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RARCS/ESOA/MDA. Unified Project Topics 2009.1 Jacques Robin. AOCBMDE Case Study: Rollerslam Simulation. Application 1: Fully Customizable Games Innovative software process for fast prototyping fully customizable games where the user changes the field, the rules etc.

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  1. RARCS/ESOA/MDA Unified Project Topics 2009.1 Jacques Robin

  2. AOCBMDE Case Study:Rollerslam Simulation • Application 1: Fully Customizable Games • Innovative software process for fast prototyping fully customizable games where the user changes the field, the rules etc. • Allows use of focus groups too define most exciting rule sets for games based on imaginary, science-fiction sports • Allows the Web2.0 evolutions of game variations and community based emergence of the most popular sets of rules • Application 2: Workbench for Controlled Experiments to Comparatively Evaluate Multi-Agent Systems: • MAS architecture • Communication, cooperation and competition protocols • Internal architecture of each agent • Automated reasoning task of each component of a given internal architecture • Knowledge representation language of each component of a given internal architecture • Agent team strategies • Software process • Full customization of environment characteristics (observability, determinism, dynamicity, continuity, etc.) for a given set of rules

  3. AOCBMDE Case Study:Rollerslam Simulation • Application 3:Tutorial System for Agents and Automated Reasoning • Fully customizable environment allowing students to build agents and test agents and agent teams for most possible combinations of environment characteristics • Link to Wiki pages with didactic material about societal and agent internal architectures, automated reasoning tasks and knowledge representation languages • Built-in societal and agent internal architectural patterns to be selected from a menu • Built-in component-based object-oriented rule-based knowledge representation language (COFL) and associated inference engine (COFLUX) • Students introduced to gradually more sophisticated: • Environments, all different versions of a single, unifying domain (Rollerslam sport simulation) • Societal and agent internal architectures • Automated reasoning tasks and knowledge representation language

  4. Rollerslam: A Futuristic Fusion Sport Gaelic Football Soccer Australian Football Rollerslam! Handball Rugby Basketball American Football Ice Hockey Slamball Roller Derby

  5. Rollerslam: The Sport out-track Track Zone Division 24m Trampoline Ramp in-track In-Tramp 45m Field 16m 64,25m 78m Center Circle Bounce Circle Out-Tramp Edge Goal

  6. Rollerslam: The Sport

  7. Rollerslam: The Sport Basket Goal Ramp Field Edge Wall Inner Trampoline (Ramp) Edge Outer Trampoline Goal Line Offensive Edge Shot Circle Edge Shot Square Defensive Edge Shot Circle

  8. Rollerslam: The Sport 7m 10m 6m 5m 1.5m 4m 3m 2.5m 1.25m 7m 3m

  9. Rollerslam: The Sport 7m

  10. Low Goal: Touched close hand: 1 pt Clear close hand, touched close foot, touched far hand, touched close hand volley: 2 pts Clear close foot, clear far hand, clear close hand volley: 4 pts Try: 7 pts Clear far foot, clear close foot volley: 8 pts Clear far foot volley: 16 pts High Goal: Close hand high volley: 1 pt Close hand high goal: 2 pts Close foot high volley: 3 pts Close foot high goal: 4 pts Far foot high volley: 6 pts Far high goal: 16 pts Baskets: Front tramp hand hoop, simple dunk: 4 pts Front ramp hand hoop, front alley dunk: 6 pts Back tramp hand hoop, far dunk: 8 pts Back ramp hand hoop, back alley dunk, front far hand hoop, front tramp foot hoop: 12 pts Front ramp foot hoop: 18 pts Back far hand hoop, back tramp foot hoop: 24 pts Front track hand hoop: 36 pts Back track hand hoop, front track foot hoop: 72 pts Back track foot hoop: 144 pts Laps: 1 passing lap: 16 pts N consecutive passing laps: (N+1)*16 pts 1 rushing lap: 32 pts N consecutive rushing laps: (N+1)*32 pts Rollerslam: The Sport

  11. Tactics: the 1-6-1-5-1-5-1 Line-Up LT 11 RV 13 LF 16 LB 3 FB 6 FF 18 QB 9 BT 1 GK 0 CB 4 HB 8 HF 10 CF 15 FT 19 IB 20 FB 5 FF 17 IT 21 RB 2 RF 14 RV 12 IR 22 IC 23 IF 24 RT 7

  12. PenaltySim: The Minimum Toy Multi-Agent Simulation gameOver, goal action(s,legs,shoot(2)) action(k,legs,move(right)) actions(k,legs,move(right)) action(k,hands,grab(yes)) action(s,legs,shoot(3)) action(k,legs,move(right)) gameOver, nogoal

  13. Infra-Structure Modeling and Implementing Tasks • Agent-Oriented KobrA2 Modeling Framework (Eric et al.) • a) Specify Object-Oriented Fluent Calculus in UML/OCL (OOFC, Eric), 10/06 • b) KobrA2 PIM of Internal Agent Architecture (Eric, Ramon, Marcellus), 17/06 • c) KobrA2 Multi-Agent Simulation PIM Framework (KMAPF, Eric), 24/06 • d) Java (?) Implementation of MAS PIM Framework (Eric, Peterson), 08/07 • Agent-Oriented Implementation Platform (Cleyton) • a) Port CHORD to CHROME, 10/06 • b) Implement OOFC in CHORD, 17/06 • c) Implement Agent PIM Framework in CHORD (OOFC-based belief revision + CHORD based action strategy), 08/07 • 3D Animation KobrA2 Modeling Framework (Peterson) • a) KobrA2 PIM of Java 3D e Direct 3D (others free platforms better candidates?) 17/06

  14. Infra-StructurePreliminary Toy Testing Tasks • PenaltySim PIM as Instance of KMAPF (Eric, Peterson) 01/07 • PenaltySim GamePhysics Agent PIM (Eric) 01/07 • PenaltySim Player Agents PIM (Cleyton) 01/07 • PenaltySimPlayer 2D Animation Agent PIM (Peterson) 01/07 • PenaltySim GamePhysics Agent Implementation (Eric) 15/07 • PenaltySim Player Agents Implementation (Cleyton) 15/07 • PenaltySimPlayer 2D Animation Agent Implementation (Peterson) 15/07

  15. Rollerslam 1.0 • Rollerslam PIM as Instance of KMAPF (Eric, Peterson) 05/08 • Rollerslam GamePhysics and Referee Agents PIM (Eric) 05/08 • Rollerslam Player Agents PIM (Cleyton) 05/08 • Rollerslam 2D Animation Agent PIM (Peterson) 05/08 • Rollerslam GamePhysics Agent Implementation (Eric) • Rollerslam Player Agents Implementation (Eric) • Rollerslam 2D Animation Agent Implementation (Peterson)

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