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Urban Poverty Strategy Update - LCG Urban Sector Subgroup Meeting - 16 November 2009. In September the LCG Urban Sector Subgroup agreed to concentrate efforts on contributing to GoB’s strategies to adequately tackle urban poverty The participants voted to create two task forces on:
Urban Poverty Strategy Update - LCG Urban Sector Subgroup Meeting - 16 November 2009
In September the LCG Urban Sector Subgroup agreed to concentrate efforts on contributing to GoB’s strategies to adequately tackle urban poverty The participants voted to create two task forces on: - developing evidence-based arguments for addressing urban poverty - identifying key decision makers Background (1)
In the short term, the work of the evidence-based arguments task-force will: - feed into a briefing paper for the planned 'conversation event' on urban poverty (now scheduled for January) - help identify the list of suggested invitees. In the medium term, these task forces will: - provide evidence for an LCG Urban Subgroup strategy / position paper on urban poverty - engage key decision makers developing the GoB's strategies – esp. NSAPR-2, the 5 year interim development plan and the urban sector policy A high-level conference on urban poverty is currently planned following the conversation event (March/April 2010 – date TBC) Background (2)
Members: Philippa Thomas (DfiD), Monirul Alam (UNICEF), Ashekur Rahman (UNDP), Alexander Jachnow (GTZ) Following a task force meeting in October, a 'framework paper' was circulated structured around the following key themes: - Economic impacts - Addressing urban as well as rural poverty - Urban-rural linkages - Health - Education - Security/Social Cohesion - Environment - Labour markets - Land Security & Tenure - Urban Municipal Governance For each theme a lead DP has been assigned to gather evidence – both from Bangladesh and internationally – and produce a short summary of key issues Evidence-Based Arguments Task Force (1)
Action points: Lead DPs for each theme need to submit their evidence by 19 November All Urban Subgroup members are also encouraged to submit additional material by the end of November GTZ will conduct an initial assessment of the evidence and produce a draft briefing paper by the first week of December The task force will meet to discuss the paper and next steps prior to the next meeting of the Urban Subgroup Evidence-Based Arguments Task Force (2)
Members: Rose-Anne Papavero (UNICEF), Azahar Ali (Urban Partnerships for Poverty Reduction), Shaikh Ahmed (World Bank) Following a task force meeting in October, a matrix of key decision makers has been developed (initially to identify invitees for the conversation event) The suggestions of the Hon. Secretary would be highly valued to ensure that key GoB policy makers and advisors are identified. Members of the task force also agreed to approach GoB contacts to establish the timescales and key dates for developing the updated NSAPR, the 5-year development plan and the urban sector policy. Key Decision Makers Task Force (1)
Action Points: Hon. Secretary's suggestions to be incorporated into planning matrix for conversation event Matrix to be circulated to Urban Subgroup for additional comments / suggestions by end of November 'Roadmap' of key dates for development of GoB's strategies to be produced by end of November Key Decision Makers Task Force (2)
25-30 key stakeholders from GoB, DPs and civil society/research institutions will be invited for two days to Sylhet Costs for the event and the attendance of GoB and other national invitees to be covered by GTZ - other participants will be responsible for their own costs (but GTZ will be responsible for flights and hotel arrangements) The main objectives are: - to initiate discussions on urban poverty with key policy makers & stakeholders - to create common understanding on major trends on urban poverty - to identify key information gaps as well as potential areas for intervention - to prepare a GoB-LCG paper on next steps in addressing urban poverty that will structure the agenda for the high-level conference Conversation Event (1)
The event is designed to influence the revised NSAPR-II so a date will be chosen that is prior to parliamentary approval of the document. To ensure its relevance to the GoB's own development strategies, the agenda and the briefing paper will reflect the structure of the NSAPR-II Action Point: Date to be set for conversation event ASAP and identified key decision makers to be approached in December Conversation Event (2)
A high-level conference (proposed for March/April 2010) will be designed in-line with the outcomes of the conversation event. Its main objectives will be: - to support the GoB to address urban poverty in its development strategies, esp. the 5-year development plan & urban sector policy - to share experience of successful approaches in Bangladesh & internationally - to raise public awareness of urban poverty through a media campaign, launch of newly published research / documentaries etc. Action Point: Possible dates for high-level conference - in line with timescales set out in key dates 'roadmap' - to be discussed at next Subgroup meeting High Level Conference