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Why Women Need Bone Density Tests

Read more about bone density https://www.ifwh.org/services/bone-density-scan/

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Why Women Need Bone Density Tests

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Presentation Transcript

  1. WhyWomen NeedBone Density Tests

  2. Youmaybewonderingwhyitis especiallyimportantforwomento gettheirboneschecked.Let’sget started!

  3. WhyshouldIgetabonedensity test? Abonedensitytestis used to assessbonestrengthandtheprobability of fractures. It can also show thedoctorif youhavenormalbonedensity,low bone density(osteopenia),orosteoporosis.

  4. Whatis theprocedureforabone densitytest? Therearedifferentkindsofbonedensitytests,butthemostcommon oneisadual-energyX-rayabsorptiometry(DXA)scan. Thisscan can beperformedwithdevicesto measurebonedensity inthe hip andspineorwithsmallerperipheraldevicesto measurebonedensity inthewrist

  5. WhenshouldIgetabonedensity test? Forwomen,theNationalOsteoporosisFoundationrecommendsthatif youareolderthan 65,havebrokenaboneafter50 areawomanofmenopausalagewithrisk factors,orarea postmenopausalwomanunderage65withrisk factors,youshould scheduleabonedensitytests.

  6. Thisarticleis originallyappearedon https://www.ifwh.org/en/women-need-bone-density-tests/

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