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Day 3

Day 3. Text Complexity. Reflect and Respond. Part 4. ELA/Literacy Instructional Shifts. Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction Reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text , both literary and informational

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Day 3

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Day 3

  2. Text Complexity Reflect and Respond Part 4

  3. ELA/Literacy Instructional Shifts • Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction • Reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational • Regular practice with complex text and its academic language

  4. Big Idea: Access to complex texts is crucial to college and career readiness.

  5. How does understanding text complexity support implementation of the instructional shifts? How do the Common Core State Standards define text complexity? What does “text complexity band” mean in the CCSS? How can we use three factors for “measuring” text complexity? How do we choose texts and what existing resources can we access? Which SAUSD strategies support planning and instruction with complex texts for all students including English learners? Essential Questions

  6. Text Complexity • Day 1 (Staff Meeting) • Activity 1 & Begin Activity 2 • Day 2 (Staff Meeting) • Continue Activity 2 & Activity 3 • Day 3 (Staff Meeting) • Activity 4 & Strategies • Day 4 (Staff Meeting) • Activity 5 • Day 5 (Grade Level Collaboration Meeting) • Activity 6

  7. Text Complexity and the Common Core State Standards Please read… • 7 Actions that Teachers Can Take Right Now: Text Complexity (Hiebert, 2012) • Highlight 2 key sentences or phrases from the text. Record them on an index card. • Be prepared to share using the structure: “Save the Last Word for Me”.

  8. Save the Last Word for Me • Choose a speaker to begin. • The speaker reads one of the excerpts recorded on the index card. • In turn, each group member responds to the excerpt. Then, the first speaker makes a final comment. *Note: This is not a dialogue. Do not engage in cross talk. • A new speaker continues the process each member has shared a card.

  9. Reflection on Article • Which actions would you implement and why? • Which SAUSD strategies support the 7 Actions Hiebert recommends?

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