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How do waves wear away the coast?

How do waves wear away the coast?. Mr Fehrenbach June 2014. Learning Objectives. To understand the meaning of the terms erosion, transport and deposition To understand that the size of waves and the amount of erosion depends on a number of factors To explain the four main types of erosion.

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How do waves wear away the coast?

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  1. How do waves wear away the coast? Mr Fehrenbach June 2014

  2. Learning Objectives • To understand the meaning of the terms erosion, transport and deposition • To understand that the size of waves and the amount of erosion depends on a number of factors • To explain the four main types of erosion

  3. Starter Question Recap words from Year 5 when studying Rivers. What can you remember about …… • Erosion • Transport • Deposition Using the glossary in Geog.2 write out the meaning of these key words.

  4. What causes waves? • Read p14 from text book. Now copy…. Waves are formed by wind blowing over the sea. The size of the wave depends on: • Strength of the wind eg. Stronger the wind the larger the wave • Length of time the wind blows for • Distance of sea the wind blow over- fetch

  5. Why do waves break?

  6. Why are waves generally larger in the south west than in the south east? Wave energy depends on the fetch, the strength of the wind and the length of time over which the wind has blown. fetch = the distance over which the wind has blown Look at an atlas or a wall map to find out the largest fetch around the British Isles.

  7. Paired Discussions With your partner you have 10 minutes to discuss your answers to questions 2 to 6. Make notes in the back of your book so you can feedback your discussions to the class.

  8. Coastal Erosion What do you know already? There are 4 key types of erosion: • Hydraulic Action • Abrasion • Corrosion (Solution) • Attrition Watch video clip which explains the different types of erosion types of coastal erosion – YouTube

  9. Types of Erosion • Hydraulic action - when the full force of the wave hits against the cliff and causes it to break • Abrasion • when rocks and pebbles continually rub against the cliff and wear it down (a bit like sandpaper) • Attrition • when pebbles hit against one another and wear themselves away • Corrosion (solution) - when salt water dissolves the minerals in the rock

  10. The Commotion in the Ocean • In pairs think of an Action to Act Out these 4 different Erosional Processes. Be imaginative as you can. • Can we guess which one you are doing? • What is coastal erosion? – YouTube

  11. The waves at work Refer to page 16 and 17 • Give the meaning of the term Longshore drift. • Draw a diagram to show how eroded material is carried along a coast • Describe how a beach may be formed In the back of your book make notes to answer Q3 to 6 to Feedback to the class.

  12. Coastal processes – transportation

  13. Longshore drift Direction of movement Backwash is always at right angles to the beach swash Backwash This movement of sediment along the coastline is calledlongshore drift.

  14. Homework- Research • Write a short paragraph to explain what causes tides.

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