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Saint John Houghton Catholic School. Safeguarding & Child Protection Monday 19 th September 2011. Purpose. To inform parents and carers of the school’s safeguarding and child protection policy and our procedures. Our Commitment.
Saint John Houghton Catholic School Safeguarding & Child Protection Monday 19th September 2011
Purpose To inform parents and carers of the school’s safeguarding and child protection policy and our procedures
Our Commitment Everyone in the education service shares an objective to keep children and young people safe by contributing to:
Providing a safe environment for children and young people to learn Identifying children and young people who are suffering or likely to suffer significant harm and taking appropriate action with the aim of making sure they are kept safe both at home and in school
Background Children’s Act 1989 Education Act 2002 Education Regulations 2003 Children’s Act 2004 Safeguarding and Safer Recruitment in Education 2007
Saint John Houghton Catholic School Governing Body Comprehensive review of policies and practice was undertaken in September 2009
25thNovember 2009 Policies agreed by Governing Body: Safeguarding & Child Protection: reviewed annually Allegations of Abuse against staff: reviewed annually ICT Acceptable Use & Codes of Conduct: reviewed every two years Physical Intervention: reviewed every two years
In-Service training9th Nov 2009 All teachers, teaching assistants, technicians, administrative staff. Delivered by Safeguarding Manager (Education) Derbyshire County Council
Safeguarding Action Plan 12th November 2009 Saint John Houghton Catholic School Safeguarding Board
Pastoral Plan 1st September 2010 New Pastoral Team led by: Mrs Doczyminska Director of Pastoral Care Assistant Headteacher Supported by five Year Leaders
Pastoral Plan Mr McNally Principal Year Leader Year 11 Mrs Brooke Year 10 Mr Warden Year 9 Mr Thomson Year 8 Mr Brogan Year 7 Rachel Rose Chaplain
Safeguarding BoardKey Personnel Mrs Doczyminska Designated Senior Person Mrs Emery Senior Administrator Mrs Vallis Bursar Mr Monaghan Headteacher, Designated Senior Person All are members of the school Leadership and Management Team
Safeguarding Board Termly meetings together with annual report presented to Governing Body in February each year
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy Raising awareness of child protection issues with staff and equipping children with the skills needed to keep them safe
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy Ensuring we practice safer recruitment by checking the suitability of prospective staff and volunteers to work with children
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy Training and supporting staff to equip them to appropriately recognise, respond to and support children who are vulnerable and maybe in need of safeguarding
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy Implement and review regularly, in the light of experience, our procedures for identifying and reporting cases, or suspected cases, of abuse
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy Supporting pupils who have been abused in accordance with their agreed child protection plan
Safeguarding and Child Protection policy Establishing a safe environment in which children can learn and develop
Actions in the last year New Designated Senior Persons Governor Link - Chair of Governors Termly meetings of Safeguarding Board to review best practice Safer recruitment training for key personnel and governors New protocols for visitors including improved signage welcoming and directing visitors to reception New signing-in procedures for visitors All staff wear identification badges
Contacts headteacher@st-johnhoughton.derbyshire.sch.uk 0115 9322896 ask for Mr Monaghan, Mrs Doczyminska or Mrs Emery