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Starter. Fill in the gaps with the right words from the bottom : 1/ Je ____ visiter le mus ée du Louvre 2/ On ____ voir la Tour Eiffel 3/ Je vais ____ une semaine à Paris 4/ Je vais ____ un tour en bateau 5/ On va _____ à Moulin Rouge.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Starter Fill in the gaps with the right words from the bottom: 1/ Je ____ visiter le musée du Louvre 2/ On ____ voir la Tour Eiffel 3/ Je vais ____ unesemaine à Paris 4/ Je vais ____ un tour en bateau 5/ On va _____ à Moulin Rouge NOW READ EACH OTHERS’ HL TO REMIND YOU OF THE PLACES IN PARIS, AND THE “FUTURE” VERBS faire vais aller va passer

  2. Starter – What I will do… Write these 5 sentences into English: Demain je vais VISITER la cathédrale. Puis je vais FAIRE un tour en bateau sur la Seine. Ensuite on va PASSER uneheure au Centre Pompidou. On va VOIR “La Joconde” au Louvre à 3 heures. Ça sera magnifique. Now write these new phrases: Je veux- I want to parceque- because Je ne veux pas - I don’t want to Je préfère- I prefer to Complete: Je ne veux pas aller au Louvre parceque… I don’t want to go to the Louvre because…

  3. “It will be…” --- ça sera…. (“they will be…” -----ilsseront…) Use dictionary to describe what you think 5 Paris buildings will be like… La Tour Eiffel - çasera énorme! Le Centre Pompidou – ça sera ________________! L’Arc de Triomphe– çasera ____________________! La Notre Dame – ça sera _______________________! La Seine – çasera ___________________________ ! Opinions – in the future

  4. C’est quel monument? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 La Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie La Grande Arche de la Défense L’Arc de triomphe Le sacré-coeur La cathédrale de Notre-Dame Le musée du Louvre Le Parc Disneyland La tour Eiffel

  5. To the, At the • to, at = à • à + le = au • à + la = à la • à + l’ = à l’ • à + les = aux • To the Eiffel Tower = à la Tour Eiffel • To the Louvre + au Louvre • At the Champs Elysées= aux Champs Elysées

  6. Write two paragraphs to explain your plan to go to Paris • say when you will go, and with whom • say which 3- 5 places you are going to go to • say what places are going to be like (you think) – ie your opinions • say extra details about at least two of the places you are going to visit (eg a bit of history) – the gold star award • Use “to/at” correctly • use at least 4 different future verbs (aller/passer/voir/visiter…)

  7. Plans for Paris - listening • Vendredi prochain je vaisaller a Paris avec ma mere et monpere. • On vaallerd’abord a la grandearche de la defenseparcequej’aimecaparcequec’estenorme! • On vavoiraussil’arc de triomphe qui estfascinant. Je vaisvoir la tombe du soldat inconnu. • Puis a 1 heure on va faire un piqueniquepres de la Cathedrale Notre Dame, et on va faire un tour en bateau sur la Seine – ca sera magnifique! • Je vaisvisiter le Louvre parceque je vaisvoir les sculptures. • Plus tard on va manger dans un restaurant. Ca sera delicieux, parcequec’estfrancais!

  8. Plans for Paris - listening • Questions – answer in ENGLISH • 1. When will he go to Paris and with whom? (2) • 2. Why does he like the “big Arch”? (1) • 3. What will he see next? (1) • 4. What will he see there? (1) • 5. What will he do at 1 o’clock, and where? (2) • 6. What activity does he say is “magnificient” – be precise (2) • 7. What is his reason for going to Le Louvre? (1) • 8. What will he do later? (1) • 9. How does he think this will be, and why? (2) • Level 4 - 7-9 Level 5 10-13 (total 13)

  9. Plans for Paris - speaking • Talk CLEARLY about your plans for your Paris visit • ALL should say 4 things you WILL do, and when (4a/5c) • MOST will do so, with connectives, and opinions, with no ambiguity (5b/5a) • SOME will add extra details about the places they will visit (including some clear historical detail ) (5a/6c/b)

  10. Plans for Paris – writing assesssment • Write CLEARLY about your plans for your future Paris visit • ALL should say 3 things you WILL do, and when (4a/5c) • MOST will do so, with connectives, and opinions, with no ambiguity (5b/5a) • SOME will add extra details about the places they will visit (including some clear historical detail ) (5a/6c/b)

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