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Europe Renaissance – 1400’s, 1500’s Rise of Vatican 16 th c.

Renaissance Architecture in Europe - The Re-birth of History: Renaissance, Baroque, Rococco, Neoclassical. Europe Renaissance – 1400’s, 1500’s Rise of Vatican 16 th c. The rise of mercantilism – the middle class Renaissance born in Florence. Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446)

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Europe Renaissance – 1400’s, 1500’s Rise of Vatican 16 th c.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. RenaissanceArchitecture in Europe - The Re-birth of History: Renaissance, Baroque, Rococco, Neoclassical

  2. Europe Renaissance – 1400’s, 1500’s Rise of Vatican 16th c. The rise of mercantilism – the middle class Renaissance born in Florence

  3. Filippo Brunelleschi (1377-1446) First architect with a biography Developed vanishing-point perspective Rediscovers the romanesque More refined, more geometric

  4. Santa Maria del Fiore – The Duomo (Florence Cathedral) Dome 1420-1434 (cathedral by others) - Italian-flavored gothic

  5. Façade constructed in 19th c.

  6. Foundling Hospital 1419 visible regularity Circles on squares

  7. Broken pediment, Tie rods

  8. Santo Spirito 1436 Accentuated perspective Basilica San Lorenzo1419

  9. Leon Battista Alberti (1404-1472) 10 books on Architecture c. 1450 Architecture is more than a trade – a kind of divine calling S. Francesco, Rimini, c.1450 Modified Classicism

  10. Santa Maria Novella Façade, c.1460 Pediment Volute transition from nave to side aisles

  11. Volute

  12. S. Andrea, Mantua, c. 1470 Pediment, Triumphal Arch, square façade proportion “Giant” Order

  13. Donato Bramante (1444-1514) Santa Maria della Grazie, Milan 1492-1497 Tempietto, S. Pietro in Montorio, Rome 1502 (St. Peter’s martyr site) Spolia – columns come directly from ancient ruins Christian symbols between the triglyphs

  14. Piazza San Marco, Venice Present form in1400s Campanile St. Mark’s Basilica (Byzantine) 1063 Doge’s Palace 1324 Clock Tower 1497 Procuratie - Offices & Hospice Procuratie Vecchie 12th c. Procuratie Nuove 1640 Napoleon’s wing 1810 - neoclassical

  15. Nuovo Napoleon Vecchie

  16. Andrea Palladio (1508-1580) The 4 books of architecture 1570 The villa – escape from the cityResidences have level of finish, detail and design formerly reserved for churches Temple of the family Situation in the landscape

  17. Villa Barbaro Maser, 1555 “Farmhouse” with “stables” at wings

  18. Sundial Astrological Dial

  19. Villa Badoer Fratta Polesine, 1557

  20. Villa Foscari La Malcontenta Malcontenta di Mira, 1560

  21. Ruins Grotto - Grotesque

  22. Villa Capra “Villa Rotunda” Vicenza, 1566-70

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