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Blood. What is Blood?. Blood is the fluid that carries nutrients, gases, hormones and wastes around the body Blood consists of: plasma (the liquid part) 55% of volume cellular components 45% of volume (red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets)

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  1. Blood SBI3U | A. Manaktola

  2. What is Blood? • Blood is the fluid that carries nutrients, gases, hormones and wastes around the body • Blood consists of: • plasma (the liquid part) 55% of volume • cellular components 45% of volume(red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets) • Average adult human has 5 to 6 L of blood (about 8% of body mass) SBI3U | A. Manaktola

  3. Blood Composition Plasma is a straw-colored liquid that contains dissolved proteins, salts, minerals, and hormones SBI3U | A. Manaktola

  4. Cellular Components of Blood SBI3U | A. Manaktola

  5. Blood Groups • There are four different kinds of blood types: A, B, AB, or O SBI3U | A. Manaktola

  6. Blood Groups SBI3U | A. Manaktola

  7. RH Factor • Many people also have an Rh factor on the RBC’s surface. This is also an antigen. • If Rh antigen is present, you are typed Rh+ • A person with Rh- blood, does not have Rh antibodies in their blood plasma. BUT, a person with Rh- blood can DEVELOP Rh antibodies if he/she receives blood from an Rh+ person. • A person with Rh+ has no problem receiving blood from an Rh- person SBI3U | A. Manaktola

  8. Agglutination • The A antigen and the A antibodies can bind to each other in the same way that the B antigens can bind to the B antibodies. • This is what would happen if, for instance, a B blood person receives blood from an A blood person. SBI3U | A. Manaktola

  9. You are a surgical intern at Seattle Grace Hospital working long hours in the ER. Consider the following cases… SBI3U | A. Manaktola

  10. Blood Groups • Which blood group would be considered a “Universal Donor”? • Which blood group would be considered a “Universal Recipient”? SBI3U | A. Manaktola

  11. Intro To Stem Cells SBI3U | A. Manaktola

  12. Debate Topic Can you fix a broken heart? • Embryonic stem cell research is a controversial topic. • While some people believe that research should go on in this field in order to develop cures for many diseases, others believe that it is not ethical to kill embryos – even if it is to save the lives of others. http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/3529765.stm http://stemcells.nih.gov/info/scireport/chapter9.asp SBI3U | A. Manaktola

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