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Student Orientation. Beau Chene High 2017-2018. BCHS Administration and Office Staff. Mr. Keith James– Principal Mrs. Tiffany Etienne– Asst. Principal Mr. Michael Lanclos – Asst. Principal Sandra Roberts – 10 th & 11 th Grade Counselor Barbara Tjoa – 9 th & 12 th Grade Counselor
Student Orientation Beau Chene High 2017-2018
BCHS Administration and Office Staff Mr. Keith James– Principal Mrs. Tiffany Etienne– Asst. Principal Mr. Michael Lanclos – Asst. Principal Sandra Roberts – 10th & 11th Grade Counselor Barbara Tjoa – 9th & 12th Grade Counselor Josh Guidry – Athletic Director Dana Thibodeaux – Secretary Fay Leger – Book Keeper
Beau Chene High Mission Statement Take pride in learning. Take responsibility for your actions. Success will follow.
School Colors • Navy Blue, Burnt Orange, and Gray
Basic Information • Arrival Time • Bus Riders-6:55 a.m. • Car Riders-6:55 a.m. • Bell Rings 7:25 a.m. • Calling Home • Emergencies ONLY! Forgetting your things is not an emergency. • Administrator MUST approve • Changing the way you go home (Bus) – Requires ADMIN APPROVAL & signed note from parent/guardian
STUDENT I.D. CARDS • Everystudent is required to wear his or her Beau Chêne High School I.D. card every day attached by the I.D. clip to the student’s shirt collar or outwear and must be clearly visible to everyone. These I.D. cards must not be defaced in any manner nor can they be adorned with any other objects/accessories. If such defacement occurs, then the student will have to purchase another. Any student arriving on campus without a Beau Chêne I.D. card will be required to purchase a temporary I.D. sticker at a cost of $1.00. Any lost or stolen I.D. card may be fully replaced for a cost of $6.00. • I.D. cards must be worn from the time a student arrives at school until five minutes after the final dismissal bell each day. • Students will be subject to disciplinary action if they are found to be habitually non-compliant with the school’s I.D. policies OR if required payment for the purchase(s) of temporary I.D. sticker(s) has not been received within a timely manner to be determined by the school administrator.
Closed Campus • Beau Chêne High School has a closed campus policy. This means that all visitors must check in with the office immediately after they arrive on campus. It also means that once students have arrived at school, they are not allowed to leave campus without proper authorization until dismissal.
Arrival at School • All entrances to the main building will opened at 6:55a.m. • Students arriving by bus each morning will be dropped off at the west entrance and must enter the building in proper dress code when instructed by duty teachers. • Any student who arrives in his/her own automobile or is dropped off to school must enter the building through the east entrance. No students are permitted to remain in their automobiles or congregate in the student parking lot
Student Arrival on Campus cont. • At no time are students to use the rear doors to the south entrance when arriving at schooland will subject to disciplinary action if they are caught doing so.
Dismissal Bell • There will be two dismissal bells daily. The first dismissal bell is only for students who drive their own automobiles or car riders. The second bell is for bus riders and all other students, including those who remain on campus for practice (athletics, band, etc.). • For safety and security purposes, students normally dismissed on the second bell who choose to depart at the first bell dismissal without authorization to do so may be subject to disciplinary action.
Check Out Before Dismissal • A parent or guardian must be physically present to check their children out of school. Students will not be allowed to sign out by authorization over the phone or notes from home. • Exceptions: (1) A parent or guardian may come to school prior to the time their child needs to check out, and sign them out for a specific time later in the school day. (2) A parent or guardian may come to school and sign a release authorizing a specific adult to sign their child out when they cannot be physically present themselves. The parent or guardian must still be reached for permission. • Please do not ask us to make other exceptions. Students should be checking out only rarely and only for important reasons. • Students may not initiate a checkout procedure by calling home, except in cases of illness.
Hall Lockers • All students must rent a school locker from the school. All lockers are the property of Beau Chêne High School and the St. Landry Parish School Board and are therefore subject to search for weapons, drugs, and/or alcohol. • Only one student per locker will be allowed. Lockers must be kept locked. Do not give your combination to anyone else. You may not trade or share lockers with anyone else. Students are allowed to stop at their lockers prior to first, third, and fifth periods, during their lunch break, and at checkout or the end of the school day.
Dress and Grooming Regulations • The Uniform shirt – The shirt shall consist of a white or navy polo knit shirt with no logo and with either short or long sleeves. Each school will have the option of another colored shirt. The optional shirt at Beau Chêne High School is a orange polo shirt. The optional top may have the school logo imprinted on the left chest over the heart. All shirtsmust be tucked in at the student’s waist. All shirts must be long enough to remain tucked when seated. An undershirt may be worn under the uniform top. The undershirt must be white, navy, gray, or orange and the sleeve cannot be longer than the sleeve length of the uniform top. Turtlenecks or mock turtlenecks are not allowed under/over the uniform shirt.
Dress and Grooming Regulations cont. • Uniform bottoms – Bottoms shall consist of classic, traditional, straight leg, dark khaki/navy blue cotton twill uniform pants or walking shorts with a finished hem (side slits on hems not allowed). Uniform bottoms must fit at waist and crotch and be within one (1) size of student’s actual waist/inseam measurement. No cargo pockets or flaps on back pockets are allowed on uniform bottoms. Bell-bottoms, joggers, boot cut, carpenter/cargo style pants, hip-huggers, or jeans of any color and/or type are not allowed. Brand name emblems on uniform bottoms may not exceed 1” x 2” in size. All uniform bottoms must have a waistband with belt loops. Walking shorts shall not be more than four (4) inches above the back crease of the knee. Sagging of the uniform bottoms will not be allowed. Overalls are not permitted. Stone, white or dark brown uniform bottoms are not allowed.
Dress and Grooming Regulations cont. • Note:No tight or revealing clothing worn by any student will be tolerated.
Dress and Grooming Regulations cont. • Belts – A black, brown, khaki, navy blue, or white plain belt must be worn with a buckle no larger than 2” X 3”. No studs will be allowed. The entire length of the belt must be worn inside the loops. Hanging of any part of the belt outside the belt loops is not allowed. Belt loops should not be removed by the student for any reason. • Socks – Solid-colored socks must be worn at all times. They must be solid white, navy, or black. • Shoes – Students must wear matching closed-toe shoes (front and back). Sandals, clogs, flip-flops, moccasins, mules, water-wear shoes, slippers, or other similar types of shoes are not allowed. Laced shoes must be worn as intended by design: the tongue of the shoe should not be worn outside of the laces. Shoes must be laced and tied; Velcro straps must be secured.
Dress and Grooming Regulations cont. • Outerwear – In cold weather, students will be allowed to wear the following over their school uniform: • Sweatshirt – A sweatshirt must be waist length with a tight, ribbed elastic bottom, must be plain, solid colored in black, white, heather gray, or navy blue with no emblem, logo, or marking. Students can wear a sweatshirt in the optional school color with school logo. • Sweater – Crew neck, V-neck, or cardigan-style (those that button or zip from the bottom) sweaters must have sleeves, must be waist length, must be plain, solid-colored in black, white, heather gray, or navy blue with no emblem, logo, or marking. Optional school color with school logo and school-issued sweaters are permitted.
Dress and Grooming Regulations cont. • Lightweight jackets/windbreaker (with or without hood)/Coat – All outerwear , except for sweatshirts, must zip, button, or snap from top to bottom and must not be longer than upper mid-thigh. Outerwear must be plain, solid colored in black, white, khaki, heather gray, or dark navy blue with no emblem, logo, or marking; however, jackets in the optional school color with school logo and school-issued jackets are permitted.
Dress and Grooming Regulations cont. • The only body piercing jewelry girls will be allowed to wear is earrings. Body piercing jewelry and make-up is not allowed for males. Rings or adornments in the nose or other facial areas of boys or girls are prohibited. Excessive jewelry worn by both males or females or excessively worn make-up that distracts from the learning environment or poses a safety problem will not be allowed. • No hats, caps, or other headgear may be worn in the building by either boys or girls. Bandannas are not allowed • Hairstyles for both males and females that are distracting in length, style, or color are prohibited. It is to be restrained as to be pulled back for health, safety, and identification of the student. The administration shall determine this.
Dress and Grooming Regulations cont. • Spiked hair including Mohawks for both males and females is not allowed. • Hair on males, no matter what the style, that is longer than the bottom of the earlobes on the side, below the eyebrows in the front, and longer than the top of the collar in the back is not allowed. Additionally, ornamentation such as ribbons, bows, beads, headbands, etc. are not allowed for males. • Males are not allowed to have excessive facial hair. Males may have a well-groomed, neatly trimmed mustache. Other facial hair is not allowed. • Any student in continuous or habitual violation of the school dress code will be subject to disciplinary action by the administration.
Changing of Classes • During the changing of classes, students will move in an orderly and quiet manner. Students are to walk on the right side of the hall. This will allow for a smooth flow of traffic. If a student needs to see someone in the main office or if he/she needs to see another teacher, the student must report to his/her classroom teacher first for permission and a hall pass.
Hall Passes • Students will not be allowed out of the classroom without a hall pass and should not be found in the hallway without one in their possession. All students coming to the office should have a hall pass from their teacher. Students are not permitted to come to the office to take care of personal business or use the telephone (except in cases of illness). The administration has very strong feelings about students being out of class without a compelling reason.
Excessive Absences • If an absence is excused (note from doctor, death in the immediate family, legal excuses, etc.; see section pertaining to Absences and Tardiness), the student will be allowed to make up work that was missed. Absences must be accompanied by an excuse within five (5) school days. This is St. Landry Parish School Board policy. Teachers are not required to give students make up work or tests if the absence is unexcused. The student is responsible for contacting the teacher and asking for an opportunity to make up work or tests. • Notes from parents will be verified by the administration and the student may be allowed to make up work or tests. However, the absence will still be counted as unexcused.
Excessive Tardiness • The purpose of this policy is to instill in each student the importance of being on time. • A student who is continuously late for school or class will be disciplined. Each semester a student will be allowed six unexcused tardy privileges before disciplinary action is taken. These six tardy privileges are intended to accommodate students in emergency situations. Upon the seventh and ninth unexcused tardy infractions, students will be required to attend either an after-school or Saturday detention. The dates for scheduling all detention(s) will be determined by the administration. • Upon the eleventh tardy infraction and on all subsequent odd-numbered infractions (thirteenth, fifteenth, etc.), the student will be subject to a suspension.
Excessive Tardiness • When a student arrives late at school due to a medical appointment or a court appointment, it is the student’s responsibility to submit to an administrator a valid excuse from a doctor or a court-appointed official. The excuse must be submitted immediately upon the student’s arrival. Excuses submitted after the student’s return date will not be accepted as a tardy excuse. • In continuous effort to reduce the number of tardy infractions, the administration will restrict on-campus driving and parking privileges of students who habitually arrive late for school. Students who arrive late by automobile will be subject to losing these privileges in addition to any other consequences they may encounter.
General Rules and Regulations for Student Behavior • In the classrooms, cafeteria, library, halls, restrooms, assemblies, and at all activities, students are expected to behave in accordance with the situation. Loud talking, loud laughter, abusive language, and horseplay will not be tolerated. Excessive noise in the building will result in disciplinary action. • Students are reminded that whenever they attend a school event where Beau Chêne High School is participating, either at home or at an away event, it is considered a school function and all dress and conduct regulations are to be followed. This rule applies whether you are a participant or an observer.
Discipline Progression - Classroom • Classroom: 1st offense: Verbal Warning • 2nd offense: Student-Teacher Conference • 3rd offense: Contact Parent • 4th offense: Referral • Dependent upon the severity of the offense and the circumstances surrounding the referral, the following actions may be taken in any particular order deemed appropriate by the school administration: • Detention (1 day) • Detention (2 days) • Short-term Suspension (to be determined) • Long-term Suspension (to be determined) • Expulsion Recommendation
Detention • Regular detention (for disciplinary infractions or tardiness) will be held in two-hour sessions after school. Sessions will be generally held from 3 p.m. – 5 p.m. on dates to be determined by the administration. • Students who are assigned to detention must report with paper (bound and loose-leaf), writing instruments, books, and other instructional material; however, the work to be performed will be determined by the facilitator. • Students must complete the entire two-hour session or they will not receive credit for attending. Any student who fails to cooperate or who attempts to create a disturbance in detention will receive a suspension pending due process. Assigned students who fail to report to detention will also be suspended from school pending due process. • All school policies remain in force for students assigned to after-school detention.
Discipline Progression Cont. • ** Any student that does not attend an assigned detention will receive a suspension. It is the responsibility of the student to meet with an administrator prior to an assigned detention to arrange an alternate date if necessary.
Short Term Suspension • Short-term suspensions are periods of two (2) to nine (9) days. When students are given a short-term suspension, they are allowed to make up work for up to 50% credit. Because of this, grades are often affected. During a short-term suspension, students are not allowed to attend or participate in any school function. If this rule is not complied with, another suspension will follow. • When a student is suspended, parents must come to school for a conference with administration. Conferences may be held before and after a suspension. The parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the student will be required to accompany the student to school at the end of the second (2nd) suspension for the purposes of a disciplinary intervention. • **Full details with regards to suspension and/or expulsion procedures can be found in the St. Landry Parish School Board Rights & Responsibilities Handbook.
Long Term Suspension • Long-term suspensions are periods of ten (10) to thirty (30) days. When students are given a long-term suspension, they are allowed to make up work for up to 50% credit. Because of this, grades are often affected. During a long-term suspension, students are not allowed to attend or participate in any school function. If this rule is not complied with, another suspension will follow. • When a student is suspended, parents must come to school for a conference with administration. Conferences may be held before and after a suspension. The parent(s) or legal guardian(s) of the student will be required to accompany the student to school at the end of the second (2nd) suspension for the purposes of a disciplinary intervention. • **Full details with regards to suspension and/or expulsion procedures can be found in the St. Landry Parish School Board Rights & Responsibilities Handbook.
Expulsion • In accordance with Louisiana Legislature Act No. 492, a principal or designee shall initiate expulsion proceedings against a student when that student has received more than one (1) long-term suspension in one school year. However, immediate expulsion for certain violations may be warranted under certain circumstances.
Electronic Telecommunication Devices • St. Landry Parish School District shall not be held liable for any stolen electronic devices. • For the purposes of this policy, the terms use and operation shall mean whenever the electronic telecommunications device is turned on. • Students attending Beau Chêne High School are permitted to have electronic telecommunications devices as long as they are not visible and the device is turned completely off. These devices may be carried in the student’s book bag or on the student’s person.
Consequences • Consequences: • 1st Offense – Device will be confiscated. Student must serve a detention of 2 days or 1 Saturday detention. Device will be returned in person to the parent or guardian with signature of receipt. • 2nd Offense – Device will be confiscated. Student must serve a detention of 2 days or 1 Saturday detention. Device will be held on campus for a period of no less than ten (10) school days. Device will be returned in person to the parent or guardian with signature of receipt. • 3rd Offense – Device will be confiscated. Suspension (either long-term or short-term) or possible expulsion will be recommended. Device will be held on campus for a period of no less than nine (9) school weeks. Device will be returned in person to the parent or guardian with signature of receipt. • **Devices will be released IN PERSON to either a parent or legal guardian, and NOT a recipient who has been designated by that parent or legal guardian (i.e. another relative, friend of the family, etc.)
Student Searches • The St. Landry Parish School Board respects the civil rights of students attending its schools and will uphold those rights, but the board will not tolerate violations of the law, board policy, or school rules. Searches are used to insure the safety of ALL individuals on campus. • Inspection of buildings, student lockers, desks, or other school areas and their contents is the responsibility of school administrators and teachers whenever there are particular facts which lead them to reasonably believe weapons, illegal or controlled drugs, or other illegal or harmful items are kept there. Any principal, teacher, school security guard, or administrator in any parish or city school district of the state may search any building, desk, locker, area or automobile parked on school property for evidence that the law, a school rule, or parish or city School Board policy has been violated.
Drug Abuse Policy • The policy for dealing with drug offenders is revised to include: • A student who is suspected of drug possession by any employee of the School Board shall be reported by the employee to the principal for investigation and appropriate action.
Suspension of Drivers’ Licenses and Learners’ • A principal or headmaster at a public or private school shall notify the Department of Public Safety and Corrections, office of motor vehicles, of any student between the ages of fourteen and eighteen who has been expelled or suspended from school for ten or more consecutive school days or who has been assigned to an alternative educational setting for ten or more consecutive school days in accordance with any policy of the school or of the public school board for infractions involving the sale or possession of drugs, alcohol, or any other illegal substance, the possession of a firearm, or an infraction involving assault or battery on a member of the school faculty or staff. • Any such student who has been subjected to such disciplinary action shall have his driver’s license for the operation of a motor vehicle suspended for a period of one year, in accordance with the provisions of R.S. 32:431. The terms “license” or “driver’s license” shall include a Class “E” learner’s license and intermediate license as provided for in R.S. 32:407.
Fighting • The St. Landry Parish School Board has adopted a policy of ZERO TOLERANCE regarding fighting on its school campuses. This policy is in effect from the time a student leaves school until the time a student returns home from school. It is also in effect during all school-related activities. All fights involving students that are subject to disciplinary action, as determined by the school principal, will be thoroughly investigated by the principal or designee in order to determine whether or not the students involved are to be disciplined. Following the investigation, all discipline to be applied will be in accordance with school board policy.
Harassment • HARASSMENT • (Racial, Religious, National Origin, Disability) • Harassment is a form of misconduct, which undermines the integrity of students and academic relationships. All students must be allowed to work in an environment free from unsolicited and unwelcome comments. Harassment refers to behavior which is not welcome, which is personally offensive, which debilitates morale, and which therefore interferes with the working or learning effectiveness of its victims and their peers. Individuals who experience harassment should make it clear that such behavior is offensive to them and may file a complaint pursuant to this policy. Violation of this policy shall result in disciplinary action against any pupil involved, including possible expulsion of the pupil.
Bullying DISCIPLINE PROCEDURES • I. REMOVAL FROM SCHOOL CAN BE ONE OF THREE TYPES: • A. Short-term suspension – two (2) to nine (9) days. • B. Long-term suspension – ten (10) to thirty (30) days • C. Expulsion – denial of attendance in the traditional school setting for the remainder of the school year or longer
Book Bags, Large Handbags, and Large Overcoats • For the safety of everyone, book bags, large overcoats, and/or large handbags are not permitted in the halls or classrooms during the school day. Book bags may be used to carry books from the bus/car to lockers in the morning and back in the afternoon. Overcoats and bags are to be stored in the student’s locker during the day. Book bags are not to be taken out of lockers until the end of the school day.
Student Parking • 1. Students who drive to school must obtain a parking permit: hang tags--$10.00; temporary permits--$1.00/day. A valid driver’s license must be presented at the time of purchase. • 2. A hang tag may be used in any vehicle (transferable) but only by the student to whom the tag was initially assigned. The tag should hang from the back of the rear-view mirror and face the front of the vehicle so that it is visible outside the vehicle. • 3. Students who drive to school and fail to purchase a tag, permanent or temporary, will be subject to disciplinary action, including towing of the vehicle.
Student Parking Cont. • 4. The designated speed limit for the student parking is 10 miles per hour – no exceptions. • 5. Students are not allowed to write on, place stickers on, deface or damage the hang tag in any manner, or else it will become invalid and will have to be replaced. • 6. Students who are habitually late when driving to school will be subject to losing their driving privileges. • 7. Students must park in the designated student parking area on the far east side of the campus. • 8. Students must enter and exit through the student parking entrance on Meche Road, not through the faculty entrance on Highway 93.
Student Parking Cont. • 9. Absolutely no loud music will be tolerated while a student’s vehicle is parked on campus at any time. • 10. Students are not permitted to congregate in the parking lot for any reason, and are expected to enter the building through the east hall entrance immediately upon arrival. • 11. Senior grade level students will be given the opportunity to purchase a special reserved parking permit for the cost of $75 dollars. These permits grant access to a specific parking slot on campus designed for the exclusive use by that student between the hours of 7 a.m. and 4 p.m. Reserved parking permits are issued to senior level students only and are available for purchase on a first-come, first-served basis. • 12. Any improper, unsafe, or dangerous driving practices on campus, regardless of location of occurrence, will result in disciplinary action and/or loss of driving privileges.
Student Parking Cont. • In continuous effort to reduce the number of tardy infractions, the administration will restrict on-campus driving and parking privileges of students who habitually arrive late for school. Students who arrive late by automobile will be subject to losing these privileges in addition to any other consequences they may encounter.
School Bus Rules and Regulations • Students must be on time at designated stop. • Students must obey the driver promptly and cheerfully. • Orders from the bus patrol on duty must be obeyed. • The bus must be kept clean and sanitary. Anyone purposely damaging or breaking school property will be disciplined and will be required to pay for the damages.
School Bus Rules and Regulations cont. • Students will avoid causing trouble by teasing, pulling hair, scuffling, or using profane, obscene or abusive language. • Students must keep arms and heads inside the bus at all times. Nothing is to be thrown out of windows. • Loud talking will not be tolerated. Conversation in normal tones is permissible. • Permission must be obtained from the driver before opening windows when it is cold or raining. • No student will be allowed to ride another bus or be discharged at a different stop unless he has written permission from his parents with approval from the principal.
Fighting • One-on-one: Short-term or Long-term suspension or expulsion recommendation • Two or more-on-one: Expulsion recommendation (If it can be determined that a participant in a fight was provoked into fighting and only engaged in self-defense, that participant may not be subject to suspension) **The St. Landry Parish School Board has adopted a policy of Zero Tolerance with regard to fighting on school grounds. The appropriate law enforcement authority shall be notified by telephone whenever a fight occurs at school involving students who are fourteen (14) years of age or older
Discipline Cont. • Possession of Smoking Tobacco or other substances is immediate suspension for (3) days or more. • Possesion of illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia- Expulsion Recommendation • Any act of defiant behavior can result in suspension or expulsion if deemed necessary.
Teacher Bill of Rights • Every teacher has the right to … • Teach • Discipline students • Remove disruptive students from their classroom • Teach in a safe, secure, and orderly environment • Treated with respect