Mobile Device PD HCST Career Academy
Introductions • My name is Mr. Aziz, I am the technology facilitator for HCST. I have 10 years of classroom experience, a B.S. in Computer Science from NJCU, and working towards a masters degree in Educational Technology. I will be leading the PD for the duration of this training session. • Please tell us about yourself and one fact few people would know about you.
Technology Review • Faculty will be provided with an iPad for the training sessions to follow • This PD will utilize the Edmodo Application to deliver instruction and complete a scavenger hunt • The Google Translate application will also be used to complete the scavenger hunt.
Pre-PD Survey • Please complete the survey located within the Edmodo Group for this PD session. • http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/52RD89L.
Common Core Standards • http://www.corestandards.org
NETS Standards • http://www.iste.org/standards/nets-for-teachers
iPad • The iPad is a mobile tablet made by Apple Computer Corporation, which allows users to download applications from various categories. The educational applications of the device are immense, as we will explore one way in which we can use the device in a foreign language high school course.
App Store • Located on the homepage of the device is the App Store. From here you can browse the different categories and download applications to your device. You must create an account beforehand, and use iTunes to manage your device. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftwimg0-a.akamaihd.net%2Fprofile_images%2F2936549501%2F7998c8f5838d65d0b1800c0dabef5a3f.png&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2FAppStore&docid=SJs6e1u1vAeUUM&tbnid=rS7GnyCFNR1_KM%3A&w=256&h=256&ei=u-hMUaC3AubB4APY6IH4Bg&ved=0CAIQxiAwAA&iact=rics
Edmodo App • To use the Edmodo App you must create an account. • Instructor create teacher accounts • Students create student accounts
Edmodo Teacher Create new assignments
Edmodo Teacher Share with all or individual students
Edmodo Teacher Make public, private, or share
Edmodo Student • Create a student account
Google Translate Type your question and click the double arrow to translate Set the translate to and from language
Acceptable Questions • You may not ask direct questions as to the location of the items. • Ex. Is the globe in room 206? • You can ask questions such as: - Is the globe on the second floor? - Is the globe near room 406? - Is the globe near the second floor women’s restroom?
Conclusion • Thank you for participating in this workshop. I hope it has given you an example of how iPads can be used in the classroom to support your students learning process. • Please feel free to email me if you have any questions: kaziz@hcstonline.org