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Stress in Police Departments . One of the most honorable jobs. But what is the price they pay?. 4 th most dangerous job. Witness most horrible scenes
But what is the price they pay? • 4th most dangerous job
Witness most horrible scenes “Cops get catapulted from tedious duties into moments of terror and danger, and relentless close-ups of human degradation and death” (McNamara,1996?
Encounter • stress
What is stress? • Emergency response to danger
Types of Stress • Police Officers go through more than one type of stress
Effects • Prolonged Stress • Psychological reverse • Numbs sensitivity • Insensitive to own feelings
Is their such a thing of too much stress? • Officers encounter stress everyday • The more stress police encounter the hard it is to shuts off
Long Term • Serious health problems • High blood pressure • Suppressed immune system • High risk of heart attack • Stroke • Anxiety and depression
PTSD • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTSD effects police officers after living thought traumatic event
Easy way out? • Affect stress starts to effect the body of a police officer, they start to look for a way out
Suicide 18.1 per 100,000 officers • 52% greater than general population
Nationally, twice as many cops commit suicide as are killed in the line of duty.
Why Suicide? • Biggest reason police officers believe they have no where to go
When stressors of personal life and the job become overwhelming they are afraid to ask for help
Police Officers put their lives on the line daily to protect and serve the community
You Still Hate Police Officers? • Before you pass judgment on the police department, think about what they put their minds and body though each day to make your lives as safe as they can
Philadelphia Police Explorer Cadet • Explorers Post:991
Mission Statement • Police Explorer Cadet Program is to guide young adults to a better path for the future.
Self-Discipline • Self-Confidence • Self-Respect • Teamwork
Philadelphia Police Academy • Every Saturday
Training • Police History • Criminal Justice • Field Training • Crime Scene Search • Raids
Physical Training • Boot Camp • Three out of seven years were devoted to physical training
Push up • Sit up • Hand to hand combat • Mile runs • Obstacle course
Minimum of two (2) years of service in the program • 672 hours of training and 298 hours of community service • Receives three (3) preference points to be applied to the Philadelphia Police Recruit examination.
Provides excellent references when applying for employment opportunities
Acknowledge • I would like to thank Sgt. Cabrera, Sgt. Gonzales, Cpl. Andrews. Throughout this whole project they made sure that Iwas on task, and I was learning all the things I had to. I would also like to thank them because they taught me the respect and discipline a police officer needs to excel in the line of duty. • I would also like to thank Mrs. Ward. I know I have been a hard student and we had a couple of fights, but you were a good teacher. You made sure Idid the best I could on the project. You kept me on track and handed things on time.
Works Cited 1. Lewis, Claude. "Police Suicide - Alarming Problem." Tears of a Cop - Under Pressure. Philadelphia Inquirer. Web. 30 Sept. 2010. http://www.tearsofacop.com/police/articles/lewis.html.The author of Police Suicide is Claude Lewis. Claude Lewis and the Philadelphia Inquirer got permission to republish the article “Police Suicide is an Alarming Problem Rarely Discussed Publicly”. The article was an informational report on police suicide. Claude Lewis thesis of the article was, stress is taking a toll on police officers throughout the nation and rarely published. Claude Lewis mainly talks about the suicide rate and other stress issues police officers encounter. In the police force of more than 30,000, suicides among officers. “A recent study revealed that New York City officers kill themselves at a rate of 29 per 100,000 a year” Claude Lewis page 1. Michael Broader is a psychologist says “the dynamics of the job” at times lead officers to take their lives. The article from Claude Lewis was well researched, it quote respectable sources like the Philadelphia Inquirer, Michael Broader, and others. The topic has been adequately addressed because it’s well researched. It is well written with little to none grammar errors. Claude Lewis stance in the article is how police suicide is rarely politicized. This source is and will be very helpful during my product because it gives me stats, quotable people, and goes into great detail on the topic.2. Constant, Terry. "Not So Obvious Police Stress." Tears of a Cop - Under Pressure. Web. 30 Sept. 2010. <http://www.tearsofacop.com/police/articles/constant.html>.Terry Constant is a lawyer at a Wisconsin lawyer’s office. The article “Not So Obvious Police Stress” is an informational report. The article talks about chronic stress, and obscure stressors. Terry Constant stance on her work is a serious stance. “Police officers have one of the highest suicide rates in the nation, possibly the highest” Terry Constant page 1. Police have one of the most stressful jobs in America. Police officers after trauma like a shooting encounter Chronic Stress. Chronic Stress has two effects on people. One prolonged stress. With chronic stress they become more immature, more childish, and primitive. Two, numbs people sensitivity. People can’t continually see human misery. It is well researched because it goes into great detail on what kind-of stress police officers can encounter, and fully explains what those things do to a person. The research was helpful because it’s a great source I will be able to quote in my project.3. "Stress Takes Toll on Police Officers' Mental and Physical Health [Anxiety Insights]." Anxiety Insights. Web. 04 Oct. 2010.http://www.anxietyinsights.info/stress_takes_toll_on_police_officers_mental_and_physical_he.htm.The author of the article is John M. Violanti research associate professor at the University at Buffalo Department of Social and Preventive Medicine. His article is an informational report. Discussing mental and physical health problems police officers encounter. Law enforcement puts Police Officers at high risk. High risk of high blood pressure, insomnia, increased levels of destructive stress hormones, heart problems, post-traumatic stress disorder, and suicide. The article is well researched because it explains risks the law enforcements are put under. The article is helpful because it does more than just explain issues the law enforcements encounter it goes into a study John Violanti did on 400 officers.
Works Cited 4. "Effects of Mental Stress." Medscape Today. American Heart Journal. Web. 15 Oct. 2010. <http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/409107;meddomainjsession=FfP8M87d3lytMnGb4Kn21BlQC13TpkJDgYvNbxCSCmpnLRktYplf!-1698936128>.The aurthors of the article "Effects of Mental Stress" are all doctors and sources from the American Heart Journal. The article was an informational report that didn't go into great detail on the effects of Mental Stress. The article was stated rates of stress in women and men. The article also describes the blow flow in people with stress. The article isn't adequately addressed because it does describes the rates, the effects, and how they effect people. The author doesn't have a stance. This article wasnt well written it didn't describe what is needed to know about stress it just stats them. This article i will not be using for my project because it doesnt give background info i need, and descries effects of stress. 5. Segal, Jeanne. "Understanding Stress: Signs, Symptoms, Causes, and Effects." Helpguide.org: Understand, Prevent and Resolve Life's Challenges. 2001. Web. 18 Oct. 2010. <http://helpguide.org/mental/stress_signs.htm>The author of "Understanding Stress" Jeanne Segal is a doctor. The article was an informational report on what is stress, effects of stress, and how to manage stress. Stress is a physical response to events. Events that make people feel threatened or upset. The stress is the body’s way of protecting you. If working properly, it helps you stay focused during emergency situations.Your body cant tell the different between physical and psychological threats. More your stress system is activated the easier its going to trip and harder it is to shit off. Long term stress can cause health issues that include pain of any kind, heart disease,digestive problems, sleep problems, depression, obesity, and other health problems. This is a great article for my product because it gives me background info on stress issues that i need to know to be able to fully explain my project. The article is adequately addressed because it goes into great details about stress, and how it effects your body. The article is well written because i didn't see any spelling errors or grammar. The author Jeanne Segal doesn't really have a stance. The Ph D. just descried how the body handles stress, how stress works, and the effects of stress. The article is a great article for my project because it fully describes what they are talking about in the article. They explained all the health issues, and how the body can't tell the different between physical and psychological threats.
6. Nathan, Ronald G. "Stress." World Book Student. World Book, 2010. Web. 22 Oct. 2010.http://www.worldbookonline.com/student/article?id=ar536195&st=stressThe author of "Stress" is Ronald G. Nathan. "Stress" article is an informational report. The article talks about stress response, causes of stress, and affects on the body. Stress is emergency response to danger. It prepares the body for a burst of action of a threat. Some causes of stress are natural disasters, noise, daily activities, jobs, death, and other reasons. Hans Selye started studies of stress in the 1930's. He used the term adaptation syndrome to describe the body's reaction to stressors. The first part of the general adaptation response, is alarm reaction. Alarm reaction begins in the brain. When an frightening experience activates called hypothalamus. Hypothalamus sends nerve signals to the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands sit right above the kidneys. These nerve signals release chemicals called hormones. One important hormone isepinephrine. Epinephrine chemical, raises heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure. If the danger still persists resistancefollows. Your body attempts to return to a state of balance. The article is well researched. The article is from "World Book" online. This research was and is being to be helpful because its one of the most recable source i have. 7. "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder: MedlinePlus." National Library of Medicine - National Institutes of Health. Web. 22 Oct. 2010. <http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/posttraumaticstressdisorder.html>.The author of "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder" is National Institute of Mental Health. "Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder" article is an informational report. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) occur soon after a major trauma. A person can get PTSD after living through or seeing a event that can be traumatic. PTSD can cause problems like, flashbacks, trouble sleeping, nightmares, feeling alone, angry outburst, feeling worried, guilty, or sad. It starts at different times for different people.Medicines help a person feel less afraid and tense. The authors stance was that PTSD is a real problem. This article is from "Medline Plus". This research is helpful because its a well developed source from "Medline Plus". 8. "Stress Symptoms, Causes, Signs, Types, Management and Treatment by MedicineNet.com." Web. 22 Oct. 2010. <http://www.medicinenet.com/stress/article.htm>.The author of "Stress" Melissa Conrad Stoppler MD. "Stress" is an informational report on what is stress, and the background of stress. Stress is a fact of nature. Forces from the outside world that affect an individual. This article is from "Medicine Net" This source was as useful as i thought i was going to be. 9.ScienceDaily 29 September 2008. 27 October 2010 <http://www.sciencedaily.com /releases/2008/09/080926105029.htm>.Science Daily no author was given."Impact of Stress on Police Officers Physical and Mental Health" article is an informational report. The informational report is on a investigations carried out by University of Buffalo researchers. "The pressures of law enforcement put officers at risk for high blood pressure, insomnia, increased levels of destructive stress hormones, heart problems, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and suicide"(University of Buffalo). Large-scale investigations on how the stress of police work affects an officer's physical and mental health. The research is funded by a $1.75 million grant given by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). More than 400 police officers have participated in the study.The researchers are aiming for 500. Officers over the age 40 had a higher 10-year risk of a coronary event, 72 percent of female officers and 43 percent of male officers. Had higher-than-recommended cholesterol levels. University of Buffalo stance on this topic is that stress in Police officers work place is a big problem and research needs to continue on stress in the work environment. This research article is helpful because in talks about a study done by University of Buffalo. 10. Grohol, John M. "Police Force Affected by Stress | Psych Central News." Psych Central - Trusted Mental Health, Depression, Bipolar, ADHD and Psychology Information. Web. 28 Oct. 2010. <http://psychcentral.com/news/2009/03/13/police-force-affected-by-stress/4724.html>."Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health" is the source where the informational report research came from. The article is an informational report. The informational report was a study on how stress affects a person. 132 survey's
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