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Gender & The Bible

Gender & The Bible. Mandy Marshall. What does Tearfund’s GRAD Policy state?. Men and women are equal before God We are committed to the poor and challenging injustice noting that women bear the disproportionate burden of poverty and injustice

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Gender & The Bible

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  1. Gender & The Bible Mandy Marshall How does what we are doing affect relationships?

  2. What does Tearfund’s GRAD Policy state? • Men and women are equal before God • We are committed to the poor and challenging injustice noting that women bear the disproportionate burden of poverty and injustice • Empowerment is an important part of the restoration of shalom (restored relationships) • We should identify and support women’s practical and strategic needs How does what we are doing affect relationships?

  3. Strategic objective - gender • Tearfund is committed to the vision of the restoration of God’s original intention of partnership for woman and man in the family and the wider community How does what we are doing affect relationships?

  4. What does Tearfund’s Theological Framework state? • Women and Men are made in the image of God, by God and for relationship with God. • Men and Women are equal before God • Women and Men are to live together in love and respect • Gender injustice must be challenged • Gender work must include men and masculinities How does what we are doing affect relationships?

  5. Controversial areas • Creation ordinance • Woman is a helper • Concept of ‘head’ • Submission of women • No women leaders • Women cannot teach How does what we are doing affect relationships?

  6. Creation Ordinance • Woman is created after man • Temporal priority – animals are created before man – does that make animals superior to man? • Woman is taken from the man • Origin of life is divine not from man • Woman is named by the man • Verb ‘to call’ used rather than the noun ’name’. • Gen 2:v23 the noun ‘name’ does not occur • Woman is created to be ‘helper’ How does what we are doing affect relationships?

  7. Woman created as helper • Word helper used 19 times in the OT • 1 is a question, 3 used of man, 15 used of God bringing succour to his people • Helpmate fit for man – his equal, counterpart, associate, companion, partner. • Gen 2:v24 Man cleaves to his wife – mutual co-dependence • Man and woman are created equal – no superiority of one over another How does what we are doing affect relationships?

  8. Concept of ‘Head’ • Head in this context is used as a metaphor • Need to think of 1st century use not 21st century • Greek word ‘Kephale’ – source or origin • Hebrew word ‘rosh’ can be used metaphorically as ‘chief over’ but idea of ‘priority’ rather than ‘ruler over’ • Paul is a Hebrew speaker writing in Greek – he deliberately uses Kephale • Colossians 1:v18 – Christ is the head of the church. Christ is the origin or source of the church • Head of Christ is God – no authority over here as equal • Authority over is not used How does what we are doing affect relationships?

  9. Submission of women • Only God ever seen as subjecting others • Submit to one another – equal ask • Submission is always voluntary never required or ordered • Not obey – it is never used in this context – different word • Hupotasso – to order/arrange/put in place • ‘Within the NT no ruler or authority of any kind, within or without the church is ever told to subject others to or to take action to ensure the submission of others.’ Mary Evans How does what we are doing affect relationships?

  10. No women leaders • Leadership seen as service rather than status • Issue of language • Greek: Anthropos – human but we translate as man. Greek for man is Aner. Paul uses Anthropos • 1 Tim 2: Didasko – teach – Priscilla did teach with Paul’s approval and corrected him • Asthentein – to hold authority -used only once in the entire NT. No clear meaning • Exousia–is the authority from the holy spirit • Diaconos–deacon- name given to both women & men How does what we are doing affect relationships?

  11. Jesus approach to women • Subjects not objects • Mixed freely in everyday life – equals • Inclusive - used as examples in the parables • Followers and disciples - women supported his ministry • Women included in theological conversations • Women in the passion narratives • Jesus’ attitude was original, radical, inclusive and highly significant. How does what we are doing affect relationships?

  12. The Answers? • Only in Christ are the broken relationships between man and woman, God and Mankind fully restored. • Four aspects : • Difference – we are unique • Complementarity – fit together – mankind is man and woman • Union – together we make up the body of Christ in the image of God • Sameness – same in sin and same in need for redemption How does what we are doing affect relationships?

  13. Our response? • ‘A constant question for us is how does what we do affect our relationships?’ • What was new for me in this presentation? • What did I already know? • What do I now see differently? • What new direction will I now take? How does what we are doing affect relationships?

  14. Resources • Woman in the Bible – Mary Evans • Created or Constructed – the great gender debate – Elaine Storkey • Conversations on Christian Feminism – Margaret Hebblethwaite and Elaine Storkey • ‘God of the Poor’ chapter 10– Dewi Hughes • Christians for Biblical Equality - www.cbeinternational.org How does what we are doing affect relationships?

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