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Logic and Logical Fallacies, Ch 6, and Visuals, Ch 5, RRW

Logic and Logical Fallacies, Ch 6, and Visuals, Ch 5, RRW. Ch. 6, Logic And Ch. 5, Use of Visuals, RRW. Logic, & Logical Fallacies, Ch 6, RRW. Example, Ch 1, Ch 22, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind

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Logic and Logical Fallacies, Ch 6, and Visuals, Ch 5, RRW

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  1. Logic and Logical Fallacies, Ch 6, and Visuals, Ch 5, RRW Ch. 6, Logic And Ch. 5, Use of Visuals, RRW

  2. Logic, & Logical Fallacies, Ch 6, RRW • Example, Ch 1, Ch 22, Positioning: The Battle for Your Mind • Application of Figures of Speech / Tropes… What are the major figures of speech used in Ch. 1? • Does Ch. 22 have any logical fallacies? • Group activity…

  3. Analysis, Ch 1, 22, Positioning…. • The book is #5 for Amazon sales, marketing…. • Ch 22… • MA-P: All large (and small) businesses need to “position” themselves correctly in order to prosper. • Mi-P: The (Catholic) church is essentially an enormous business. • Con: Therefore, the church needs to “position” itself correctly in order to prosper. • Enthymeme: The (Catholic) church is losing parishioners, and therefore it needs a corporate communications program based upon “positioning.” • The chuch is essentially like a large business, corporation (based on analogy)… • Logical fallacy? Or do you “buy into” their argument?

  4. Logic, & Logical Fallacies, Ch 6, RRW • Compare Wadsworth Handbook, pp. 74-78… • Syllogism: MA-P; Mi-P; Conclusion… (p. 75 WH) • Enthymemes (p. 76 WH): Melissa is on the Dean’s List; therefore, Melissa is a good student.

  5. Logic, & Logical Fallacies, Ch 6, RRW • 1. Inductive logic • 2. Deductive logic • 3. Analogy • 4. Oversimplifying / hasty generalization • 5. Forced hypothesis • 6. Non Sequitur • 7. Slippery Slope • 8. False dilemma

  6. Logic, & Logical Fallacies, Ch 6, RRW • 9. False analogy • 10. Post hoc fallacy • 11. Begging the question • 12. Straw man • 13. Ad hominem • 14. Common practice (bandwagon) • 15. Ad populum

  7. Logic, & Logical Fallacies, Ch 6, RRW Also note… (WH pp. 74-78) • Sweeping generalization • Equivocation • Either/Or Fallacy • Argument to Ignorance

  8. Visuals as Evidence, Ch 5, RRW • Compare Wadsworth Handbook, pp. 91-95 • Visuals (picture) AS evidence… • Visuals (charts, graphs, pictures) to support your arguments…. • Analyze appropriateness of visuals • Misleading charts and graphs (pp. 94-95)

  9. Writing Unified Paragraphs… (WH p. 52-53) Topic sentence at/near beginning OR… Topic sentence at/near end Transitional phrases (pp. 55-56) Writing Well-Developed Paragraphs (WH pp. 57-64) Different paragraph types / functions Introductory paragraphs & concluding paragraphs (pp. 65-67) Sample Essay (pp. 85-89) Works Cited page, MLA www.easybib.com Journaling Assignment – Self-analysis…

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