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NAVARAATRI FAST. CONTENTS. *navaraatri fast.... *the navaraatri period.... *the navaraatri puja.... *durga devi.... *lakshmi devi.... *saraswati devi.... *vijayadasami.

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  2. CONTENTS *navaraatri fast.... *the navaraatri period.... *the navaraatri puja.... *durga devi.... *lakshmi devi.... *saraswati devi.... *vijayadasami....

  3. “There is only one ,the cosmic Energy which pulsates ,pervades, permeates and interpenetrates every atom in the universe : that the world evolves out of it revolves round it and resolves in to it,’’

  4. DECLARED THE ANCIENT RISHIS KNOWINGLY These are the processes of creation ,preservation and dissolution performed respectively by Maha saraswati the consort of Brahama ,Maha lakshmi the consort of Vishnu and Maha kali the consort of Rudra – the three significant manifestations of Devi whom we worship during the Navaraatri fast and festivities.

  5. Devi is the primordial sakti or the divine principal beyond from and name her glory is ineffable and her splendour is indescribable . The three forms has consorts of brahna,Vishnu and Rudra are inseparable from their lords has heat from fire conveying the prime truth that manifestations of Sakti are ultimately god almighty,the para-braman in action.

  6. “Sarva mangala mangalye, Shive sarvartha sathike,Sarnye tryambike,Gowry narayani namosthute.’’ Says the devi mahatmyan, delineating the mother has the auspicious one. ‘Thou art Sarva Mangala the auspicious; Siva the bountiful;Triyambike the protectress; Gowry Narayani- l prostrate at thy feet.

  7. THE NAVARAATRI PERIOD God as Mother supreme in her three fold aspect as Durga Lakshmi and Saraswsti, is annually worshipped in the nine day festival called Navaraatri which falls in the first nine nights of the bright half of the month of purattaadhi.

  8. “Purattaadhith thingalil sukla pathchaththu pirathamai muthal varum onpathu naatkal,’’

  9. Navarathtri is the call that awakens the Hindu, year after year to a experience and express afresh, the inherent divine nature, to make manifest the eternal truth and love, to subdue and finally eradicate the evil forces within himself. Goodness prosperity and knowledge are the three aspects of Navarathtri puja which have to be brought into our lives .

  10. Goodness reveals love, while prosperity brings happiness through selfless service and lastly knowledge leads the way to truth and god realization. The translation through the outward rituals of worship and prayer into the practical aspect, is the real invocation and adoration of the Divine Mother, for this truly transforms and spiritualizes one.

  11. THE NAVARATHTRI PUJA In the Navarathtri puja she is worshiped in her mainfestation as Durga,Lakshmi and Sarashwati.

  12. DURGA DEVI • ln this puja, the glorious mother in Her aspect as Durga is first worshipped for three nights in order that the evilnature in man could be destroyed. She as durga with many arms each bearing a who emerged in human form, form the carcass of a buffaloa and killed him by thrusting her trident into his chest. Astride the lion she is the symbolic annihilator of evil and is referred to as mahishasura mardin. Sri Durga Devi

  13. This is allegorical for there is in each one of us a buffaloa demon in the form of ignorance which has to be removed and as samhara sakti, the all destroying power of god siva as rudra she destroys the evil forces-the mahishashas within us. durga,contrary to maha tripurasundari who is another manifestation of sakati is the embodiment of love,beauty and joy,whilk kalin,is the terror-the terrible durga,the dark goddess,who revels in the dance of death.whom does she destroy?she destroys the mahishashas in us!

  14. LAKSHMI DEVI • Tnext three nights are dedicated to mother divine in her aspect as maha lakshmi where blessing for material and spiritual welfare are sought.she is the protective and sustaining power of vishnu and is the goddess of wealth.wealth has to be acquired by man’s dharmic endeavours and she blesses the endeavours of one who strives in a dharmic way.

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