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How Can Chemical Peels Treat Hyperpigmentation?

Do you have skin troubles in terms of dark spots, heavy pigmentation and melasma? <br>Chemical skin peels are a savior and helps you maintain an even skin tone. <br>Here are some of the specific peels that target hyperpigmentation. <br>For more info- https://www.vlccwellness.com/UAE/en/

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How Can Chemical Peels Treat Hyperpigmentation?

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  1. How Can Chemical Peels Treat Hyperpigmentation?

  2. Doyouhaveskintroublesintermsofdarkspots, heavypigmentationandmelasma? Thisiswherechemicalskinpeelsareasaviorand helps you maintain an even skin tone. They surely help defeat the other, less effective measuresof skincareinUAE.

  3. Chemicalpeels,asthenamesuggests,helpthe body“peel”awayunwantedskinandspeedsup theregenerationprocess. Different chemical peels serve different purposes,herearesomeofthespecificpeelsthat targethyperpigmentation-

  4. 1. GlycolicAcid Glycolic acid peels are a part of the fruit acid familywhichisderivedfromsugarcane.Themain benefitofthepeelisthatthere’snodowntime postthetreatment.Youcanalsousethe skintreatmentinUAE forwrinklesandacne.

  5. 2. SalicylicAcid SalicylicAcidpeelsarealsoknownasbetapeels becausethesecontainbeta-hydroxyacid. Ifyouhavesensitiveanddamagedskin,clogged pores, oily skin that is prone to seborrheic dermatitisandacne,thisistheperfectpeelfor you.

  6. 3.Trichloroacetic–TCA TCAorTrichloroaceticpeelsaremainlyusedto takecareofskinimperfectionssuchaswarts. Thesearestrongerandcanpenetratedeeperin theskin.Itcanbeappliedtotheface,theneck, handsandlegs. Formoreinformationneededontheskinpeels, keepatabonthisspace.

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