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Leadership. Definition: to guide in a way to advance. Two way leadership. Is mutual and interactive Contributor and leader Everyone is innovative Work gets done faster at less cost. Everyone can lead. One can learn to…………. Lead up Lead across Lead down.

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  1. Leadership Definition: to guide in a way to advance

  2. Two way leadership • Is mutual and interactive • Contributor and leader • Everyone is innovative • Work gets done faster at less cost

  3. Everyone can lead. One can learn to…………. • Lead up • Lead across • Lead down

  4. Five Spheres of Influence • Personal leadership • Knowledge leadership • Interpersonal leadership • Team leadership • Organization leadership

  5. Personal Leadership • One element all leaders have • Leaders with integrity, passion, ethics, and commitment influence others by living and working in harmony with their own values and goals

  6. Knowledge Leadership Knowledge leadership guides emotional influences by taking into account the best information which enables the correct decision to be made.

  7. Interpersonal Leadership • Is the most intimate and direct • Influence leader using person to person in a group or one on one • Involves speaking and listening

  8. Team Leadership • Effective leadership in this sphere transforms work groups into high performing teams. • Tasks are interdependent and coordinated with the work of others.

  9. Organizational Leadership • This leadership involves understanding an organization as systems that interact.

  10. The Position Myth • I can’t lead if I am not at the top. • Leadership does not come from simply having a position. • Also a place a the top does not make one a leader.

  11. The Destination Myth • When I get to the top, then I’ll learn to lead. • Leadership is a life long process. Learn as much about leadership as you can.

  12. The Influence Myth • If I were at the top, then people would follow me. • Influence must be earned!

  13. The Inexperience Myth • When I get to the top, I’ll be in control. • You know if I were in charge, we wouldn’t have done this? The good news is the desire to improve. The bad news without experience one overestimates the amount of control.

  14. The Freedom Myth • When I get to the top, I’ll no longer be limited. • Customers can do anything they want; workers have more obligations; leaders have even more obligations.

  15. The Potential Myth • I can’t reach my potential if I’m not the top leader. • Strive for the top of your game no matter what position.

  16. The All-or Nothing Myth • If I can’t get to the top, then I won’t try to lead. • Look to impact and change lives, improve leadership, and add value wherever you are.

  17. What is Ethics? • Discipline that deals with good and bad with moral duty and obligation

  18. The fast pace of……. • Constant competition • Global awareness • Diversification • All have caused blurring of what right and wrong is. • There seems to be shades of gray instead of black and white.

  19. Legal vs. ethical issues • Legal issues are like codes of conduct and conformed to the law. Breaking codes means punishment. • Ethical issues may relate to legal, but not always. Sense of profit outdistances the sense of right.

  20. The best solution is…. • Develop standards of conduct • Think of problems that may arise and address them in written format in your business plan. • Have them part of your employee contract

  21. Misconception…. • That a business can’t be successful without condoning unethical practices. • This is not true • Individuals opt for fair treatment, fair products, and fair price.

  22. Key to ethics…. • Awareness • Don’t refuse to think or act because you feel ethics are too personal. • Be willing to set actions and steps for you and others. • Develop a written code so there are no misunderstandings of right and wrong.

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