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Practice exercises for changing direct speech to reported speech and using imperatives correctly in English grammar. Includes examples and explanations for better understanding.
EXAM PRACTICE The trafficpolicefinedhim 300 eurosbecausehisd_____ l_____ hadexpired. Professor Loisays he hasdeveloped a treatment that can restorevirginity. He isgoing to take out a p___ on hisdiscovery. I can’t stand peoplewho park on the p_____. Theyshouldthinkaboutdisabledpeople in wheelchairs. I droppedmysmartphone on the f_____ and itbroke. Men whohear a strange noise in the garage during the night should go to a urologist and get a p_____ for Xatral. This Yorkshire pudding isdelicious. Can yougive me the r_____?
The trafficpolicefinedhim 300 eurosbecausehisdriving/driver’slicencehadexpired. Professor Loisays he hasdeveloped a treatment that can restorevirginity. He isgoing to take out a patent on hisdiscovery. I can’t stand peoplewho park on the pavement. Theyshouldthinkaboutdisabledpeople in wheelchairs. I droppedmysmartphone on the floorand itbroke. Men whohear a strange noise in the garage during the night should go to a urologist and get a prescription for Xatral. This Yorkshire pudding isdelicious. Can yougive me the recipe?
INTERROGATIVE FORMS Yes/No questions “Do youthinkBruno isnice?” Federica asked (us). Federica askedusif/whetherwethought Bruno wasnice. Wh- questions “WheredoesAngelica live?” Mauro asked Emanuele. Mauro asked Emanuela where Angelica lived. “How oldis Valentina?” Raffaela asked. Raffaela wanted to knowhowold Valentina was. “Whodidyouseeat the party?” Meryamasked me. Meryamasked me who I hadseenat the the party.
IMPERATIVES “Shut up, Luigi!” Matteo said. Matteo toldLuigito shutup. “Getyourdirtyhands off me, Weinstein!” shesaid. ShetoldWeinsteinto gethisdirtyhands off her. “Don’tbelieveeverything Donald says,” Vladimir said. Vladimir told/warnedus/everyone/the world not to believeeverything Donald said. “Help me, please!” Alessia said. Alessia asked/beggedus/him/somebodyto help her.
REPORTING VERBS REVISION: tellsomebodysomething saysomething Giovanni said he wasgoing to become a priest. Giovanni toldus/Emanuele/the class he wasgoing to become a priest. Use tell in imperatives.
Verb + to + infinitive “I’m going to launch some missiles,” Donald said. Donald said he was going to launch some missiles. Donald decided to launch some missiles. “I’ll help you, Donald,” Theresa said. Theresa said she would help Donald. Theresa offered to help Donald. promise refuse threaten (minacciare) agree (accettare, essered’accordo) His ex-wife threatened to tell the media all his dirty secrets, so he agreed to give her a lot of money in exchange for her silence.
Verb + objectcomplement + to + infinitive tell ask advise (consigliare) beg (implorare) invite remind (ricordare) plead with (supplicare) warn (avvertire) forbid (proibire) I warned you to be more careful. My boss reminded me to update the antivirus program. My accountant advised us to invest in Bitcoin, but fortunately we didn’t listen to her. The businessman pleaded with the bank to give him a little more time. Mrs Jones begged her daughter not to give her violent boyfriend a second chance.
Verb + objectcomplement+ preposition + _ing accuse some of _ing congratulate someone on _ing She congratulated her friend on passing the English exam. The union accusedthe management of not negotiating in good faith.
Verb + _ing avoid (evitare) suggest admit (ammettere) deny (negare) regret (pentirsi) The politician tried to avoid answering the journalist’s question. Mauro suggested going out together for a pizza at the end of the academic year. Everyone thought it was good idea as long as he paid. Facebook admitted using people’s accounts incorrectly but denied trying to influence the election result. I regret calling my karate instructor an idiot.
Verb + preposition + _ing apologise/apologize for _ing (scusarsi) We apologised for being late. The top bankers never apologised for causing the crisis of 2008.
Verb + that+ clause (frase) claim (dichiarare, sostenere) complain (lamentarsi) think believe (credere) explain (spiegare) state (affermare) reply (replicare) answer add (aggiungere) insist doubt (dubitare) announce Dr Laduclaims that he can reverse the ageing process but I doubt thatmany reputable scientists believe him. The students complained that the exam was too difficult but the teacher replied that he had asked his family to try the test and even the cat got 19/30.
EXAM PRACTICE “Don’t touch that switch!” the lecturer told us. WARNED ______________________________________________________________ Susan and Bob said, “We’re going to Syria for our holidays.” WERE ______________________________________________________________ Carla asked the shopkeeper, “How much will I have to pay?” SHE ______________________________________________________________ “Do you feel all right?” the doctor asked Peter. WHETHER ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––
“Don’t touch that switch!” the lecturer told us. WARNED The lecturer warned us not to touch that switch. Susan and Bob said, “We’re going to Syria for our holidays.” WERE Susan and Bob said (that) they were going to Syria for their holidays. Carla asked the shopkeeper, “How much will I have to pay?” SHE Carla asked the shopkeeper how much she would have to pay. “Do you feel all right?” the doctor asked Peter. WHETHER The doctor asked Peter how he felt.
FALSE FRIENDS injure (v) injury (n) In the explosion two people died and many more were seriously injured. An injury to his cruciate ligament means that he won’t play again this season. [ingiurare = to insult] magazine (n) Focus is a very interesting magazine. [magazzino = warehouse, store] A scientific journal is unarivistascientifica. morbid (n) The psychologist says that her patient has a morbid obsession with death. [morbido= soft]