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CSCI-641/EENG-641 Computer Architecture. Khurram Kazi. Course Outline. Studying Computer architecture from different perspective Processors such as General Purpose Processors (RISC) Specialty processors (Network Processors, security processors … ) Single Board Computers
CSCI-641/EENG-641Computer Architecture Khurram Kazi CSCI 641 – EENG 641 1
Course Outline • Studying Computer architecture from different perspective • Processors such as • General Purpose Processors (RISC) • Specialty processors (Network Processors, security processors … ) • Single Board Computers • Typical PC architecture • Buses (AMBA Bus) • Memory architectures • SRAM, DRAM, Non-volatile RAM (Flash, SD Card), Hard Disk … • Addressing • Inputs/Outputs • USB, HDMI, Video Port, Mouse, Keyboard … • Hardware design simulations • VHDL (VHSIC Hardware Description Language) • Firmware • Assembly Language • Assembly Language <> Hardware functional blocks CSCI 641 – EENG 641 2
Desired outcomes • Have a solid fundamental understanding of processors’ architectures • Memory and I/O architectures • Instruction level parallelism and related it to pipelining • Calculate the throughput with and without stalls • Hardware and Assembly language design fundamentals • Using processors to build single board computers • Partitioning of a design in hardware and firmware/software CSCI 641 – EENG 641 3
Recommend Books Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach, 4th Edition, Morgan Kaufman Publishers, Elsevier, 2007, ISBN: 0-12-370490-1 Digital Design and Computer Architecture, David Harris and Sarah Harris, Elsevier, 2007, ISBN 13: 978-0-120370497-9 HDL Programming Fundamentals; VHDL and Verilog, Nazeih, B. Botros, Da Vinci Engineering Press, 2006, ISBN: 1-58450-855-8 CSCI 641 – EENG 641 4
Software Tools Used • Mentor Graphics ModelSim • VHDL simulator • You can download student version of it from • http://model.com/content/modelsim-pe-student-edition-hdl-simulation • Will be using it extensively • RISC instruction set simulator • http://sourceforge.net/projects/spimsimulator/files/ CSCI 641 – EENG 641 5
Grading Policy • Homework/Short Quizzes 30% • 1 Midterm Test 30% • Final Project 40% • Will start to discuss Final Projects towards the mid-semester • Oral and written communication skills will be stressed in this course and taken into account in the final grade • Cheating/ plagiarism Automatic F CSCI 641 – EENG 641 6
Do’s and Don’ts for the Final Project • DO NOT use any off the shelf general purpose microprocessor or any other circuit taken from the publicly available information base and claim it is your work. I will know if youdid!! • Come up with your own functional idea and Implement it. Be creative! Have a system’s perspective and see how your design fits in the system. • By mid semester have a good idea of your project • Team of 2 students working on the same project is allowed. • Each team member’s task within the project should be explicitly defined. CSCI 641 EENG 641 7
Teamwork Encouraged: How much collaboration is acceptable • Since time will be short, I would encourage you to help out your fellow students with the “Usage of the Tools” but not the Design. Informing me of the help received is strongly encouraged, i.e. give credit where credit is due!! • Helping fellow students with Tools usage and class participation will be rewarded in the final grade. CSCI 641 – EENG 641 8
Block Diagram of a Generic Processor CSCI 641 – EENG 641 9
Basic Microcomputer Design • Clock: Synchronizes internal operations of the CPU with other components of the system • ALU: performs arithmetic operations such as +, -, *, /, and logic operations such as AND, OR, NOT … • Memory Storage: Instructions and data are held while computer program is running. Receives request for data from CPU, transfers data from RAM to CPU, or CPU into memory • Bus: is a group of wires that transfer data from one part of the computer to another. • Data bus: transfers instructions and data between CPU and memory • Control bus: synchronizes actions of all devices attached to the system bus • Address bus: holds address of the instructions and data when the currently executing instruction transfers data between CPU and memory CSCI 641 – EENG 641 10
Instruction Execution Cycle • Fetch: The control unit fetches instruction from instruction queue and increments the instruction pointer (IP), AKA, Program Counter • Decode: Control Unit decodes the instruction’s function to determine what the instruction will do and sends the appropriate signals to the ALU • Fetch Operands: If instruction uses an input operand located in memory, the control unit uses a read operation to retrieve the operand and copy it into internal registers. • Execute: ALU executes the instruction using the named registers and internal registers as operands and sends the output to the named registers and/or memory. ALU then updates status flags to indicate the processor state • Store output operand: If the output operand is in memory, the control unit uses a write operation to store the data CSCI 641 – EENG 641 11
Typical HDL Design Environment HDL Design (VHDL or Verilog Testbench (Analyzer In C or HDL) Testbench (Generator In C or HDL) Reference Model ( In C or Functional HDL) HDL (Hardware Description Language) can typically be either VHDL or Verilog CSCI 641 – EENG 641 12
Overview of VHDL • Library and Library Declarations • Entity Declaration • Architecture • Configuration CSCI 641 – EENG 641 13
Overview of VHDL • Package (typically compiled into the destination library) contains commonly used declarations • Constants maybe defined here • Enumerated data types (Red, Green, Blue) • Combinatorial functions (performing a decode function; returns single value) • Procedures (can return multiple values) • Component declarations CSCI 641 – EENG 641 14
Overview of VHDL • Package (typically compiled into the destination library) contains commonly used declarations • Constants maybe defined here • Enumerated data types (Red, Green, Blue) • Combinatorial functions (performing a decode function; returns single value) • Procedures (can return multiple values) • Component declarations CSCI 641 – EENG 641 15
Overview of VHDL: Example of Library Declaration LIBRARY library_name; --comments USE library_name.package_name.package_parts; -- VHDL is case -- insesitive Typically there are three different libraries used in a design • ieee.std_logic_1164 (from the ieee library) • standard (from the std library) • work (work library) • std_logic_1164: Specifies the STD_LOGIC (8 levels) and the STD_ULOGIC (9 levels) multi-values logic systems • std: It is a resource library (data types, text i/o, etc.) • work: This is where the design is saved Library ieee; -- A semi-colon (;) indicates the end of a statement or a declaration USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; -- double dash indicates a comment. Library std; USE std.standard.all; Library work; USE work.all; CSCI 641 EENG 641 16
Overview of VHDL: Entity • Entity • Defines the component name, its inputs and outputs (I/Os) and related declarations. • Can use same Entity for different architecture to study various design trade offs. • Use std_logic and std_logic_vector(n downto 0): they are synthesis friendly. • Avoid enumerated type of I/Os. • Avoid using port type buffer or bidir (unless you have to) CSCI 641 – EENG 641 17
Overview of VHDL: Syntax of an Entity • ENTITY entity_name IS PORT ( port_name : signal_mode signal type; port_name : signal_mode signal type; ……….); END entity_name; • ENTITY nand_gate IS PORT ( a: IN std_logic; b: IN std_logic; x: OUT std_logic); END nand_gate; or • ENTITY FiveInput_nand_gate IS PORT ( a: IN std_logic_vector (4 downto 0); x: OUT std_logic); END FiveInput_nand_gate; CSCI 641 EENG 641 18
Overview of VHDL: Architecture • Architecture • Defines the functionality of the design • Normally consists of processes and concurrent signal assignments • Synchronous and/or combinatorial logic can be inferred from the way functionality is defined in the Processes. • Avoid nested loops • Avoid generate statements with large indices • Always think hardware when developing code! • One way of looking at is how would you implement the digital design on the breadboard; mimic the same thought process in writing VHDL code CSCI 641 EENG 641 19
Overview of VHDL: Syntax of an Architecture ARCHITECTURE architecture_name OF entity_name IS [declarations] BEGIN (code) END architecture_name; ARCHITECTURE myarch OF nand_gate IS BEGIN x <= a NAND b; END myarch; CSCI 641 EENG 641 20
Overview of VHDL: Basic Components of an Architecture • Primarily Architecture consists of • Process • Concurrent Statements • Code in VHDL is inherently concurrent (parallel) • All processes and concurrent statements are evaluated in parallel (i.e. at the same time) • Code inside the process is executed sequentially • The code execution is based on sensitivity list (signals that act as triggers in the execution of the respective process • Process can describe • Asynchronous (combinatorial logic) • Synchronous (clocked logic) • Concurrent Statements • Typically combinatorial logic is implemented using concurrent statements CSCI 641 – EENG 641 21
Overview of VHDL • Configuration • Primarily used during the simulations • If there are multiple architectures for the same entity, the “configuration” can be used to instruct the simulator which architecture should be used during the simulation. CSCI 641 – EENG 641 22
Some useful practices • Organize Your Design Workspace • Define naming convention (especially if multiple designers are on the project • Completely Specify Sensitivity Lists • Try to separate combinatorial logic from sequential logic CSCI 641 – EENG 641 23
Q D Clock D flip-flop Graphical symbol Truth table Q(t+1) Clk D 0 0 1 1 – Q(t) 0 Q(t) 1 – Timing diagram t t t t 1 2 3 4 Clock D Q Time CSCI 641 – EENG 641 24
D flip-flop with asynchronous reset LIBRARY ieee ; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; ENTITY flipflop IS PORT ( D, Resetn, Clock : IN STD_LOGIC ; Q : OUT STD_LOGIC) ; END flipflop ; ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF flipflop IS BEGIN PROCESS ( Resetn, Clock ) BEGIN IF Resetn = '0' THEN Q <= '0' ; ELSIF Clock'EVENT AND Clock = '1' THEN Q <= D ; END IF ; END PROCESS ; END Behavior ; Q D Clock Resetn CSCI 641 EENG 641 25
8 8 Resetn D Q Clock reg8 8-bit register with asynchronous reset LIBRARY ieee ; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; ENTITY reg8 IS PORT ( D : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0) ; Resetb, Clock : IN STD_LOGIC ; Q : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(7 DOWNTO 0) ) ; END reg8 ; ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF reg8 IS BEGIN PROCESS ( Resetb, Clock ) BEGIN IF Resetb = '0' THEN Q <= "00000000" ; ELSIF Clock'EVENT AND Clock = '1' THEN Q <= D ; END IF ; END PROCESS ; END Behavior ;` CSCI 641 EENG 641 26
N N Resetn D Q Clock regn N-bit register with asynchronous reset LIBRARY ieee ; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; ENTITY regn IS GENERIC ( N : INTEGER := 16 ) ; PORT ( D : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(N-1 DOWNTO 0) ; Resetb, Clock : IN STD_LOGIC ; Q : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(N-1 DOWNTO 0) ) ; END regn ; ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF regn IS BEGIN PROCESS ( Resetb, Clock ) BEGIN IF Resetb = '0' THEN Q <= (OTHERS => '0') ; ELSIF Clock'EVENT AND Clock = '1' THEN Q <= D ; END IF ; END PROCESS ; END Behavior ; CSCI 641 EENG 641 27
N N N-bit register with reset LIBRARY ieee ; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; ENTITY regn IS GENERIC ( N : INTEGER := 8 ) ; PORT ( D : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(N-1 DOWNTO 0) ; resetb, Clock : IN STD_LOGIC ; Q : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(N-1 DOWNTO 0) ) ; END regn ; ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF regn IS BEGIN PROCESS (Clock) BEGIN if (resetb = ‘0’) then Q <= (others <= ‘0’); elsif (Clock'EVENT AND Clock = '1' ) THEN IF Enable = '1' THEN Q <= D ; END IF ; END IF; END PROCESS ; END Behavior ; Enable Q D Clock regn CSCI 641 EENG 641 28
Enable 8 Q Clock upcount Resetn 8-bit up-counter with asynchronous reset (1) LIBRARY ieee ; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all; USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all ; ENTITY upcount IS PORT ( Clock, Resetn, Enable : IN STD_LOGIC ; Q : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 DOWNTO 0)) ; END upcount ; CSCI 641 EENG 641 29
Enable 4 Q Clock upcount Resetn 8-bit up-counter with asynchronous reset (2) ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF upcount IS SIGNAL Count : integer ; BEGIN PROCESS ( Clock, Resetn ) BEGIN IF Resetn = '0' THEN Count <= 0 ; ELSIF (Clock'EVENT AND Clock = '1') THEN IF Enable = '1' THEN Count <= Count + 1 ; END IF ; END IF ; END PROCESS ; Q <= conv_std_logic_vector (Count, 8) ; END Behavior ; CSCI 641 EENG 641 30
Shift Registers CSCI 641 EENG 641 31
D D D D Q Q Q Q Shift register Q(1) Q(0) Q(2) Q(3) Sin Clock Enable CSCI 641 EENG 641 32
D D D D Q Q Q Q Shift Register With Parallel Load Load D(3) D(1) D(0) D(2) Sin Clock Enable Q(3) Q(2) Q(1) Q(0) CSCI 641 EENG 641 33
4 4 Enable D Q Load Sin shift4 Clock 4-bit shift register with parallel load (1) LIBRARY ieee ; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; ENTITY shift4 IS PORT ( D : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0) ; Enable : IN STD_LOGIC ; Load : IN STD_LOGIC ; Sin : IN STD_LOGIC ; Clock : IN STD_LOGIC ; Q : BUFFER STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(3 DOWNTO 0) ) ; END shift4 ; CSCI 641 EENG 641 34
4 4 Enable D Q Load Sin shift4 Clock 4-bit shift register with parallel load (2) ARCHITECTURE Behavior_1 OF shift4 IS BEGIN PROCESS (Clock) BEGIN IF Clock'EVENT AND Clock = '1' THEN IF Load = '1' THEN Q <= D ; ELSIF Enable = ‘1’ THEN Q(0) <= Q(1) ; Q(1) <= Q(2); Q(2) <= Q(3) ; Q(3) <= Sin; END IF ; END IF ; END PROCESS ; END Behavior_1 ; Another way of writing the code Q(2 downto 0) <= Q(3 downto 1) Q(3) <= Sin; CSCI 641 EENG 641 35
Enable N N D Q Load Sin shiftn Clock N-bit shift register with parallel load (1) LIBRARY ieee ; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; ENTITY shiftn IS GENERIC ( N : INTEGER := 8 ) ; PORT ( D : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(N-1 DOWNTO 0) ; Enable : IN STD_LOGIC ; Load : IN STD_LOGIC ; Sin : IN STD_LOGIC ; Clock : IN STD_LOGIC ; Q : BUFFER STD_LOGIC_VECTOR(N-1 DOWNTO 0) ) ; END shiftn ; VHDL allows this, but not recommended when writing code for synthesis CSCI 641 EENG 641 36
Enable N N D Q Load Sin shiftn Clock N-bit shift register with parallel load (2) ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF shiftn IS BEGIN PROCESS (Clock) BEGIN IF (Clock'EVENT AND Clock = '1' ) THEN IF Load = '1' THEN Q <= D ; ELSIF Enable = ‘1’ THEN Genbits: FOR i IN 0 TO N-2 LOOP Q(i) <= Q(i+1) ; END LOOP ; Q(N-1) <= Sin ; END IF; END IF ; END PROCESS ; END Behavior ; Keep in mind this shift register DOES NOT have reset. CSCI 641 EENG 641 37
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY shiftreg is generic(N : integer := 4); port(clk : in STD_LOGIC; sin : in STD_LOGIC; enable : in STD_LOGIC; SOUT : out std_logic); end shiftreg; 4 bit Shift Register (1) architecture ssr of shiftreg is begin p0: process (clk, enable) variable REG : std_logic_vector(N-1 downto 0); begin if (ENABLE = '0') then SOUT <= '0'; REG := (others => '0'); elsif rising_edge(CLK) then REG := REG(N-2 downto 0) & SIN; SOUT <= REG(N-1); end if; end process p0; end ssr; CSCI 641 EENG 641 38
8-bit up-counter with some decoded outputs LIBRARY ieee ; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all ; USE ieee.std_logic_arith.all; USE ieee.std_logic_unsigned.all ; ENTITY upcount IS PORT (Clock, :IN STD_LOGIC; Resetn : IN STD_LOGIC; Enable : IN STD_LOGIC ; Q : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 DOWNTO 0); Decode_7 : OUT STD_LOGIC ) ; END upcount ; ARCHITECTURE Behavior OF upcount IS SIGNAL Count : integer ; BEGIN PROCESS ( Clock, Resetn ) BEGIN IF Resetn = '0' THEN Count <= 0 ; ELSIF (Clock'EVENT AND Clock = '1') THEN IF Enable = '1' THEN Count <= Count + 1 ; END IF; END IF ; END PROCESS ; Q <= conv_std_logic_vector (Count, 8) ; RawDecode: Process (count) Begin IF (count = 7) then Decode_7 <= ‘1’; ELSE Decode_7 <= ‘0’; END IF; END Process; END Behavior ; What is the difference between the 2 processes? ClockedDecode: Process (clk) Begin if (clock’event and clock = ‘1’) then IF (count = 7) then Decode_7 <= ‘1’; ELSE Decode_7 <= ‘0’; END IF; end if; END Process; CSCI 641 EENG 641 39
Arrays • Arrays are collection of objects of the same type. They can be one-dimensional (1D), two-dimensional (2D), or one-dimensional-by-one-dimensional (1Dx1D). 2D data arays Scalar 1D 1D x 1D 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 CSCI 641 EENG 641 40
Arrays • Scalars: BIT, STD_LOGIC, STD_ULOGIC and BOOLEAN • Vectors: BIT_VECTOR, STD_LOGIC_VECTOR, STD_ULOGIC_VECTOR, INTEGER, SIGNED, and UNSIGNED • There are no pre-defined 2D or 1D x 1D arrays • Hence need to be specified by the user • To do so, a TYPE must be first defined, then the new SIGNAL, VARIABLE or CONSTANT can be declared using that data type. CSCI 641 EENG 641 41
Arrays: Syntax of defining an array To specify a new array type: TYPE type_name IS ARRAY (specificaiton) of data_type; To make use of the new array type: SIGNAL signal_name: type_name [:= initial value]; Example: TYPE row IS ARRAY (7 downto 0) OF STD_LOGIC; -- 1D array TYPE matrix IS ARRAY (0 to 3) of row; -- 1Dx1D array SIGNAL x: matrix -- 1Dx1D signal CSCI 641 EENG 641 42
Arrays: Syntax of defining an array Another way of constructing the 1Dx1D array TYPE matrix IS ARRAY (0 to 4) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (7 DOWNTO 0) Example: 2D array The array below is truly two-dimensional. Notice that its construction is not based on vectors, but rather entirely on scalars TYPE matrix2D IS ARRAY (0 TO 3, 7 DOWNTO 0) of STD_LOGIC; --2D array CSCI 641 EENG 641 43
ROM (Read Only Memory) LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY rom is GENERIC ( bits: INTEGER := 8 -- # of bits per word words: INTEGER := 8 ); -- # of words in the memory PORT ( addr : IN INTEGER RANGE 0 to words - 1; data : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (bits-1 DOWNTO 0)); END rom; ARCHITECTURE rom of rom IS TYPE vector_array is ARRAY (0 to words -1) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (bits-1 DOWNTO 0); CONSTANT memory: vector_array := ( "00000000", "00000010", "00000100", "00001000", "00010000", "00100000", "00000010", "01000000", "10000000",); BEGIN data <= memory(addr); END rom; CSCI 641 EENG 641 44
RAM (Random Access Memory) LIBRARY ieee; USE ieee.std_logic_1164.all; ENTITY ram is GENERIC ( bits: INTEGER := 8 -- # of bits per word words: INTEGER := 8 ); -- # of words in the memory PORT ( wr_ena : IN STD_LOGIC; -- write enable clk : IN STD_LOGIC; -- clock addr : IN INTEGER RANGE 0 to words -1; data_in: : IN STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (bits - 1 DOWNTO 0); data_out : OUT STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (bits -1 DOWNTO 0)); END ram ARCHITECTURE ram of ram IS TYPE vector_array is ARRAY (0 to words -1) of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (bits-1 DOWNTO 0); signal memory: vector_array; BEGIN PROCESS (clk, wr_ena) BEGIN IF (clk'EVENT AND clk = '1') THEN IF (wr_ena = '1') THEN memory(addr) <= data_in; END IF; END IF; END PROCESS; data_out <= memory(addr); END ram; CSCI 641 EENG 641 45