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Welcome to Third Grade!

Welcome to Third Grade!. Room 204. Galileo Scholastic Academy Mission Statement.

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Welcome to Third Grade!

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  1. Welcome to Third Grade! Room 204

  2. Galileo Scholastic AcademyMission Statement • The Mission of the students, parents, and staff of the Galileo community is to foster life-long learning. This will be accomplished through the utilization of technology, the application of math and science and the mastery of reading, language arts and writing. Through teamwork and high expectations, we will enable our students to achieve success and become productive members of their respective communities. We will continue to create a culture of trust and collaboration that is focused on data-driven instruction for all our students.

  3. Where Can You Find Us? Our Class Schedule Off to Home You Go!

  4. Homework • The Student Planners will be handed out on Monday, September, 15, 2014. • Students will write in all homework assignments in their student planner. • Daily homework and weekend homework will be assigned. •  Students will earn points on homework. Once students receive 20 points they will be rewarded a small prize. If students do not turn in homework they will be given a 0. Points will be used to determine their homework grade. • Daily Parent Signature is required. • Homework is used as a reinforcement of material taught during the school day.

  5. IXL-Language Arts and Math Skills • The Math IXL is an online program offering unlimited problems in thousands of skills. Students will be given two assignment skills to be completed by the end of the week. • The Language Arts IXL is also an online offering practice in a wide range of reading and writing skills. Students will be assigned several skills to complete in class. • Username and passwords have been given to students. The same username and password can be used to access the IXL- math and the language arts website.

  6. AR-Accelerated Reader Program • AR is an online program that assesses whether a student has completed reading the book by asking a series of quiz questions. • Students must choose 2 books for the week. I am allowing students to choose from various reading levels. • Student’s quiz results will be part of their reading grade.

  7. Interactive Science • Students will be expected to complete some assignments at home . • Please return the book on a daily basis. • If students loose the book, a fee will be required.

  8. Room 204 Ready to Learn!

  9. Class Rules: Our Class has decided on the following rules: Be Respectful to others Complete all assignments on time Zero Voice in the hallway Keep your hands to yourself In order for students to stay on track…I will be monitoring students behavior on a daily basis with a color code: Green (On Track) Yellow (Warning) Red (Consequence: No Club time or prizes for the week)

  10. Grading Scale A=90-100 B=80-89 C=70-79 D=60-69 F=59-0

  11. Grade Book • Please check the parent portal for your child’s grades. There is a password and a username needed to access the grade portal. Please see Mr. Tsang, our school computer teacher for additional information. • Here is the break down on how students will be graded on the content areas:

  12. School Supplies and Book Fees • Thank you parents for turning in school supplies and $35.00 book fee! We also require a student planner which costs $5.00. • We are still missing some clipboardsand spiral index cards.

  13. Scholastic Book Order • Our classroom will be ordering books from the Scholastic book club! The books are priced at a lower cost. The purchases made will qualify our classroom to receive free books. • Please do not feel obligated to buy anything, this is only another option to build our home and classroom libraries.

  14. Thank You For Coming! Feel free to contact me at any time if you have any questions or concerns: pmoreno@cps.edu

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