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Logic and Logical Fallacies, Ch 6, and Visuals, Ch 5, RRW. Ch. 6, Logic And Ch. 5, Use of Visuals, RRW. Logic, & Logical Fallacies, Ch 6, RRW. Example, Ch 1, Ch 22, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind
Logic and Logical Fallacies, Ch 6, and Visuals, Ch 5, RRW Ch. 6, Logic And Ch. 5, Use of Visuals, RRW
Logic, & Logical Fallacies, Ch 6, RRW • Example, Ch 1, Ch 22, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind • Application of Figures of Speech / Tropes… What are the major figures of speech used in Ch. 1? • Does Ch. 22 have any logical fallacies? • Group activity…
Analysis, Ch 1, 22, Positioning…. • The book is #5 for Amazon sales, marketing…. • Ch 22… • MA-P: All large (and small) businesses need to “position” themselves correctly in order to prosper. • Mi-P: The (Catholic) church is essentially an enormous business. • Con: Therefore, the church needs to “position” itself correctly in order to prosper. • Enthymeme: The (Catholic) church is losing parishioners, and therefore it needs a corporate communications program based upon “positioning.” • The chuch is essentially like a large business, corporation (based on analogy)… • Logical fallacy? Or do you “buy into” their argument?
Logic, & Logical Fallacies, Ch 6, RRW • Compare Wadsworth Handbook, pp. 74-78… • Syllogism: MA-P; Mi-P; Conclusion… (p. 75 WH) • Enthymemes (p. 76 WH): Melissa is on the Dean’s List; therefore, Melissa is a good student.
Logic, & Logical Fallacies, Ch 6, RRW • 1. Inductive logic • 2. Deductive logic • 3. Analogy • 4. Oversimplifying / hasty generalization • 5. Forced hypothesis • 6. Non Sequitur • 7. Slippery Slope • 8. False dilemma
Logic, & Logical Fallacies, Ch 6, RRW • 9. False analogy • 10. Post hoc fallacy • 11. Begging the question • 12. Straw man • 13. Ad hominem • 14. Common practice (bandwagon) • 15. Ad populum
Logic, & Logical Fallacies, Ch 6, RRW Also note… (WH pp. 74-78) • Sweeping generalization • Equivocation • Either/Or Fallacy • Argument to Ignorance
Visuals as Evidence, Ch 5, RRW • Compare Wadsworth Handbook, pp. 91-95 • Visuals (picture) AS evidence… • Visuals (charts, graphs, pictures) to support your arguments…. • Analyze appropriateness of visuals • Misleading charts and graphs (pp. 94-95)
Writing Unified Paragraphs… (WH p. 52-53) Topic sentence at/near beginning OR… Topic sentence at/near end Transitional phrases (pp. 55-56) Writing Well-Developed Paragraphs (WH pp. 57-64) Different paragraph types / functions Introductory paragraphs & concluding paragraphs (pp. 65-67) Sample Essay (pp. 85-89) Works Cited page, MLA www.easybib.com Journaling Assignment – Self-analysis…