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Systems and Habits Smile Center – July 19, 2006

Systems and Habits Smile Center – July 19, 2006. AACD Meeting 2006. AACD Meeting 2006. Systems…. sys·tem (s s t m) n. A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole.

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Systems and Habits Smile Center – July 19, 2006

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  1. Systems and Habits Smile Center – July 19, 2006

  2. AACD Meeting 2006

  3. AACD Meeting 2006

  4. Systems… • sys·tem (s s t m)n. • A group of interacting, interrelated, or interdependent elements forming a complex whole. • An organism or body considered as a whole, especially with regard to its vital processes or functions. • A group of physiologically or anatomically complementary organs or parts. • Which brings to mind….

  5. Systems… • system n 1: a group of independent but interrelated elements comprising a unified whole; "a vast system of production and distribution and consumption keep the country going"

  6. Are there systems in ballooning?

  7. Yes – if pigs fly.

  8. Smile Center Systems…

  9. Pick the most valuable… (This is a picture of clearly defined and well executed systems)

  10. Systems… A set of well defined, well executed systems is the most valuable thing we have in our practice. It is more valuable than the latest décor and furnishings, more than a computerized injector or a laser. Our systems are our framework. When they are in place, we are free to take our care of patients to a higher level.

  11. Systems… • Consider what it takes to obtain… • The physical amenities. • $ • Well defined and executed systems • Vision • Originality • Leadership • Commitment • Teamwork

  12. Systems… • “‘We had everything money could not buy.’ And among these were some tremendous compensations. The air was clean and clear, with something almost sweet in the taste of it. The water was like rippling glass, and it was easy to see the glistening stones at the bottom of the creek. The stars at night stood out like people and animals in the sky—and boyish minds conjectured on what they saw. Summer rains were the manna that fell in that wilderness, bringing life to the land. Spring came with vast carpets of green where the plow had touched the soil, followed by the grain drill. Thundering, smoking steam engines fed power over long belts to threshing machines that produced sack after sack of wheat, oats, and barley…” – Harold B. Lee

  13. What do we offer that money can’t buy?

  14. Systems… • Consider the message conveyed by: • A Zoom whitening light • We are space age and awesome • We have the latest • A well-run recall system • We care. • We are willing to be accountable for the restorative work we have done. • We value health.

  15. Systems… • Make a list of systems that you are responsible for, or that you play a key part in. • Pick a system, and write something that would make it work better. List systems that we have that might not come naturally to us until we are trained in them, but which will eventually become reflexive.

  16. Habits… “Practice doesn’t make perfect – practice makes permanent.” Peter Vidmar

  17. Habits… "We first make our habits and then our habits make us." John Dryden

  18. Habits… • Our systems are only as good as our habits. List Great habits that we have that might not come naturally to us until we are trained in them, but which will eventually become reflexive.

  19. Habits… • Write down: • A habit you are proud of • A habit you would like to have • A habit you should probably forsake • A skill you can learn from someone else to make our systems run more smoothly

  20. In Conclusion • Our Office is the sum total of our systems • WE are the sum total of our habits • Consider the things you wrote down, resolve to improve. • Slim says: • You can do it!

  21. AACD Meeting 2006

  22. AACD Meeting 2006

  23. AACD Meeting 2006

  24. Habits, Part II: • Committing vs. Omitting

  25. Smile Center Systems… • Clearly Defined • The method is known • Well Executed • Skilled • Consistent • Complete

  26. Systems…

  27. Smile Center Systems… • What systems do we have in our office. A well defined, well executed system is the most valuable thing we have. More valuable than the latest décor and furnishings, more than a computerized injector or a laser. Recall system. Discuss this at length, and how not every patient wants to buy into this or do this. Ask why a strong recall system is valuable. What does a recall system say about our office? We care. We are willing to be accountable for the restorative work we have done. We value health.

  28. Habits… • Recall the Peter Vidmar quote from the AACD. Discuss habits vs. systems. Our systems are only as good as our habits. Then activity: have everyone write down a habit they are proud of, and a habit they would like to acquire, and a habit they should probably forsake.

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