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Semi-Digital Hadronic CALorimeter Prototype Planning - Global Review and Test-Beam Strategy

This project involves the planning, budgeting, and organization of a semi-digital hadronic calorimeter prototype by 11 international groups. The goal is to have the prototype ready for beam testing by 2011 to validate the concept in time for future experiments. The project is funded by various national and international agencies, with construction taking place at three sites. The total cost includes components like detectors, cassettes, mechanical structures, electronics, and services. The manpower includes physicists and technical staff from different institutions. The strategy involves test-beam experiments to demonstrate the feasibility of the proposed solution as a baseline for future experiments. Requesting beam time at CERN for the test-beam program is essential for the project's success.

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Semi-Digital Hadronic CALorimeter Prototype Planning - Global Review and Test-Beam Strategy

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  1. Semi-Digital Hadronic CALorimeterPrototype planning I.Laktineh CIEMAT, Gent, IPNL, LAL, LAPP, LLN, LLR, LPC, Protvino, Tsinghua, Tunis

  2. Global Review • Organization • Planning • Budget • Manpower • Expected tests

  3. IPNL Gent,UCL Protvino Tsinghua LAL IPNL LLR LAPP detector Electronics IPNL LLR LAPP IPNL CIEMAT IPNL,LLR Coordination Acquisition Mecanics IPNL LLR Tunis UCL IPNL Simulation Validation test Organization 11 groups from 6 countries all are CALICE members

  4. Organization IPNL LAL LAPP LLR CIEMAT LLN Gent Tunis Protvino Tsinghua Coordination, detector, electronics board, cassette, ASIC test, DAQ SW, simulation ASICs design and production DIF design, production and test DAQ HW and SW, simulation Mechanical structure, design, production and control Simulation, detector and validation test Detector Simulation Detector Detector In addition to CALICE meeting we organize specific SDHCAL meeting (about 1 every month) to discuss R&D and analyses

  5. Planning Our aim is to achieve the SDHCAL prototype before March 2011 so we can be able to take beam in 2011 and validate the concept in time for the DBD in 2012. In addition our ANR contract stipulates to have our electronics ready by end of 2010. The construction will take place in three sites essentially 1-IPNL( Lyon) : Detector construction, electronics and cassette assembling 2-CIEMAT (Madrid) : Mechanical structure 3-UCL(Louvan-La-Neuve) : validation test 4- Interface boards were/will be tested in LAPP/LLR

  6. Budget R&D was funded by different national funding agencies However the most important contribution was that of IN2P3. The prototype is funded essentially by an ANR (electronics), IN2P3 (detectors), and CIEMAT (mechanics). Validation test facility is funded by Belgian funding agencies Prototype cost • Detector • Cassette • Mechanical Structure • Electronics • Services Part of the components are already acquired, others are being ordered

  7. Detector : 1 m2 GRPC detector For 50 GRPC detectors the detectors cost is 18 k €

  8. Cassette : 1 m2 GRPC detector For 50 cassettes the cost is 39 k €

  9. Mechanical Structure For 40 cassettes the cost is 124 k €

  10. Electronics For 50 detectors the cost is 300 k €

  11. Services For 40 cassettes the cost is 56.6 k €

  12. Total Cost costs excluding manpower and validation test

  13. Manpower : Physicists IPNL(6 physicists, 1 PhD) LLR (2 physicists, 1 PhD) CIEMAT( 2 physicists, 1 PhD) LLN (1 Physicist, 1 PhD) Gent (2 physicists) Tunis( 1 physicist) Tsinghua(2 physicists, 1 PhD) LPC (2 physicists)

  14. Manpower : Technical staff Detector : 1 Eng. 2 Tech Glass preparation, spacers and frame gluing gas outlets and HV connectors installation IPNL,Gent,UCL,Tsinghua Cassette : 1 Eng. 2 Tech Frame and electronic board fixation, detector installation and quality control IPNL,LLR ASIC : 1 Eng., 1 Tech ASICs testing and calibration IPNL ASU : 2 Eng. 3 Tech Controlling ASUs after cabling, connecting and soldering ASU and controlling the 1m2 electronic board IPNL DIF : 1 Tech Controlling the DIFs LAPP DAQ : 4 Eng HW and SW control, DAQ validation, database and event building LLR,IPNL Mech. Str.: 1 Eng. 2 Tech controlling the plate quality and mounting CIEMAT Validation test : 2 Tech Mounting and running the test bench UCL

  15. Strategy : Test-Beam In 2012 the ILC community is to submit a DBD (Detector Base Design) document to the ICFA. This implies that each of the ILD and SiD concepts have already selected their sub-detectors baseline. We intend to demonstrate by 2011 that the SDHCAL solution we proposed in the 2009 LOI is qualified to be selected as a baseline for ILD. The technological prototype is expected to be completed by April 2011. Two months of commissioning are requested before to expose it to a particles beams. By June-July 2011 we hope to be ready to receive beam. For this we intend to submit a request to CERN authorities for two months of beam at SPS.

  16. Strategy : Test-Beam Our request will be a part of a global CALICE request. However, in order to fulfill our program we need a special movable and rotating stage capable of supporting up to 10 tons. We need also to use a TB line which provides low energy pions. These two conditions limit our choice. Contact with ATLAS Test Beam coordinator was established to see if we can use the ATLAS stage on the H8 line. This line is one of two lines able to provide hadron beam as low in energy as 2 GeV. It is very important to be ready in 2011 and to go to TB since no beam is available at CERN n 2012

  17. Test-Beam program First period ( between June and July): Three kinds of particles beams will be requested 1- Muons: To control the detectors and estimate their efficiency in situ. To align precisely the detectors inside the HCAL 2- pions: To study energy resolution in the 2-100 GeV range. 3- Electrons : To study the HCAL response to a pure electromagnetic particles In addition to energy scan, there will be angle scan as well as a threshold scan. The latter allows to select the best values for a better energy resolution

  18. Test-Beam program Second period (between October and November) : The aim of this test is to have a deep understanding of the hadronic shower behavior once the detector response is well understood. We would like to have by that time 48 units (as for the modules proposed for ILD (56 λI)) . We intend also to have a combined test with the CALICE ECAL detector which represents an additional λI In addition to studying the hadronic shower behavior we would like to study separation of two hadronic shower by increasing the beam intensity. The GRPC rate limitation is less an issue when particles start their interaction in the ECAL

  19. Conclusion During 4 years we followed an active R&D in the field of gaseous-detector-based calorimetry. We showed that we are capable of building large GRPCs fulfilling the request of ILC future experiments of efficiency and homogeneity. We developed a new semi-digital readout and tested it extensively. A 1 cm2 lateral resolution is obtained. We conceived a cassette that allows to hold the electronics on the detector tightly. The cassette is designed to be part of the absorber. This allows to have a better transverse Sampling We carried many TB campaigns to validate not only the different Elements of our SDHCAL

  20. Conclusion We succeeded to attract new groups to join our efforts and we have the needed manpower to realize the prototype and exploit it. Although we believe we have done what is necessary to succeed our project, we will still appreciate highly that experienced people could provide us with their invaluable recommendations to help us in our project.

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