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1. Presentation of Warsaw University of TechnologyInstitute for Organisationof Production SystemsProf. Krzysztof Santarek, PhD, DSc European Academy for Industrial Management
Annual Conference 2001
San Lorenzo de El Escorial, Madrid (Spain)
June 28th – July 1st, 2001
2. Warsaw University of Technology The biggest, eldest and best ranked technical university in Poland
175 years of tradition
> 30,000 students
> 4,600 teaching & research staff
15 faculties, 3 colleges, 1 school
3. Faculty of Production Engineering > 3,000 students
> 260 teaching & research staff
4 institutes
key streamlines of education & research:
industrial & general management
process engineering
mechanical engineering
automation & robotics
up to DSc (habilitation) in engineering
up to PhD in economics & management
4. Faculty of Production Engineering Organisational Chart
5. Business studies at WUTbackground Started in 1922, by Karol Adamiecki
WUT introduced management education as the first university in Poland and one of the first in the world
Karol Adamiecki was prof. of WUT; he is recognised as the father of scientific management in Poland
Prof. Adamiecki published his first papers in scientific management even before F.W.Taylor and introduced the concept of schedule (before H.L.Gantt )
6. Management faculty at WUT / FPEcurrent status > 1,700 students
> 120 teaching & research staff
12 full professors (including the chairman / Polish Academy of Science, Management Chapter)
> 70 PhDs
5 divisions
key streamlines of education & research:
production & supply chain management
strategic management
OD, change management
e-Business, MIS
management of banking & insurance
accounting & controlling
engineering & technology management
7. IOPSorganisational chart
8. Business studiesat WUT / FPE
11. WUT / FPE educational & research partners Bejing Polytechnic
Central Productivity Institute (Tokyo)
École d'Ingénieurs CESI (Paris)
Fachhochschule Coburg
General Motors Institute (USA)
Glasgow Caledonian University
Institut National des Telecommunications (Evry, FR)
Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble
Katholiekuniversiteit Leuven (BE)
Kyushu Institute of Technology Linköpings Universiteit (SE)
Moscow Institute of Energy
Moscow Institute of Mining
National University of Ireland (Galway)
National University of Singapore
RWTH Aachen Stevens Institute of Technology (USA)
St. Petersburg Polytechnic Institute
Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Technische Universität Berlin
Technische Universität Magdeburg
Universita’ degli Studi di Padova (IT)
Universität des Saarlandes
Universität Hannover
Technische Universität Karlsruhe
Universität Kaiserslautern
Univeristy of Durham (UK)
University of Leeds
University of Michigan
University of Nebrasca
University of Rostock
Strathclyde University, Glasgow
University of Uberlandia (Brazil)
University of Wisconsin
12. Graduate Business EducationGlobalisation (1) Our students must become international citizens and should be prepared to the global marketplace
University education and research tend to be a global business
The concept of business networks applies to the university education and research
13. Graduate Business Education Globalisation (2) Our students must become international citizens, should be prepared to the global marketplace:
The international mix of the students and faculty gives a once in a lifetime opportunity to accelerate international understanding
The international outlook is crucial in today's competitive marketplace: not just intercultural sensitivity and skills, but also an appreciation of the key regions of the world and the major global driver
The Bologna Declaration points employability and mobility of citizens impact on the competitive edge
14. Graduate Business Education Globalisation (3) University education and research tend to be a global business:
leading universities establish overseas units and offer overseas programmes
growing enhancement of international links (sabbaticals, exchange of students & staff)
joint programmes & diplomas
internationally oriented programmes, global recruitment
virtual education (joint classes, PhD programmes)
15. Graduate Business Education Globalisation (4) The concept of business networks applies to university education and research:
shared best human resources > wider offer of courses > improved quality of programmes
reduced business risk (recruitment)
enhanced international abilities of students
supports staff networking, then research
improved administration
booming e- Education
16. Business studies at WUT / FPEenhancement of international outlook (1) students & faculty mobility
courses in English language
int’l programmes
int’l standards (QA, accreditations)
int’l networks
int’l sessions of electives
int’l seminars, conferences etc.
17. Business studies at WUT / FPEenhancement of international outlook (2) students & faculty mobility
bilateral exchange
individual arrangements
18. Business studies at WUT / FPEenhancement of international outlook (3) courses in English language
int’l programmes
PG level (e.g. twinning MBA and work-based virtual DBA with the University of Glasgow Business School)
twinning or network arrangements
shared resources
double/multiple diplomas
possible virtual extensions
starting from 01/02 at least one new programme every year
19. Business studies at WUT / FPEenhancement of international outlook (4) int’l standards
quality focus
accreditation focus (why ? which ? how ?)
int’l networks
education & research (e.g. CLUSTER)
faculty (e.g. AIM)
int’l seminars, conferences etc.
20. Business studies at WUT / FPEenhancement of international outlook (5) Int’l sessions of electives
starting from late June 2002
virtual (videoconferencing)
business studies & technology
expected outcomes:
shared human resources (advanced topics)
increased productivity / reduced risk
international outlook of students and faculty