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PPSD is On The Move! Celebrating Progress & Looking to the Future School Board Meeting August 12, 2014. Our Theory of Action. The PPSD theory of action is a statement about our beliefs that drives our work:. IF we develop and retain effective school leaders and teachers,
PPSD is On The Move! Celebrating Progress & Looking to the Future School Board Meeting August 12, 2014
Our Theory of Action The PPSD theory of action is a statement about our beliefs that drives our work: IFwe develop and retain effective school leaders and teachers, AND IF we differentiate the necessary resources and services to each school, AND IF our school leaders and teachers are responsible for individual student outcomes, THEN our schools will effectively serve every child.
Our Strategic Priorities 2013-14 These 4 strategies will create or improve our ability to tailor support and resources for schools. These strategies will improve district-wide systems and provide data for increased accountability. Negotiate breakthrough contracts Develop coherent assessment and data monitoring systems Design and implement a system-wide accountability framework Revise critical business processes related to student enrollment and assignment
Our Strategic Priorities 2013-14 These 5 strategies build on the foundation laid by the first 4 to open the door to effective teaching and learning in every school, for every teacher and student. Redesign professional development strategy and resources to maximize job-embedded learning Create a robust professional development strategy for school leaders Implement new teacher and school leader induction programs Effectively implement teacher and school leader evaluation systems Revise the Innovation Zone to ensure scalability and sustainability of effective school improvement efforts
We Also Pledge to Ingrain Three Practices into All of the Work We Do
The Theory of Change Focuses on What Matters Most Highly Effective Educators Student Centered Instruction Systems that Work
Highly Effective Educators • Teacher Induction • Administrator Induction • PAR • Teacher and Admin. Evaluation • Differentiated PD for Leaders • Increased School-Based PD • New Principal Comp. Structure
Student Centered Learning • Enhanced Ac. Interventions • Access to Core Curric. for All • Restored El. Math Coaches • Diff. Supports to Schools • Revised Innovation Zone • Reorged DATs • Increased SB Control of PD
Systems that Work • Our Team is in Place • Position Control • Technology • Skyward Underway • New Smartboards • More Wireless • Processes for Execution • Roll-Ups • Work Plan Monitoring • Quarterly Retreats
Graduation and Dropout Rates There has been a 3-year positive trend in the dropout rate, which was the lowest since 2009 at 12%. After two consecutive years of declining 4-year graduation rates, the Graduating Class of 2013 had the highest 4-year graduation rate since 2009 at 71.4%.
Additional Wins • NECAP is Gone • Carnegie is Here • We are Moving Forward!
Our Strategic Priorities 2014-15 Strategies 1-6 continue and deepen from last year • Negotiate breakthrough contracts that align to the district’s strategic priorities with competitive compensation packages. • Develop coherent assessment and data monitoring systems to improve instruction. • Design and implement a system-wide accountability framework. • Revise and improve critical business processes. • Effectively implement a teacher and school leader evaluation system to improve practice, increase accountability, and address employee needs. • Implement innovative, scalable and sustainable reform strategies that increase options for high quality education by providing flexible conditions and differentiated autonomy to Innovation Zone schools.
Our Strategic Priorities Professional development (#7) will have an even more intensive focus, and strategies 8 and 9 call out new areas for attention. • Provide robust, research-driven differentiated and targeted professional development to support teachers and administrators in creating learning communities that ensure every child in every grade is on track to graduate college and career ready. • Strengthen our support for student's social and emotional needs by implementing proven, research based programs that help teachers, students, and families foster positive decision-making and academic success for all children. • Design and implement a comprehensive training program for ALL employees that provides outstanding customer service to students, families, and fellow staff and community partners. The district’s goal is to build a long-lasting Customer Service Culture where employees are motivated, energized and empowered, and where and families are treated with dignity and respect.
We Also Pledge to Ingrain Three Practices into All of the Work We Do
Setting the Tone for Transformation in PPSD • Purpose • Every member of the PPSD community has a common understanding of the district’s goals and works to create the best possible environment for students and their families. All PPSD employees can articulate how their work directly supports student achievement. • Urgency • We work with true urgency, focusing on critical issues and avoiding frantic busywork. We are driven by our deep determination to ensure that every student in the Providence Public Schools receives a world-class education. We come to work every day ready to cooperate energetically in the service of our students and their families. • Focus • PPSD maintains a laser focus on ensuring that every student in every grade in every school is on track to graduate college and career ready. We prioritize important work and know when to say no to ideas of projects that will pull focus away from our key goals. • Service • PPSD staff work in service to our students and their families, to the community, and to each other. We commit to ensuring that we provide other members of the community with what they need to work with purpose, urgency, and focus. We are solution-oriented and ask how to fix problems rather than where to assign blame.
Opening Doors to Our Children’s Futures “The future depends on what we do in the present.” - Mahatma Ghandi