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N eutron cap ture measurements (NCap)

N eutron cap ture measurements (NCap). neutron production via 7 Li(p,n). proton accelerator. radioactive ions. Michael Heil for the NCAP collaboration. Radioactive ion beam facility. Extensive neutron source. Improved g -detection system.

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N eutron cap ture measurements (NCap)

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  1. Neutron capture measurements (NCap) neutron production via 7Li(p,n) proton accelerator radioactive ions Michael Heil for the NCAP collaboration Radioactive ion beam facility Extensive neutron source Improved g-detection system Measure neutron capture cross sections on radioactive targets

  2. Motivation Neutron capture cross sections of unstable isotopes are important for the nucleosynthesis of the heavy elements: Neutron capture Abundance (Si=106) Fe Mass number • s-process: the analyses of branchings along the s-process path give information on physical state of stellar plasma. • r- and p-process: • capture of the remaining free neutrons during freeze out will influence the final abundance pattern. • Data necessary to test and assist model calculations.

  3. Motivation / s-process 63Ni 79Se 81Kr 85Kr 147Nd 147Pm 148Pm 151Sm 154Eu 155Eu 153Gd 160Tb 163Ho 170Tm 171Tm 179Ta 185W 204Tl • Branchings determine • neutron density • temperature • mass density • convection time scales • in the star during the s process 152 154 155 156 241d Gd 151 153 9.3 h 8.8yr 5.0yr Eu 150 152 154 93 yr Sm Experimental challenge: Measure (n,g) of unstable isotopes

  4. Motivation / r-process The production of 60Fe in core collapse supernovae depends strongly on the uncertain 59Fe(n,g) cross section. The observation of 60Fe (t1/2=1.5 Myr) with the INTEGRAL satellite will constrain supernovae models if the 59Fe(n,g) cross section is known. No experimental data available Calculations: 1 mb – 10 mb Detection of 60Fe with INTEGRAL or RHESSI Evidence for a nearby Supernova 2.8 Myr ago at a distance of a few 10 pc. Deep-Sea Manganese Crust

  5. Production of radioactive samples • So far, milli-gram samples are necessary to perform neutron capture experiments on radioactive isotopes. • Problems: • Activity of the samples: • Assume 500 mg 85Kr: • Ig=0.43 %, Eg = 514 keV: 30 GBq • Availability of the samples • We need an experimental setup which allows to measure neutron capture cross sections of nano-gram samples • We need a possibility to produce isotopically “pure” nano-gram samples

  6. Experimental setup Sample by ion implantation of radioactive beams Neutron production via 7Li(p,n) 100 5.5 En (keV) g prompt flash Neutron beam Proton beam Proton accelerator g g other reactions (n,g) on sample 4p BaF2 TOF (ns) 0 10 39 4 cm flight path for high neutron flux 4p BaF2 detector for efficient g-ray detection R. Reifarth et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A (in press)

  7. radioactive ions Sample production • To perform neutron capture experiments • on radioactive isotopes one needs samples with about 1015 atoms: • With FAIR and other upcoming RIB facilities (Spiral2, RIA, Eurisol) intensities of >1010 ions/s are reached for a wide variety of isotopes. • Implantation of selected isotopes in thin carbon foils: • beam intensity ≥ 1010 1/s (8.64·1014 1/day) • beam size Ø < 2 cm • high purity (<10% contaminant beam) • thin backings (<1 mg/cm2 carbon backings) • -> low energy radioactive beam (< 5 MeV/u) • Expected production intensities: • 6·109 for 59Fe • 3·1010 for 85Kr 5 MeV/u 59Fe ions in carbon

  8. The NUSTAR facility "Super-FRS" Low-Energy Branch Super-FRS Ring Branch High-Energy Branch

  9. Production rates of exotic nuclei K.-H. Schmidt

  10. Neutron source • Neutron production via 7Li(p,n) reaction • We propose to build a pulsed high-current, low-energy accelerator: • - 2 to 3 MeV proton energy • - repetition rates 1 to 100 kHz • - pulse width < 1 ns • - average current <100 mA at 10 kHz Worldwide most intense neutron source in the keV region !

  11. Physics performance - example 85Kr • No experimental data available, theoretical calculations at 30 keV: 123 mb, 67 mb, 25 mb, 150 mb: Uncertain by a factor of 6 • Beam time of 2 days: • 85Kr beam of 3.25·1010 1/s (> 5.6·1015 atoms in two days, 800 ng) • Neutron flux of 1·108 neutrons/s/cm2 • Neutron capture cross section of 100 mb collection of > 35 000 counts in 1 week background from backing: 125 000 carbon Activity of target: 50 kBq Ig=0.43 %, Eg = 514 keV 85Kr This setup would also allow measurements of very small (n,g) cross sections (weak s-process, neutron poisons)

  12. Schedule and milestones  • Submission of the proposal ( April 2004) • PAC: evaluation of the proposals (June 2004) • Submission of technical report (Jan. 2005) • PAC: evaluation of TR’s (March 2005) • Technical Design Report (Jan. 2006) • R&D (2004 – 2008) - Proof of principle experiment at Karlsruhe - Study different proton accelerator concepts - BaF2 pulse shape, implantation setup … • Construction phase (2008 – 2010) • Operation in 2010   

  13. NCap-Collaboration • Bari, Italy, INFN (G. Tagliente) • Bologna, Italy, INFN (N. Colonna) • Bologna, Italy, ENEA (A. Mengoni) • Madrid, Spain, CIEMAT (D. Cano-Ott, E.M. Gonzalez-Romero) • Darmstadt, Germany, GSI (C. Scheidenberger, K. Sümmerer) • Dresden, Germany, Forschungszentrum Rossendorf (A. Junghans) • Karlsruhe, Germany, FZK (L. Audouin, M. Heil, F. Käppeler, R. Plag, S. Walter) • Legnaro, Italy, INFN (P. F. Mastinu) • Los Alamos, USA, LANL (R. Reifarth) • Notre Dame, USA, University of Notre Dame (M. Wiescher) • Oak Ridge, USA, ORNL (P. Koehler) • Osaka, Japan, RCNP (Y. Nagai) • Saclay, France, CEA (F. Gunsing) • Valencia, Spain, IFIC (J. L. Tain) You are welcome to join !!!

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