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Highland Numeracy Support: Early Level CPD Package

Explore engaging activities, stories, and rhymes in this comprehensive CPD support package for early numeracy development in the Highland region. From forward and backward number stories to playful counting sticks and bead flags, enhance numeracy skills with interactive resources. Utilize the suggested websites and engaging tasks to promote a strong foundation in numeracy progression. Access helpful guidance and a variety of tools to support early learners in developing key numeracy concepts.

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Highland Numeracy Support: Early Level CPD Package

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  1. HIGHLAND NUMERACY CPD SUPPORT PACKAGE EARLY LEVEL Please refer to the guidance in the Early Numeracy Progression.

  2. HIGHLAND NUMERACY Index of Slides Slide 3 – suggested websites Slide 31 – Counting Sticks Slide 4 - Forward and Backward Number Stories Slide 32 – Bead Flags Slide 5 – Forward Number Rhymes Slide 33 – Playing Cards Slide 6 - Backward Number Rhymes 1 Slide 34 – Double Dance Slide 7 – Backward Number Rhymes 2 Slide 35 – Work It Out! Slide 8 – Forward and Backward Number Sequences Slide 36 – Teddy Bears and the Cave Slide 9 - Washing Line Activities Slide 37 – Little Bo Peep Story Suitcase Slide 10 – Fish Bowl Activities Slide 38 – Counting Opportunities Slide 11 – Apple Trees for counting Slide 39 - Bowling Slide 12 – Counting and Subitising Slide 40 – Matching Numerals Slide 13 – Playdough faces Slide 41 – Magnetic Numbers Slide 14 – More Playdough Activities Slide 42 – Cookie Sheet Match Slide 15 - Dot Dice Slide 43 – Lolly Stick Facts Slide 16 - Dominoes Slide 44 - Raindrops Slide 17 – Muffin Tin Slide 45 – Bonds to Ten or Pelmanism Slide 18 – Number Envelopes Slide 46 - Patterns Slide 19 – Fly Snap Slide 47 – Beads Slide 20 – Number Stories Slide 48 – Pattern Blocks Slide 21 – Finger Patterns 1 – 5 Slide 49 – Lego Activities Slide 22 – Finger Patterns 6 – 10 Slide 50 – Counting and Comparing Collection Slide 23 – Five Frames Slide 51 – Clothes Pegs Tasks Slide 24 – Ten Frames Slide 52 – Counting Tin / Bucket Slide 25 – Magnetic Spots Slide 53 – Car Race [ Ordinal Numbers] Slide 26 – How Many? Slide 54 – Early Multiplication Slide 27 – Calendar Ten Frames Slide 55 – Activity cards Slide 28 – Roll and Place Using a Tens Frame Slide 56 – Scavenger Hunt Slide 29 – Numicon Slide 57 – Estimation Station Slide 30 - Rekenreks

  3. HIGHLAND NUMERACY Early Level information • Count Me In Too • NZ maths • K-5 Maths Teaching Resources • Solon City Schools • Illuminations Useful websites to explore Please refer to the guidance in the Early Numeracy Progression AT ALL TIMES when using this CPD Support Package.

  4. Forward & Backward Number Stories One Bear at Bedtime by Mick Inkpen. Introduces the numbers one through to ten as a little boy describes all the animals he needs to help him get ready for bed. One Frog Sang by Shirley Parenteau. Introduces the numbers one through to ten as more and more frogs join in the evening song. We count up to 10 and then back down to 1. The Shopping Basket by John Burningham. On his way to the store to get six eggs, five bananas, four apples, three oranges, two doughnuts, and a bag of chips. Steven is waylaid by several animals who demand that he give them his groceries. Safari Park by Stuart Murphy. Five cousins try to decide how to spend their one hundred tickets at the new Safari Park. Readers can practice interpreting number sentences to find out how many rides they can go on. The First Day Of Winter by Denise Fleming. A snowman comes alive as the child building it adds pieces during the first ten days of winter. The days are numbered in order. Six Dinner Sid by Inga Moore. A cat successfully manages to be the pet of six different owners within a street, and so eats six dinners each night. The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Follows the progress of a hungry little caterpillar as he eats his way through a varied and very large quantity of food. • These activities can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences - Recite number words in order and discuss number before/after. • Read and Write numbers - Draw pictures to illustrate the story. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping - Talk about groups of items on each page “How many ….. are there now?” • Counting and Comparing Collections - Discuss size of groups – smaller/larger and more/less • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 - Talk about one more/less • Solve Simple Number Stories - Act out the story using props.

  5. Forward Number Rhymes Use songs that have the numbers in order and support children to match these with their fingers or other objects. Examples of songs you could use are: Here is a beehive, here are the bees…Vary the number of bees that come out of the hive each time; include children by asking “How many bees shall we have in our hive this time?” At the end of the song count the finger “bees” that are buzzing around. One elephant went out to play……….(to 5) When I was one, I ate a bun………(to 5) One potato, two potato, three potato four……(to 8) 1,2,3,4,5,... Once I caught a fish alive…(to 10) This Old Man , he played one……(to 10 or 12) One man went to mow, went to mow a meadow…..(0-19) 2, 4, 6, 8, Mary at the cottage gate…… Here is the beehive But where are the bees? Hidden away where nobody sees. Look and you'll see them Come out of the hive, One, Two, Three, Four, Five.Bzzzzzzzzzzzzz • These activities can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** (Extend numbers to suit) • Number word sequences - Recite number word sequences through familiar rhymes. • Read and Write numbers - Point to numbers on a number line while rhyme is being recited. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping - Make up groups of items using props. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Compare sets of 5 bees and 3 bees – what is the difference? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – 1 more than, 2 more than….. • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -Develop one to one counting of props / fingers – last number determines size of set. • Patterns and Relationships - Hand clap / predict repeating pattern in rhyme • Solve Simple Number Stories - Act out rhymes during free play e.g. using props.

  6. Backwards Number Rhymes Examples of songs you can use are: 5 little speckled frogs, sat on a speckled log… Adapt familiar songs so that the numbers 5 and 10 are not always the focus. For example, 5 little specked frogs can become 9 little specked frogs There were ten in the bed, and the little one said…… As you sing, stop during the song and ask the children “ How many on the floor? How many in the bed? How do we know? Is it the same now? What do you think?” Encourage children to share ideas with others before answering. Ten fat sausages sizzling in the pan… Let’s count the sausages left in the pan. How many are there? • These activities can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** (Extend numbers to suit) • Number word sequences - Recite number word sequences through familiar rhymes. • Read and Write numbers - Point to numbers on a number line while rhyme is being recited. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping - Make up groups of items using props. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Compare sets / sizes – what is the difference? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts from 10 - 1 less than, 2 less than….. • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -Develop one to one counting of props / fingers – last number determines size of set. • Patterns and Relationships -Hand clap / predict repeating pattern in rhyme. • Solve Simple Number Stories - Act out rhymes during free play e.g. through use of props.

  7. Backward Number Rhymes Five/ten little ducks went out one day… Let’s count how many ducks came back. How many has mother duck got now? Vary the number of little ducks that accompany mother duck. Ask the children,’How many babies does mother duck take out today?’ Remember to include ‘no’ or ‘none’. Five currant buns in a baker's shop… Let’s count the buns that are left in the shop. How many do we have now? Change the number of buns in the shop to focus on other numbers such 7 or 8. Ten green bottles….. Counting in 1s then progressing to 2s at a later stage • These activities can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** (Extend numbers to suit) • Number word sequences - Recite number word sequences through familiar rhymes. • Read and Write numbers - Point to numbers on a number line while rhyme is being recited. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping - Make up groups of items using props. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Compare sets / sizes – what is the difference? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts from 10 - 1 less than, 2 less than….. • Mental Agility – Basic Facts - Develop one to one counting of props / fingers – last number determines size of set. • Patterns and Relationships - Hand clap / predict repeating pattern in rhyme • Solve Simple Number Stories - Act out rhymes during free play e.g. using props.

  8. 1,2,3.. 10,9,8. Forward Number Word Sequence (FNWS) Backward Number Word Sequence (BNWS) • Young children may be able to say the number sequence in order but cannot always tell you the number word after a certain number. For detailed guidance relating to this aspect of numeracy development please refer to: Teaching Number, Advancing Children’s Skills and Strategies by RJ Wright et al (PAGE 75). • Below, we have noted the teaching order. PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS SHOULD NOT BE TAUGHT IN ONE SESSION. Young children benefit from regular repetition to develop confidence. If they find any activity tricky – support them and then go back to an activity they have had success with. This is so important in early number development! • Say a short FNWS and ask the child to repeat e.g. ‘1,2,3 now repeat after me’. Ask child to say ‘four, five, six’ and then try seven to ten. • Ask child to repeat a longer sequence e.g. one to five and then six to ten • When moving onto teen numbers, listen very carefully to check the child is saying the words correctly – they can confuse them and say decade names rather than teen e.g. forty instead of fourteen. • Next, try backwards from 3. Say 3,2,1, and ask child to repeat. Then try from six to one and finally from ten • Ask child to say a backward number word sequence from 5 to 1, 8 to 3 etc. • Take turns to say the numbers (Number Tennis). Adult: one, Child : two, Adult: three , Child: fouretc.. • As per F, increase difficulty. Child could start sequence, start at different numbers and then try backwards. • Ask the child to say the next number word forwards. Adult says: one, two, three, four Child says: five. Then only give two numbers e.g. seven, eight _______. Extend to numbers 11 to 20 • As per H, but try backwards e.g. Adult says: eight, seven, six, five, _______ child says four! • Ask child to tell you the next number word after the number you say e.g. Eight! They say nine! • As per J but ask child to tell you the number word before the one you say e.g. Seven! They say six!

  9. Washing Line Activities • Children really enjoy hanging items on a washing line. You could try these ideas.. • Create patterns with socks red, white, red, white.... • Sequence numerals, Numiconcards, or domino/dot/ten frame cards backwards and forwards • Ask children to spot the missing numeral in a sequence. • Ask Naughty Ted to move the numerals when the children are looking away – can they tell you what has happened? • Make a number by clapping or beating a drum and ask children to identify the numeral to match the beats. • Provide a range of ribbons in different lengths, widths, colours and patterns. Ask which one is longest, shortest, wider, narrower. How many are medium - sized, small or large? Snap! – are any ribbons the same length / width etc? What are the differences? Computer activity Count Me In Too • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences - Count backwards and forwards as they place items on the line. • Read and Write numbers - Read and recognise numerals on the line. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping - Make images to match numerals and add to the line. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Discuss which image/numeral is greater than/less than another. How do you know? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction / facts to 10 - Use domino cards/five or ten frames [ see slides 21 and 22] and match to numerals. • Early Multiplication and Division - Use the washing line to support early skip counting. • Patterns and Relationships - Use pictures/colours/socks to create and extend patterns.

  10. Fish Bowl • This activity could easily be adapted to suit the interests of the children. • Dinosaurs in a forest • Frogs on a log • Grapes on a plate • Fairies on a toadstool • Cars in a garage • Pebbles in the sandpit • Shells in the water tray • Leaves outside • Chairs around a table • Stars in the sky • Engage the children through discussion – What can you see? • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3***. • Number word sequences - Count the items forwards and backwards as they take them out and put them away. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping - Recognise that there are ….. items without counting them individually. • Counting and Comparing Collections - How many red …… ? How many yellow …. ? • Counting Strategies, early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 - Engage in one to one counting and counting on. • Early Multiplication and Division - Share the items equally. How many each? • Mental Agility – Basic Facts - One to one counting – Whilst playing with the props, check how many items there are. Size of set stays the same unless more are added or some are taken away. • Patterns and Relationships - Make repeating patterns e.g. yellow, red, yellow, red, yellow…. • Solve Simple Number Stories - Solve simple number stories e.g. there were 6 fish in the bowl and another one joined them. How many fish now?

  11. Apple Trees • Children could make their own tree and play dough apples. This activity could easily be adapted to suit other interests – fish, cars, rockets, ducks etc.. • Engage the children through discussion • ‘How many can you see?’ Move the apples around...and ask again ‘How many apples now?’ • Do they recognise that the number has stayed the same? • Using different coloured apples children can explore different ways to make a number: • 5 red and 2 green • 6 red and 1 green • 4 green and 3 red etc.. • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** (adapt numbers to suit) • Number word sequences – Count the items forwards and backwards as children take them out and put them away • Read and Write numbers – Place digit card on the tree and children place matching number of apples on tree • Structuring Numbers – Grouping – Recognise that there are ….. items without counting them individually. • Counting and Comparing Collections - How many red …… ? How many green …. ? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 - One to one counting and counting on. • Early Multiplication and Division – Can two children share the items equally? How many each? • Mental Agility – Basic Facts – One to one counting – As children play with the props ask them to check how many there are ? Size of set stays the same unless more are added or some are taken away. • Patterns and Relationships – Can children make repeating pattern? Yellow, green, red, green …. • Solve Simple Number Stories – There were 5 apples on the tree and one fell off. How many are there now?

  12. Counting & Subitising Full details about how to use these activities available from Learning 4 Kids Subitising - the process of immediately recognising how many items are in a small group. Older children could help to create animals with spots (Buddies). The context is really up to you! It could be buildings with windows, trucks with wheels, flowers with petals….etc. Use counters, buttons, cubes, beads, play dough, balls in outdoor play area etc… This activity provides lots of opportunities for discussion. How many yellow counters? How many more do you need? What number do you want to get when you throw the dice? • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Count forwards and backwards as they take counters and put them away • Read and Write numbers - Use number dice instead of dot dice • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Recognise spot patterns on dice • Counting and Comparing Collections – Who has more / less e.g. the fish or the tortoise? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – You have four, what do you need to make six? • Early Multiplication and Division – Children can try to share the counters equally • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -One to one counting. • Patterns and Relationships – Children can make patterns with counters . • Solve Simple Number Stories – children throw four and then 2 with their dice. They have six altogether !

  13. Playdough Faces Create a funky hairstyle. Children could use large markers to add hair or add straws to playdough faces. Start by using one die with 1 and 2 spots. Throw the die and the first to make five is the winner. Extend by using more spots and increase total to ten and then twenty. Children take it in turns to roll the dice and add hair to their picture. This activity could be played outdoors using playground and chalk. • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** (extend numbers to suit) • Number word sequences – Count hairs in sequence by ones and then twos . • Read and Write numbers - Use dice with numbers . • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Dice patterns. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Which head has most/least hair? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – How many more do you need to make e.g. 7 hairs? • Mental Agility/Basic Facts -One to one counting, counting on, using different colours – 3 red and 2 blue make 5 hairs altogether. • Solve Simple Number Stories – He has four red hairs. How many blue hairs will he need to make seven hairs altogether?

  14. More Playdough Activities Playdough is a very versatile resource! Sequencing: Children can sequence number sticks from 1- 10 and beyond. Encourage children to use forwards and backwards sequences. Children could progress to sequencing sticks in 2s, 5s and 10s. Missing number: Children could take turns to remove a stick and see if their partner can work out which one is missing. Use playdough mats for children to investigate numerals and quantities. • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Children say the number word sequence out loud to check their work. • Read and Write numbers - Use lolly sticks with words or numerals. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Use two different colours of lolly sticks and create number stories. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Who has more / less? If you add 1 more to the collection what happens? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Use lolly sticks with numerals, dots and symbols. • Early Multiplication and Division – Make 12 ‘playdough sweeties’ and share them between Tom, Alison and John. • Patterns and Relationships –Look at dot dice patterns and then create the same pattern. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Children create number stories using playdough as a prop.

  15. Dot Dice Children always associate dice with games and this helps to keep them engaged. They learn to subitise through play. Try throwing one die and ask the children to clap the number to match. Children can select the activity – star jumps, hopping etc... Try jumping along a large number line in the playground or in the classroom. There are some ideas at the start of this booklet from New South Wales. ‘Race to Trace’ available from K-5 maths. Scroll down the kindergarten page to find the activity – free to download. This idea has small plastic tubs with foam inside to reduce noise. The lids are glued on and a magnet added so that the dice can returned to the DICE TRAY. • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Read and Write numbers - Sequence dice on the carpet in forwards and backwards order. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Recognise patterns and then start to combine quantities. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Play with a partner...who has more / who has less? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Count collections to match dice patterns. • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -One to one counting progressing to subitising as children start to recognise patterns. • Patterns and Relationships – Within the patterns, children to see that five is made up of 4 and 1 or 3 and 2 • Solve Simple Number Stories – Children to use dice in free play and create number stories e.g. Puppets could collect counters to match the number rolled.

  16. Dominoes Dominoes really help children to recognise formal dot patterns up to six and beyond. At the earliest stages children can count the number of dominoes they have. Then progress to matching patterns – 3 dots matched to 3 dots. Children can match dots to numeral cards. Discuss more or less….can children find a domino with less than 6 spots or more than 3? Large Domino templates here Further ideas and activities from Mathwire.com • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Count forwards and backwards as dominoes are taken out and put away. • Read and Write numbers - Children can match dominoes to digit cards. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Recognise formal dot patterns. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Place dominoes in small sets… Which group has most/least? How do you know? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Find a domino with 5 dots, 12 dots… • Early Multiplication and Division – Share dominoes equally. • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -Count one to one and early addition. • Patterns and Relationships – Create pictures and patterns with dominoes in free play. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Tell a number story using the dots on the domino.

  17. Muffin Tin Activity from Childcareland.com This activity can be used in many ways - watch a short video here. Vary the resources to be counted – coins, beads, counters, buttons, pompoms, cubes etc... • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** (Adapt numbers to suit) • Number word sequences – Count the number sequence as children place cards in tin. • Read and Write numbers - Recognise the number in tray. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Recognise dot patterns on dice. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Discuss which has the smallest / largest group of counters. • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – One to one counting. • Early Multiplication and Division – Share counters - can they share them equally? • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -Use two dice to encourage early addition / counting on. • Patterns and Relationships – Make patterns with counters. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Use puppets to play the game and create stories.

  18. Number Envelopes This activity can be differentiated using spots, pictures, Numicon shapes and numbers. Children really like posting things in the envelopes! Children need to place the correct number of items into the envelopes/boxes. This activity could easily be adapted by using empty containers/shoeboxes with slits cut in the top and children can ‘post’ counters. Missing numbers: Hand out all of the envelopes except one. Can the children work out the missing number? Encourage children to explain their thinking. Dot patterns & Numerals are available to print from this Booklet • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Countforwards and backwards as items are taken out and put away. • Read and Write numbers - Recognise numerals and match items accordingly. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Use formal and random dot patterns on the envelopes. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Which envelope has the least? How do you know? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Make number stories for each envelope. • Early Multiplication and Division – Can 2 children share the sticks equally from the number 6 envelope? • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -Using different coloured sticks, explore facts e.g.1 red and 2 blue make 3 • Patterns and Relationships – Use coloured envelopes to represent odd and even numbers – pink, yellow, pink, yellow. • Solve Simple Number Stories – 3 blue sticks met 5 green sticks. Together they run into the 8 envelope!

  19. Fly Snap SPEEDY SUBITISING! Children play snap and when the same number of spots appear they can snap the cards with their fly swatter or hand! Snap cards could be made using dot patterns from this document. Any giant playing cards, domino cards, five or ten frames could be used to play the game. • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 3*** • Number word sequences – Count the cards in the game. • Read and Write numbers - Add digit cards and/or word cards to the game. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Develop ability to subitise as children recognise groups of dots to represent numbers. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Which card has more / less ? How do you know? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Start to recognise the number stories that match e.g. 3 and 3 matches 2 and 4 etc... • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -This activity helps to reinforce basic addition facts.

  20. Number Stories Activities to develop knowledge of partitioning. Partitioning – splitting numbers into two or more parts. Video clip from ‘Learning can be Fun’ illustrates ways to partition a number and the language used. The clip uses counters but these could easily be replaced with cars, dinosaurs or teddies. The counters could be used to tell the story about 7 bears e.g. one day 7 bears went to the park. 6 went on the roundabout and 1 went on the slide. The bag with counters could also be used to explore different ways to make the same total. • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 3*** • Number word sequences – Forward and backward counting • Read and Write numbers - Children record their findings using illustrations on paper or whiteboards. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Ask children how many on each side? How many altogether? • Counting and Comparing Collections - Discuss more / less, fewest/most, biggest/smallest. • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Ask children to explain what can they see. • Early Multiplication and Division – Equal sharing, may lead to discussion about odd and even numbers • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -e.g. 6 + 1 is of equal value to 1 + 6 and 7 - but they may look different ! • Solve Simple Number Stories – Encourage children to re-tell a story using the board and counters.

  21. Finger Patterns 1-5 • Encourage children to use their fingers and talk about what they can see and do. Some young children find it very tricky to manipulate their fingers but this will improve with practice. • Children need to feel confident before they are moved on in their learning. There are many activities using finger patterns. For more information please refer to Teaching Number: Advancing Children’s Skills and Strategies by RJ Wright et al. (Page 86) • A few ideas in order of difficulty: • Say to the child – ‘Show me three fingers.’ Then ask for 5, 2, 4, 1. Then ask them to use their other hand.Watch for them lifting fingers one at a time. ‘Growing’ – are they counting from one OR can they make the number by ‘throwing’ their fingers? • Model “throwing” fingers to help children to move on from lifting fingers one at a time. Say ‘Watch me as I flash a number on my fingers’. Flash 1 finger and say “1” as you throw out 1 finger, repeat for 2, 3, 4, 5. Then ask the children to try and flash 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. Then do them in random order. • Show me 2 on your fingers. How many fingers are down? How many fingers altogether? Then repeat for 1-5. Ask children to try and use the other hand. • Show me 2 on your fingers. How many more to make 5? Repeat for 1-5. Then use the other hand. • Making doubles. Model to the children and then ask them to join in. Make 1 on one hand and 1 on the other. Push the hands together and show the children 1 and 1 makes 2. Ask the children to repeat with you. Repeat for 2 and 2, 3 and 3, 4 and 4 & 5 and 5. • This time children do not look at their fingers. Ask children to make the finger pattern for 3 and hold their hand behind their head – this is called Bunny Ears. After they have done this they can take their hand in front to check.

  22. Finger Patterns 6-10 • As per previous slide, please refer to Teaching Number, Advancing Children’s Skills and Strategies by RJ Wright et al. P86 – 89 • Number facts 6-10. Developing finger patterns using the five plus patterns. • Show me 5 on one hand and show me 3 on the other. How many altogether? Repeat for making 6-10. • Show me 5. Now make 8. Repeat for 6-10. • Show me 7. How many fingers are down? How many fingers altogether? Repeat for 6-10. • Show me 8. How many more to make 10? Repeat for 6-10. • Make Bunny Ears…ask children to show you the answer as bunny ears. This encourages them to visualise the number (some children find this very tricky and will need support). •  A few more ideas. “ Can you show me…” • 1 more than e.g. 7 • 1 less than • 2 more than • 2 less than • The number before • The number after • The double • If I have 4 how many more to make 10?

  23. Five Frames There are many ideas to help introduce Five Frames and later Ten Frames at Solon City Schools MR website. The Solon City Schools website is based on Maths Recovery approaches and has lots of simple activities to print and make along with some video clips to watch too. Choose the page STRUCTURING then look at ACTIVITIES and DOCUMENTS. Select Structuring 5 – Bank of Activities for MR group. This is a great introduction to using 5 frames. The Illuminations website has great online games to help develop a range of skills using five frames. • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Count the dots forwards and backwards. • Read and Write number - Match frames to numerals. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Ask children to tell you what they can see – how many dots/spaces? • Counting and Comparing Collections - Turn over two frames – discuss ‘greater/more than’ and ‘less than’ and encourage children to explain their ideas. • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Use empty frames for children to explore facts. • Early Multiplication and Division – Place counters over spots and ask children to then share the counters. • Mental Agility – Basic Facts - Place frames beside number facts. • Patterns and Relationships – Sequence frames backwards and forwards. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Give children a mystery frame and ask them to act out a number story.

  24. Ten Frames Ten frames are a versatile resource and there are many activities/ideas around to help use them. Booklet with ideas/resources for dot cards and ten frames. Try and use DOUBLES frames and FIVE-WISE frames to ensure children have the opportunity to discuss all the different ways to make a number. Visit Solon City Schools & click on the link: Structuring to 10 for lots of useful ideas and activities to print and use in your classroom. The Illuminations website has great online games for ten frames. • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Starting at different numbers, count backwards or forwards. • Read and Write numbers - Matchto numerals or record the quantity. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Flash tens frames and ask children to tell you what they see. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Sort frames into groups – is your frame more or less than 6 ? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Using empty frames and counters, ask children to place 6 counters on the frame. What will happen if we add or take one away? • Early Multiplication and Division – Place counters over spots and then try and share them equally. • Mental Agility – Basic Facts - Use ten frames to illustrate doubles facts, e.g. 1+1, 2+2, 3+3, 4+4, 5+5. Ask children to create finger patterns to match the frames. • Patterns and Relationships – Use frames as props to retell number rhymes. Children can discuss double patterns. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Use frames as props to retell number stories.

  25. Magnetic Spots • Watch this short video clip from Teachingchannel.org to illustrate a class activity using a tens frame (drawn on a magnetic board and large magnets). • The teacher encourages the children to share what they can see. • I can see 4 and 4 • I can see 2 and 2 and 4 • I can see 4 on the top and 2 and 2 • Throughout the activity quantity of magnets remains the same. • This activity could also be made using felt boards and spots with velcro. • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – As magnets are placed / removed , count forwards/backwards. • Read and Write numbers - Ask children to write the numerals to match spots on white boards. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Ask children to tell you what they see. Did anyone see something different? • Counting and Comparing Collections - Make 2 different numbers and then compare. • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – If we add another spot what happens to the collection? If we remove 2 spots what happens to the number? • Early Multiplication and Division – Discuss equal groups - can you see 2 and 2 and 2 and 2? • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -Use the frame to discuss the number facts – how many altogether? 1 more, 1 less, doubles etc… • Patterns and Relationships – Make, create and discuss patterns using magnets on boards. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Use magnets as props and encourage children to re-tell a number story.

  26. How Many? • Using masking tape you can create an empty ten frame in the classroom or go outside and paint/chalk one on the playground. • Children can place various resources (cars, cuddly toys, children, bricks etc..) in the frames or themselves. • How many ways can we make 6? • 6 boys and 0 girls • 5 boys and 1 girl • 4 boys and 2 girls • 3 boys and 3 girls etc… • Encourage the children to discuss what they can see and to explain their thinking. • Teacher can ask questions e.g. ‘I need to make 8. There are 5 boys on the frame. How many girls will I need?’ • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Count forwards/backwards as children go on or off the frame. • Read and Write numbers - Write the numerals to match the number of children/toys on the frame. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Ask children to tell you what they see. Did anyone see something different? • Counting and Comparing Collections - Compare different numbers. • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – If we place another child/toy on the frame what will happen to the collection • Early Multiplication and Division – Discuss equal groups and sharing e.g: 2 and 2 and 2 and 2 • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -Use frame to illustrate number facts. • Patterns and Relationships – Odd and even numbers. ‘Let’s check to see how many children we have 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 Does everyone have a partner? Oh dear…number 7 does not have a partner! Number 7 is therefore an odd number.’ • Solve Simple Number Stories – Use magnets as props and encourage children to re-tell the number story.

  27. Calendar Ten Frames • In this image the Ten Frame has been used to help represent numbers for a class calendar to represent the 30 or 31 days in the month. • At the earliest stages, a five frame could be used and the days of the week we go to school could be counted i.e. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. • As the days of the month are represented by a counter, the number of spots will increase. Encourage children to talk about what they can see: • 2 ones (2) • 1 ten and 3 ones (13) or they may see 2 fives and 3 ones etc. • 2 tens and 5 ones (25) • Many schools now celebrate100 days in school and children can • engage in activities related to the number e.g. make a model • with 100 paper cups, make a 100 piece jigsaw etc.. Adapt the • number to suit your children – find ways to engage them in maths! • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3***. • Number word sequences – Daily forward counting. • Read and Write numbers - Record the date on a white board and then find the numeral card to match. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping – See groups of numbers within the ten frames and groups of ten. • Counting and Comparing Collections - As the days move on, the number will increase so lots of counting activities. • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Say to the children ‘We have 2 spots. How many more to make ten?’ • Early Multiplication and Division – Using the ten frame,children will be able to count in groups of twos, fives and tens. • Mental Agility – Basic Facts – One to one counting as children add dots for the date.

  28. Roll & Place Using a Tens Frame • This activity can be played at all levels. • At the earliest level children can throw a dot die and then place the number of cubes or counters onto an empty tens frame. • There is no need to record on paper – discussion is more valuable. • Encourage children to work out number bonds to ten. • I have placed 4 counters and I have 1,2,3,4,5,6 spaces. Children will start to see how many they need and may use their knowledge of five plus facts. • I need 6 more to make ten. • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – As children place counters onto the frame, count out loud. • Read and Write numbers - Recognise the numerals on number dice. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Recognise the patterns on dot dice. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Play against a partner to encourage discussion. • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Use the ten frame to support thinking about facts to 10. • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -As children become more confident, explain how many more they need without counting to improve recall of number facts. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Make bonds to ten stories.

  29. Numicon For further information and lots of free resources go to the Numicon website or type ‘Numicon’ into a search engine for inspiration. If you do not have the actual resource it is possible to print out the Numicon shapes and laminate them. Laminated shapes could be used to make pictures, create number stories, sequenced on a washing line etc... Photocopying TIP: print out the shapes and then cut them out. They should fit onto 2 x A3 sheets. Keep this set as a master and use to photocopy sets to use in class – this will save on colour photocopying costs. • This resource can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Use a feely bag for children to find the number before or after a given number. • Read and Write numbers - Use playdough and paint for children to explore the shapes and the numbers they represent. Children could use other resources to create the Numicon shape – grapes, counters, teddies, pegs… • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Ask children to tell you what they can see within a 5 shape: ‘4 & 1, 3 & 2’ • Counting and Comparing Collections - Build a brick tower to represent two shapes and discuss taller/smaller… • Counting Strategies, Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Place shapes together to explore addition/subtraction. • Early Multiplication and Division – Place grapes onto the shape and ask children to share the number equally. • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -How many ways can you make a number? • Patterns and Relationships – Make odd and even patterns using the shapes or pictures. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Use Numicon as props in stories and number rhymes.

  30. Rekenreks Developed in the Netherlands, these number racks can help children to organise their ideas. They can quickly see and talk about what they have made. A free booklet is available from K-5 Resources to get you started. There are other resources available online and from education catalogues. Encourage pupils to start with all the beads pushed to the right with the white beads on the far right. Any beads ‘in play’ are then moved to the left. Having the same starting position makes it much easier for children to share ideas - It is important for everyone in the group to be communicating and visualising the pattern in the same way. When working with a group ensure all children have enough time to think by providing wait time after a question. e.g. ‘ I would like you to show me how to make 8 in one push. Look at the beads...do not push the beads until I say. Wait........NOW slide them over’ These beads are in play • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Count the beads backwards and forwards • Read and Write numbers - Illustrate the numbers made using coloured crayons. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –‘Can you show me 6 in one push?’ and ‘How do you know there are six?’ Progress to showing them the beads and then screening - ask them ‘What did you see?’. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Use the top and bottom row of beads to compare collections • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – ‘I had 6 beads on the top and then 3 were taken away...How many do I have now?’ • Early Multiplication and Division – Count in twos, fives and tens up to 20. • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -Find as many different ways as you can to make a number. • Patterns and Relationships – Discuss odd and even numbers. ‘Make double 3...how many altogether?’ • Solve Simple Number Stories – Use the beads to help visualise a number story.

  31. Counting Sticks • Children sequence cups/kitchen or toilet rolls, pots etc and then place sticks in the pots. • As children become more confident you can increase the numbers. • This activity can be altered to suit many classroom themes: • Pebbles in pots • Straws in cups • Books on a shelf • Animals in the sand/water tray • Cars in a garage • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Count the sticks as placed in cups etc • Read and Write numbers - Read the numerals before putting in the correct number of sticks [ could also add number words] • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Use different lengths of sticks – 2 short and 2 long sticks make 4 sticks • Counting and Comparing Collections - Talk about the length of the sticks - longest / shortest / more / less • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Add to and remove sticks from pots – what happens to the number? • Mental Agility – Basic Facts - Use sticks to represent facts – e.g. place 3 sticks on the floor. Then add 1 stick. You have 4 sticks altogether. • Patterns and Relationships – Discuss one more than / one less than as children place sticks in cups. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Make up stories using the sticks from one or more than one cup.

  32. Bead Flags • Fun activity to help develop fine motor skills and improve one to one correspondence when counting. • Children can thread beads onto the flag pipe cleaner to match the numeral. • At the earliest stages, children can thread beads to match dots or Numicon shapes and then numerals. Children can then move onto number words. • Start with smaller numbers and increase as children become more confident. • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Sequence the flags and count aloud. • Read and Write numbers - Match beads to numerals. • Structuring Numbers/Grouping –Use two colours of beads - discuss how numbers are made e.g. 3 red and 4 green make 7 beads altogether. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Look at the beads on two flags – which one has more? How do you know? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Use two colours to help children visualise facts. • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -Use two colours of beads and explore different ways to make a number. • Patterns and Relationships – Using different colours , create patterns. • Solve Simple Number Stories – 4 beads went onto the flag pole…how many more to make 5?

  33. Playing Cards • At the earliest level children can: • Match cards that are the same. • Place in order on the floor. • Find a missing numeral on the washing line. • Play snap. • Play pairs. • Find a card more than… less than… number before…number after…, one less than, one more than. • Remember to start with small numbers until children are more confident. Children can quickly recognise that the ACE card always has the value of one. • Easy addition and subtraction cards – children can self check by counting. Templates for the empty sums are available from The School Bell • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Count the number of cards you have. • Read and Write numbers - Read the numerals on the cards • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –See how symbols on cards are grouped …are there are any patterns? Counting and Comparing Collections - Which card has the highest value? How do you know? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Place cards face up on the floor and find partners to make…10 etc. • Early Multiplication and Division – Use the cards as a visual to count in groups of 2, 5 and10. • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -Use cards to ask children questions – see above • Patterns and Relationships – Make patterns: red card, black card, red card…or 2, 3, 2, 3, 2… • Solve Simple Number Stories – Give children two lower value cards and ask them to make up a number story.

  34. Double Dance • Use dominoes to learn about doubles and introduce the language of doubles and halves: • I have double 5. Altogether I have 10! • Half of 10 is 5! • The Double Dance • Children to place a set of dominoes facedown on the floor so that they cannot see the spots. Each child takes it in turns to select a domino. If they turn over double they need to shout out what they have e.g. double 3 is six and they dance at the same time. They can then collect a counter. If children are a bit nervous the rules could be changed so that everyone dances when someone finds a double everyone has to stop dancing to hear which double has been found! There is no need to collect points – it is just lots of fun! The game could also be played with dice. • . • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Count the spots on the dominoes and dice. • Read and Write numbers - Match numerals to double dominoes • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Create double patterns with dots/play-dough/cubes/counters… • Counting and Comparing Collections - Is double 3 more or less than double 5? How do you know? • Counting Strategies, Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Use finger patterns to quickly represent the total seen on the domino. • Early Multiplication and Division – Learn about doubles and halves being the opposite of one another. • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -Learn the doubles facts. • Patterns and Relationships – Develop the ability to recognise dot patterns that are equal. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Use props to create number stories for double numbers up to ten.

  35. Work It Out! • Using the board, children can work through the question on the card. Vary questions to suit child. • Here the child is being asked to work out 5-3. • First they place 5 counters in a domino pattern in the space. Then they remove three counters and place them in the cup. • How many are left? • What happens if we put the three counters back? • If we have 3 counters and 2 counters how many do we have altogether? • Children could also place counters in a line along the top of the board. • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 3*** • Number word sequences – Count forwards and backwards as they place counters. • Read and Write numbers - Recognise the numerals and read the question. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Place dots in regular domino patterns or along a line. • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Verbalise what is being done and explain what is happening to the number. • Early Multiplication and Division – Can the number of counters be shared equally? • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -Consolidate number facts to 10. • Patterns and Relationships – Learn that subtraction is the inverse of addition. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Use different resources and children can tell stories to solve the question.

  36. Teddy Bears &The Cave Children can create lots of addition and subtraction number stories using bears and the cave! e.g. One day 5 bears went off for a walk and they saw a cave! One very brave bear went inside and there were 4 bears left outside. We have two stories - 5 take away 1 makes 4 & 4 and 1 more makes 5. Children can always check by removing the cave. As they become more confident let the children see you place 2 bears in the cave and then screen them (hide). Then say “There are 2 bears inside the cave and 3 bears outside the cave – how many bears altogether?” This activity encourages the child to develop counting on skills. This skill can be tricky and the child should always be given the opportunity to check the number of hidden bears and then count them altogether. • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Count forwards and backwards as resources are taken out/put away. • Read and Write numbers - Write the number of bears on white boards. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Group bears by using 2 different coloured bears • Counting and Comparing Collections - Place bears in two sets - discuss which group has more / less bears. How do you know? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Develop number stories using bears. • Early Multiplication and Division – Can the children share the bears equally? Try counting in twos. • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -Use 5 bears and find out all the number facts to make five – teach your partner all the facts. • Patterns and Relationships – Match and create patterns using different coloured bears / counters. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Use this resource to act out addition and subtraction stories.

  37. Little Bo Peep Story Suitcase Children can create lots of addition and subtraction number stories using Little Bo Peep and her sheep. e.g. Little Bo Peep had 7 sheep to look after. One day 3 sheep wandered out of the pen. How many are left in the pen? The dog rounded up two sheep and they went back into the pen. How many sheep are in the pen now? How many sheep does Bo Peep need to find to make 7? This activity encourages the child to develop counting on skills. Other resources could be used such as ducks, butterflies, dinosaurs, cows, flowers, fish, etc • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Count forwards and backwards as resources are taken out/put away. • Read and Write numbers - Write the number of sheep on white boards. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Using black and white sheep , encourage the children to group them. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Place sheep in two sets - discuss which group has more / less bears. How do you know? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Develop number stories using sheep. • Early Multiplication and Division – Can the children share the sheep equally? Try counting in twos. • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -Use 5 sheep and find out all the number facts to make five – teach your partner all the facts. • Patterns and Relationships – Match and create patterns using different coloured sheep. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Use this resource to act out addition and subtraction stories.

  38. Counting Opportunities • Children love to count and these are just a couple of ideas. Use whatever resources you can find in your classroom and encourage them to match them to numerals. • It is really important to develop one to one correspondence and using a variety of resources will help to give lots of valuable ‘hands on experiences’ • Linking elephants • Lolly sticks • Cars • Cuddly toys • Counters • Fingers • Socks • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Say the sequence backwards and forwards. Ask children to sequence the cards. • Read and Write numbers - Correctly read the numeral and then create a collection to match. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –As collections of items are created, describe what can be seen e.g. ‘ What did you use to make four?’ ‘I used two clips and then another two clips.’ • Counting and Comparing Collections - Which group has more / less ? How do you know? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Explore what happens when one is added to the collection or when one is removed. • Early Multiplication and Division – Can you share the pegs equally between yourself and your partner? • Patterns and Relationships – Create patterns and discuss what is seen. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Select a number of the day and ask the children to create a number story around this number.

  39. Bowling • Use plastic cups, skittles or soldiers. So much fun and it helps to develop hand / eye co-ordination too! • Children can predict and then count the number they knock down and try to improve next time. Give the child 2 balls. Bowl once and record number of skittles knocked down on a piece of paper. Do the same again with the second ball. After the second throw, describe a number story about the number that has been knocked down e.g. 3 and 4 is 7 • Discuss: • Can you knock down one more than 3? • Can you knock down one less than seven? • Can you knock down any number more then 5? • How many do you need to knock down altogether? • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Count forwards and backwards as skittles are placed out. • Read and Write numbers - Record how many skittles are knocked down – e.g. on white boards • Counting and Comparing Collections - Did you knock down more skittles with the first ball or the second ball? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Bonds to 10 • Early Multiplication and Division – Count in twos and share skittles equally. • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -Select a number fact and use the skittles to show the number story. • Patterns and Relationships – Place the skittles in pairs and then count the skittles. If all the skittles have a partner we can say it is an even number. If the number is nine then number nine will not have a partner and therefore 9 is an odd number. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Use skittles to create addition and subtraction stories.

  40. Matching Numerals Revitalise old number books and make them more interactive! Attach Velcro to the pages of a simple number book (preferably a card book so that the pages are stronger). Children can match numerals, dots or number words to the pictures. • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Read and Write numbers - Read the numerals and place counters etc on the correct page. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Use small five or ten frames to place on the correct pages for children to show that number. This will help to illustrate five-wise patterns. • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Place number facts to match the number on the page. • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -As above.

  41. Magnetic Numbers • Number Sort is a great activity – children can sort and place numbers in the correct group. • Fishing for numbers is great fun and children can read the number they fish for. • Who has the largest number? • Who has the smallest number? • Can we sequence the numbers we do have? • What are the missing numbers in the sequence? • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Sequence a set of numerals starting with the smallest/largest. • Read and Write numbers - Take a number from a feely bag and then draw the requisite number of dots on a white board. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Select two numbers and collect a number of objects to match each number. Which collection has more/less? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Use magnetic numbers to create a number story. • Early Multiplication and Division – Share the magnetic numbers equally between a group of children. • Patterns and Relationships – Make and talk about patterns e.g. red, blue, red, blue.... • Solve Simple Number Stories – Using 2 numbers, create number stories to match and check using counters.

  42. Cookie Sheet Match • Use magnetic resources on a baking tray e.g. magnetic numbers or laminated pictures / words with a magnetic strip on the back. The work does not move around so it is easy for the children to complete the activity. • Find different ways to represent a number. • Find the correct numeral word. • Match words to dots/numerals. • Sequence numbers. • Create a five/ten frame. • Free sample from maketaketeach.com • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 2** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Count forwards and backwards from different numbers. • Read and Write numbers - Read the numbers to match the images and number words. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Practise structuring numbers using a variety of resources. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Discuss which collection has more / fewer. How do you know? • Patterns and Relationships – Use coloured magnets on trays to create patterns and discuss.

  43. Lolly Stick Facts Video from Teachingchannel.org of a teacher working with a pupil to develop knowledge of number within ten. This short film is very self explanatory and provides useful ideas when working with an individual. • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Count the sticks forwards and backwards. • Read and Write numbers - Read the numeral cards and place the correct number of sticks on the table. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Recognise smaller groups without counting [ subitising] • Counting and Comparing Collections - Are there more sticks in your hand or on the table? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Alter the starting number of sticks to suit child • Early Multiplication and Division – Count in twos - use sticks as a visual. Can you share the sticks between two people equally? Is there an odd or even number of sticks? • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -Use different totals of sticks to help reinforce basic facts. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Use sticks as a prop to create addition and subtraction stories.

  44. Raindrops • Watch a short Childcareland video for this activity here. • Some other fun ideas from the same website: • Ice Cube Tray Math • Apple Roll and Pick • Snowflake Counting • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Forward and backward counting. • Read and Write numbers - Read numeral cards and words. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Practise structuring numbers to match the numeral. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Discuss which number is greater / smaller. How do you know? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – ‘You have 3 raindrops, how many more will you need to make six raindrops?’ • Mental Agility – Basic Facts -Try and find as many ways as possible to make a number. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Tell another person a number stories using the resource.

  45. Bonds to Ten or Pelmanism • The aim of this game is for children find partners to make ten. Children take it in turns to turn over two cards. They must say what they have turned over and if the two cards total 10 they keep the pair. If they do not total 10 then they must turn them back over in the same place and the next player then gets to take their turn. • Alternative games: • Children can add the cards together and if they are correct they keep the pair. • Play with different number bonds - just remember to remove any spare cards. • Play for Double facts • Uno cards have been used here but this activity could be played using playing cards , digit cards, ten frames or dot cards. • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 3*** • Number word sequences – Count the cards as they are placed in the array pattern. • Read and Write numbers - Playing with a variety of cards, learn to read the numbers, words or dots. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Use a set of dot cards to encourage recognition of groups of dots. • Counting and Comparing Collections – Who has the most pairs at the end of the game? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Encourage children to say the number they turn over out loud. First person to shout out the answer to the sum winds the cards.

  46. Patterns • Encourage children to create and look for patterns in the environment. • Spend time creating and talking about repeating patterns. • Some ideas are: • pattern walk with camera to record findings, both linear and circular; • clapping patterns; • body patterns (arms out, arms up, arms out, arms up); • building colour patterns use counters, cubes; • follow-the-leader patterns (hop, hop, jump, hop, hop, jump; stamp, stamp, clap, stamp, stamp, clap; etc.,); • Encourage children to predict what will come next. • Children create repeating patterns using a variety of resources and materials . Can you read your pattern to me? What will come next? How do you know? • Mary, Mary, Quite Contrary activity • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Recite number rhymes with predictable rhythms. • Read and Write numbers - Use ordinal names (first, second, etc.) to describe patterns. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping - Make sound patterns with musical instruments. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Make patterns by size, colour, family and explain why. • Patterns and Relationships - Recognise and describe patterns in songs, rhymes, stories, concrete objects, colour sequences and size sequences. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Describe the patterns they have created to others.

  47. Beads Discussion about colour and shapes Children create repeating patterns using a variety of beads. Can you ‘read’ your pattern to me? What will come next? How do you know? Can you add more to my pattern? Other ideas: Can you put 4 beads on your string? Can you put 2 more than 5 on your string? Can you put 1 less than 6 on your string? Can you show me a way to make 6 using only two colours? Encourage children to discuss what they can see. • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Count beads in sequence by ones and then twos. Count forwards as beads are added and backwards as they are removed. • Read and Write numbers - Use ordinal names (first, second, etc.) to describe patterns. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping – Put 7 beads on your string and only use 2 colours. Encourage children to discuss what they have done...2 red and 5 blue or 3 green and 2 blue and 1 green. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Make bead patterns by colour and explain why. • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – Develop early one to one counting. • Patterns and Relationships - Recognise and describe bead patterns. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Tell stories using the beads. One day three boys who wore blue t-shirts went fishing and two girls who wore yellow t-shirts decided to join them. How many children went fishing altogether?

  48. Pattern Blocks • Children enjoy playing with wooden shapes and these pattern blocks can be used to create lots of pictures and patterns. Remember patterns can be horizontal as well as vertical! • Ask children to predict what comes next in a pattern…discuss shapes and colours. • Make a picture using 3 red, 4 blue and 5 orange shapes. How many shapes did you use altogether? Are there more orange than blue? How do you know? • Children can make pictures and talk about the number of yellow blocks, red blocks etc… • Free picture templates available from PreKinders • Free pattern templates (blocks, bears and unifix) available from Mrs Meacham’s website. • These activities can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Count forwards and backwards as shapes are being laid out / put away. • Read and Write numbers - Throw a number dice and collect that number of shapes. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Recognise dot patterns on dice and collect number of shapes to match. • Counting and Comparing Collections - I have 4 shapes and you have two shapes. Who has more / less? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts from 10 – You had 8 shapes and I took away 2, how many are left? • Early Multiplication and Division – Place out shapes and count in twos. Share the shapes equally. • Mental Agility – Basic Facts - At earliest level ,encourage one to one counting. Ask children ‘Give me six shapes.’ • Patterns and Relationships –Blue, blue, yellow, blue, blue....what comes next? Triangle, square, triangle...? • Solve Simple Number Stories –Make up a story on a number card using the shapes.

  49. Lego Activities • Create patterns in and out of the classroom using Lego or Duplo. Children can also make large numerals using bricks. • Print patterns and ask children to continue the pattern. • Lego towers. • Ask children to make a tower using 4 blocks? • Can you make a tower using less than 6 blocks? • Can you make a tower 1 more than 8 blocks? • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Count forwards and backwards. • Read and Write numbers - Make numerals with blocks or count the number of blocks to match words/numerals • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Using 2 colours of blocks, find all the different ways to make a number. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Who has the largest collection? Who has a smallest collection? • Counting Strategies , Early addition and subtraction/ facts to 10 – One to one counting • Early Multiplication and Division – Can you share the blocks easily? Create groups of two and count in twos. • Patterns and Relationships – Predict and discuss what will be next in the pattern. How do you know? • Solve Simple Number Stories – Enjoy creating number stories using the blocks.

  50. Counting & Comparing Collections Sorting items and being able to explain your ideas is an important early stage within maths. Children learn to ‘read’ images and apply language to their thinking. Use vocabulary such as big, large, medium, small and little, colour, shape, stripy, spotty, etc... Have fun creating collections for children to sort, compare and count. Encourage children to sort the items using their own criteria and ask them to explain what they did. This is a great activity for indoors and outdoors – pebbles, leaves, shells, cones, twigs, compare bears, shapes, animals, cars, etc. • This activity can be used to support the following domains at 1 *, 2 ** and 3*** • Number word sequences – Count forwards, backwards and starting at different numbers. • Read and Write numbers - Match collections to number words and numerals. • Structuring Numbers – Grouping –Explore the structure of a number by creating smaller groups e.g. the apple picture shows groups of 3 and 3 and 2. • Counting and Comparing Collections - Discuss collections of items. • Early Multiplication and Division – Can the number be shared equally between 2 people? • Patterns and Relationships – Describe what can be seen. • Solve Simple Number Stories – Tell a story about four frogs or 7 leaves etc..

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