVE A COMMENT Name
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