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Enhanced Resource Sharing in R&D Environment : CSIR –NAL Initiative

Enhanced Resource Sharing in R&D Environment : CSIR –NAL Initiative. Dr. Poornima Narayana Head, Information Center for Aerospace S&T (ICAST) CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) Bangalore -560017 INDIA DRDO Training/Workshop during 3 rd -7 th December 2012, CEPTAM Bangalore.

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Enhanced Resource Sharing in R&D Environment : CSIR –NAL Initiative

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  1. Enhanced Resource Sharing in R&D Environment : CSIR –NAL Initiative Dr. PoornimaNarayana Head, Information Center for Aerospace S&T (ICAST) CSIR-National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) Bangalore -560017 INDIA DRDO Training/Workshop during 3rd-7th December 2012, CEPTAM Bangalore

  2. Introduction The so-called ‘Information Revolution’ has made Libraries around the world to adopt new philosophies and technologies for information dissemination and also reduce the cost of information. Maintaining the dept and depths of collection of a single greatest challenge confronting libraries, be it, academic, special, national or public, Libraries have realized that although they are well funded, it is difficult to acquire all the materials needed by the clientele. In fact partnership and cooperation in local, national and international have become enviable for all libraries. In achieving resource sharing/library cooperation is through the establishment of consortium over networks.

  3. Resource Sharing Resource sharing is a mode of library operation whereby all or part of the library functions are shared in common among several libraries, as the goal of resource sharing is to maximize the availability of materials and services at the minimum expense. Library resources comprise manpower material, function, method and services. Resource sharing encompasses information, bibliographical and textual database, cooperative acquisition, cataloguing, manpower, equipment, expertise and services. Resource sharing via network implies automation, data communication and effective cooperation

  4. Resource Sharing Library  Group of Libraries  Resource Sharing (Library Cooperation)  Consortium  User INFORMATION CENTRE/ LIBRARY K LIB 1 LIB 2 LIB 3 LIB n Broad Interest RESOURCE SHARING/ LIBRARY COOPERATION Similar Discipline Geographical Location INTERNET LAN /MAN /WAN LIBRARY CONSORTIUM

  5. Phases Of Development • First phase: several libraries come together for the mutual benefit of the respective users – Library Cooperation/ Resource sharing … • Second phase: Libraries are linked together with the help of ICT – Library Network • Third phase: Libraries come together to acquire and share e-resources – Library Consortium

  6. Need for Resource Sharing • Proliferation of literature in each and every field of knowledge; • Multiplicity of documents in different subjects, languages and formats; • Development of new subjects and subject specialization; • Increase of reading community and information seekers; • Diversity of user groups and their information needs; • Demand of pinpointed, exhaustive and expeditious information services; • Increased access to information and services at existing cost; • Access to existing information and services at less cost; • Increase in Quantity/Cost; • Demand for expertise and rare documents; • Space constraint; • Budget constraint • Publisher’s Monopoly • Bundling/Boqueting of journal titles

  7. Objectives of Resource Sharing • Optimization of information resources through shared cataloguing, ILL services, collection development and avoiding duplication. • Pooled resources can help to arrange greater resource centers. • Document selection. • Provide, through cooperative acquisition by voluntary organization, materials beyond the reach of individual libraries.

  8. Areas of Resource Sharing • Inter-library loan • Cooperative acquisition • Specialized purchasing programs • Centralized processing • Shared Cataloguing • Sharing of bibliographical data • Centralized periodical collection for loan purposes • Cooperative microfilming • Preparation and maintenance of union catalogue and union list of serials • Exchange of publications • Exchange of expertise.

  9. CHANGES IN ENVIRONMENT • In the first phase the documents were only in printed format and the stress was on use through inter-library lending – postal, personal, photocopies…. • In the second phase too documents were mainly in printed format, apart from CD/DVD/Microforms. Bibliographical databases of the holdings of all the libraries could be accessed from any library and required documents could be procured through document delivery service via Electronic Mail • In the third phase the documents are mainly in digital format which can be accessed directly by the users of any library remotely through Networks

  10. Resource Sharing Through Networks In the past two decades, information technology has made significant progress. The current state of information handling is indeed sufficient to support and encourage the sharing of resources among libraries. The pace of technological improvement shows no signs of abatement and libraries will find it rewarding to explore the realm of networking possibilities that this new technology makes feasible. Especially, the present decade has seen a greatly renewed interest in library cooperation and mutual benefits, prominently at national and international levels.

  11. Resource Sharing Through Networks

  12. Resource Sharing Through Networks Advantages • Bibliographic literature explosion controlling • Avoiding duplication • Improving the mobility of data • Flow of information among special information centres • Internet and other local and national networks have facilitated resource sharing • E-resources have further facilitated information exchange • Advent of ICT has opened up new opportunities for greater cooperation among libraries • Emergence of Library Consortia is a promising development for Resource Sharing

  13. LIBRARY CONSORTIA • Consortium literally means “temporary cooperation of several powers or large interests to effect some common purpose” • Library consortium is “a group of libraries that agree to pool their resources by allowing the user of each institution some type of access to resources of all other institutions” • “It is a community of value creating entities, generating value through an aggregation of library units within and across organizations”

  14. Union Catalogue • Union catalog is a combined library catalog describing the collections of a number of libraries. Union catalogs have been created in a range of media, including book format, serials and more recently, networked electronic databases. Print union catalogs are typically arranged by title, author or subject (often employing a controlled vocabulary); electronic versions typically support keyword and Boolean queries. • Union catalogs are useful to librarians, as they assist in locating and requesting materials from other libraries through interlibrary loan service.

  15. Union Catalogues: Few Examples • WorldCat (OCLC USA) • OhioLink • SunCat (Serials Union Catalogue, UK) • ECLAS (European Commission Libraries Catalogue) • Library & Archives (National Union catalogue of Canada) • ProQuest Serials Solutions Ulrich's(TM)Serials • NUCSSI (National union catalogue of Scientific serials in ndia) • LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Kept Stuff safe) • CLOCKSS (Controlled “-” )

  16. Worldcat (OCLC)

  17. LOCKSS & CLOCKSS • The LOCKSS Program, based at Stanford University Libraries, provides libraries and publishers with award-winning, low-cost, open source digital preservation tools to preserve and provide access to persistent and authoritative digital content. • CLOCKSS (Controlled LOCKSS) is a not for profit joint venture between the world’s leading scholarly publishers and research libraries whose mission is to build a sustainable, geographically distributed dark archive with which to ensure the long-term survival of Web-based scholarly publications for the benefit of the greater global research community.

  18. CSIR-DST Consortium: National Knowledge Resource Consortium (NKRC) • Evolution of CSIR Consortium in 2002: 38 CSIR Laboratories • Initial Access to > 1500 Elsevier Journals, later discontinued, • Access to E –Resources: >4000 e journals from 14 publishers; Databases; Standards, Patents.. • Joining of DST Laboratories (9) in 2009 • CSIR-DST Consortium christened as ‘NKRC’ in 2010…


  20. Need for sharing of NKRC Resources • Journal crisis • Price Escalation • Budget shrinkage • Scattered information availability • JCCC? • Pool up of resources under single umbrella • Bundling of titles • Publishers’ Monopoly…. UNION CATALOGUE OF CSIR-DST JOURNAL HOLDINGS

  21. CSIR-DST Serial Holdings system CSIR Laboratories • Serial Holdings list • Print • Electronic • NKRC DST Laboratories • Serial Details • Journal Title • Vol, Iss, Year • Coverage • Print/Electronic Data Standardization Automated Email request for corresponding Laboratory for Full text CSIR-NAL UCAT Server • Usage Log • Requester Details • Requested lab • Full text • Email (Soft copy) • Post (Hardcopy) • FAX

  22. E-Journal Portal

  23. New arrivals/publications

  24. News Clippings

  25. Library Catalogue

  26. Databases

  27. E-Books

  28. Patents/Reports/ Standards

  29. Union Catalogs

  30. Repositories

  31. CSIR-NAL Initiatives UCAT of CSIR & DST UCAT of Aerospace Laboratories

  32. Data Standardisation CSIR Laboratories • Serials Data • Access file • Excel file • Text file • ILMS specific file DST Laboratories CSIR-NAL UCAT Standardization Module CSIR-NAL UCAT Server

  33. UCAT of CSIR & DST • Access http://www.icast.org.in/ucat/csirjg.htm • Union Catalog of serials subscribed by CSIR & DST Labs/Institutions • Web based tool with an automated interlibrary Loan (ILL) request application • A collection of “holdings” list of SERIALS of CSIR & DST laboratories (Both Print & Online)

  34. UCAT of Aerospace Laboratories • Accesshttp://www.icast.org.in/ucat/aerolibjg.htm • Union Catalog of serials subscribed by Aerospace Laboratories of India • National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) • Gas Turbine Research Establishment (GTRE) • Indian Institute of Astrophysics • Indian institute of Karaghpur (Aero) • Web based tool with an automated interlibrary Loan (ILL) request application • A collection of “holdings” list of SERIALS of Aerospace Laboratories (Both Print & Online)

  35. Challenges encountered • Data collection (delay in getting the lists) • Frequent Updation – Addition/Deletion of titles, contact Personnel • Data Format- variety of file formats • Compatibility • Response time of Article delivery

  36. Technology Platform • Hardware • HP Proliant ML 150 G3 • Processor: Dual Core Intel Xeon 5000 sequence processor • RAM 1GB • HDD 250 GB • Software • Operating system: Linux RHEL 5. • Back end: MySQL V 5. • Server: Apache. • Scripting languages: PHP, HTML. • Mail server

  37. Knowledge Base • Participating Laboratories • CSIR Laboratories: 34 • DST Laboratories: 9 • Resources • Print • Electronic • NKRC resources • Number of Records • Total number of Records : 44345 • Total number of Unique titles: 29204

  38. Functionalities • Information Retrieval • Browse • Laboratory wise • Journal Title wise • Search • Journal title • Article Request • Automated E-mail • ILL requests details for each Laboratories

  39. Browse by Title…

  40. Browse by Title…

  41. Browse by Lab… (CSIR -DST)

  42. Browse by Lab… (Aerospace)

  43. Search by Title…

  44. ILL request form…

  45. ILL request details…

  46. Union Catalog of CSIR & DST : A Case study Statistics…

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