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Chapter 3 Agricuture and industrial location theories. ◆ Von Thunen’s agricultural location theory ◆ Weber’s industrial location theory ◆ Else industrial location theories. Sector Ⅰ Von Thunen’s agricultural location theory. Johan Heinrich von Thunen,1783-1850. 一、背景与目的.
Chapter 3 Agricuture and industrial location theories ◆Von Thunen’s agricultural location theory ◆Weber’s industrial location theory ◆Else industrial location theories
一、背景与目的 Sector Ⅰ Von Thunen’s agricultural location theory (一)背景:寻求企业型农业时代的合理农业生产方式 (二)目的:探索农业生产方式的地域配置原则。
Von thunen’s model Johann von thunen;s model of locational or economic rent(1826) suggests that land use and intensity of production declines with distance from a central market gardening,dairying,andhorticulture predominate close to urban areas while extensive grain and livestock farming are located furthest away.woodland was an important land use when Von Thunen developed his model and was found close to the urban area.Although his model is criticized for its simplicity and its assumptions(that farmer’s sole aim is to maximize profits,i.e.rationalman,and that physical conditions do not vary,i.e.an isotropic plain),aspects of his model can be observed at a variety of scales,from the individual farm up to land use in Europe.It is also important whenever transport is poorly developed,especially in developing countries.
二、 杜能农业区位论概要 (二) 形成机制 (一) 理论前提 地租的形成及影响因素 一般地租收入公式如下: R=PQ-CQ-KtQ=(P-C-Kt)Q 式中:R——地租收入; P——农产品的市场价格; C——农产品的生产费; Q——农产品的生产量(等同于销售量); K——距城市(市场)的距离; t——农产品的运费率。
(资料来源:Haggett P .Geography: A Modern Synthesis.Revised Third Edition. New York: Harper& Row Publishers,Inc,1983.416) 图3.3 杜能孤立国的土地利用带(1826)
三、应用研究 (一) 乔纳森的宏观尺度研究
三、应用研究 (二) 上海、北京郊区农业空间结构 (一) 乔纳森的宏观尺度研究 (三) 纳瓦佛等人的研究
1.住宅区 2.香蕉地 3.内侧耕地 4.咖啡种植地 5.外侧耕地 6.河谷耕地 A.雨季耕地 B.旱季耕地 图3.5 卢旺达村落周围典型的土地利用形态
五、理论的修订 图3.6 可通航河流和其它小城市对孤立国模式的影响
SINCLAIR’S MODEL Sinclair’s model suggests the opposite to Von Thunen:i.e.that the value of land for agriculture is at its lowest closest to urban areas.This is because the land is more valuable for speculative developments,e.g.for commercial,industrialo,or residential uses.Beyond a certain distance,the land is used for agriculture as it loses its value for development.
图3.8 城市蔓延与农业土地利用模式(逆杜能圈)图3.8 城市蔓延与农业土地利用模式(逆杜能圈)
HAGERSTRAND’S MODEL Hagerstrand showed how new innovations and techniques were likely to be ysed only by a few people at first(innovators)before being adopted rapidly,although a few laggards would resist change.This meant the adoption of any technique followed an S-shaped curve
工业区位论的鼻祖 Alfred Weber,1868—1958,德国经济学家, 他于1909年提出了工业区位理论,成为最低成本学 派的代表人物。 Weber concentrated on costs to explain mum location for industry.
一、韦伯工业区位论的形成背景 德国在产业革命以后,近代工业有了较快发展,从而伴随着大规模人口的地域间移动,尤其是产业与人口向大城市集中的现象极为显著的时代. 从经济区位的角度,探索资本、人口向大城市移动(大城市产业与人口集聚现象)背后的空间机制.
In the absence of spatial differences in basic production costs, Weber observed that manufacturing plants will locate at the point where total transport costs are minimized.Weber suggested that transport costs are determined by two facors: the weigut of materials and product involved and the distance over which these must be transported.The combination of these two elements produces a simple index of cost,the ton-mile,and the locational problem is therefore to find the point where the total ton- mileage is minimized in the production distribution process.The key elements are the weight of localized materials and the the weight of the finished product.
理论前提: 二、韦伯工业区位论的基本内容 (1)已知原料供给地的地理分布; (2)已知产品的消费地与规模; (3)劳动力存在于多数的已知地点,不 能移动,各地的劳动成本是固定的,在这种劳 动花费水平下可以得到劳动力的无限供应。
一般因子 按作用范围 特殊因子 ◆locational factors and types 区域性因子 按空间作用性质 集聚因子 分散因子 自然-技术因子 按特性 社会-文化因子
识别一般区位因子的方法: 第一步,工业产品的生产、分配过程主要成本 包含如下方面: 布局场所的土地和固定资产(不动产与设备) 费; 获取加工原料和动力燃料费; 制造过程中的加工费; 物品的运费。
第二步,在整个生产过程与分配过程 中,一般成本因素如下: 布局场所的土地费; 固定资产费; 获取加工原料和动力燃料费; 劳动成本; 物品的运费; 资本的利率; 固定资产的折旧率。
第三步,与区位发生有直接关系的因素: 原料、燃料费; 劳动成本; 运费。 得出: 原料、燃料费,劳动成本以及运 费是三个影响所有工业的一般区位因子。
第四步,出于理论研究和便于处理,可 将原料、燃料价格的地区差异用运费差异来 替代,这样,影响工业区位的一般区位因子 分别为运费和劳动费。
Weber’s industrial location theory ◆transport costs--theory ◆labor costs—theory ◆agglomeration forces--theory
(一)Transport costs 1.Characteristics and weight of industrial materials clssifications: Ubiquitous or nonlocalized materials, Raw materials pure materials localized materials gross materials
Material index: ◆Mi= Wm/ Wp ◆Lw =( Wm + Wp)/ Wp = Mi + 1
2.Weber’s analysis of the minimum transport point The location of production under these conditions is a function of differential transport costs incurred in shipping a variety of localized materials and a finalproduct over space.Production could take place,therefore,at three possible locations: 1.at a source of materials 2.at a market 3.at some intermediate point between market and material sources Weber proposed that the selection of the most appropriate location in transport-cost terms could be achieved by the derivation of a ratio defined as the material (MI) MI=weight of localized materials/Weight of product For pure materials,the material index has a value of 1;for gross materials it is greater than 1.
Location law: (1)Mi>1 or Lw>2, at a source of materials; (2)Mi<1 or Lw<2, at a market; (3)Mi=1 orLw=2, at some intermediate point between market and material sources.
A1,A2,A3,A4,A5为区位多边形(包括区位三角形)的各个顶点,坐标已知;假设P点为运费最小点,其坐标为(x,y),P与各个点间的距离分别为ri,原料和产品的重量为Wi。那么在运费与距离、重量成比例的情况下,总运费K可有下式来表示: n n K=∑ Wi ri=∑ Wi (x-xi )2+(y-yi)2 i=1 i=1 n Wi k ε 求最小值需满足以下方程组: = ∑ (x-xi )=0 x ε ri i=1 n Wi k ε = ∑ (y-yi )=0 y ε ri i=1
(二) Lador costs Firms will from point of low transport costs to points of cheap labor because savings outweigh increased transport costs.
(三) Agglomeration forces Some firms can save money by locating together. This could be by sharing costs (industrial estates) or ideas (science parks).
三、 Weber’s industrial location theory in reality (一) Transport costs 1.Mi >1 :Iron and steel,which uses bulky raw materials 2.Mi <1:Brewing ,which gains weight through the addition of a ubiquitous raw material,water 3.Mi =1:Oil refined (二) Lador costs :textile. Mechany (三) Agglomeration forces 工业由分散走向集聚,再由集聚趋于分散已成为工业区位空间运动的一个规律。 “二战”后,日本“三湾一海”形成了高度密集的重化学工业集聚带。20世纪70年代后,这种集聚有所缓和,特别是京滨工业地带的临海部工业的集聚出现停止。
(资料来源: Bergman E F, Renwick W H .Introduction to Geography: People, Places and Environment. New Jersey:Prentice-Hall,Inc,1999.456) 图3.15 制造业区位因子
Sector Ⅲ Else industrial location theories 一、.LOSCH’S PROFIT MAXIMISATION MODEL (1954) Losch’s model is based on weightgaining industries like brewing and baking. It states that sales will fall with increasing distance from production due to higher transport costs. Unlike Weber, optimum location is defined by maximum profit rather than minimum costs.
需求圆锥体与理想的市场地域 图 3.23 廖什的市场区与需求圆锥体
市场区体系的形成机制 图3.24 廖什的市场区组织的发展过程(引自:最近的地理学,p.48,图1-20 )
(资料来源:Allen , Unwin. Systematic Geography. London:Brian Knapp, 1986.398 ) 图3.25 基于最大收益的廖什工业区位模型 (a)单一市场区模式;(b)竞争条件下的市场区域;(c)稳定的非重叠的蜂窝状市场区域
二、PRED’S BEHAVIOURAL MATRIX (1967) Pred’s model relaxes Weber’s assumption of ‘economic man ’ acting with perfect knowledge. Sub-optimal locations are based on poor knowledge or lack of entrepreneurial flair.
图3.30 企业家能力与收益性空间界限区位模型的变化图3.30 企业家能力与收益性空间界限区位模型的变化
图3.31 政府作用与收益性空间界限区位模型的变化图3.31 政府作用与收益性空间界限区位模型的变化
行为矩阵与区位选择 图3.32 行为矩阵和收益性空间界限