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Explore the legislative mandate, entity functions, policy priorities, and performance delivery of the Department of International Relations and Cooperation (DIRCO). Learn about role players, key focus areas, national development plans, and oversight responsibilities.

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  2. MANDATE OF DEPARTMENT (DIRCO) • Legislative mandate -1996 RSA Constitution: President ultimately responsible for conduct of foreign policy - Minister entrusted with formulation, promotion and execution of South Africa’s foreign policy -Other role players: parliament, research institutions, academia, civil society ;business; departments -Diplomatic missions as implementing mechanisms

  3. MANDATE OF DIRCO(cont.) • Entity: African Renaissance and International Cooperation Fund 2000-ARF -Strategic plan- positive step -Located at and receive funds from DIRCO; -Aimed for revival of economic, social development in Africa, human resource development, post conflict reconstruction -Promotion of good governance, democracy, conflict management ,infrastructure development -Challenges with operational inefficiencies

  4. ROLE PLAYERS IN FOREIGN POLICY PRESIDENCY Other government departments DIRCO PARLIAMENT Civil society Business African Renaissance Fund (agency) SA missions abroad

  5. POLICY MANDATE: Key priority areas -Enhanced African Agenda & sustainable development -Strengthen political & economic integration of SADC -Strengthen South-South relations -Strengthen North South relations -Participate in global system of governance -Strengthen political and economic relations

  6. NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN (Chapter 7) • Enhance South Africa’s position in the region and the world • Increase trade and investment • South Africa as one of Africa’s powerhouses • Partnerships for realisation of domestic priorities • Lead development and growth in Africa • Deepen integration with BRICS

  7. STATE OF THE NATION ADDRESS 2014 • Africa remains centre of our foreign policy • Foreign policy remains informed by domestic priorities (address poverty, inequality and unemployment) • Address energy issues including ratification of the Grand Inga Hydro Power Project Treaty with DRC • Promote trade & attract investment(FDI) • Promote tourism(Branding) • Promote regional economic development and industrialisation

  8. DEPARTMENT’s PERFORMANCE DELIVERY ENVIRONMENT • Operating in unpredictable & insecure global environment • Impact of global economic downturn on government’s fiscals • DIRCO’s operational budget under pressure • Impact of foreign exchange fluctuations • Despite greater international demands and obligations -emergence of new economic powers, new media, new conflict trends

  9. OVERVIEW:DEPARTMENTAL BUDGET PROGRAMMES • Programme 1: Administration • Programme 2:International Relations • Programme 3: International Cooperation • Global system of governance • Continental cooperation/African Agenda • South-South cooperation • North-South dialogue • Programme 4: Public Diplomacy and Protocol Services • Programme 5: International Transfers

  10. POSSIBLE FOCUS/OVERSIGHT AREAS FOR COMMITTEE • Programme 1: Administration • Focus areas: -Efficient and effective organisation -Strategic alignment of missions -Effective management of property portfolio -Compliance with ICT governance -Compliance with supply chain management -Progress reports on Foreign Service Bill; establishment of SADPA; functioning of SACOIR

  11. POSSIBLE OVERSIGHT AREAS(cont.) • Programme 2: International Relations • Focus areas: -Promote bilateral political and economic relations -Vehicle for cooperation & promoting national interest -Promotion of trade, investment and tourism -Pursue priority needs of Africa and the South

  12. POSSIBLE OVERSIGHT AREAS(cont.) • Programme 3: International Cooperation • Focus areas: -Improve effectiveness and accountability of secretariats of UN system and other organisations -Reform of the Bretton Woods institutions -Positioning strategically for influence -Advancing SA’s positions of national interest and for developing countries

  13. POSSIBLE OVERSIGHT AREAS(cont.) • International Cooperation -Focus areas: -Prioritising Africa, African Union, SADC -Economically viable, secure, stable SADC -Increase intra-Africa trade -Peace and security in Africa -Job creation-NEPAD projects -Status of Pan African Parliament headquarters agreement

  14. POSSIBLE OVERSIGHT AREAS(cont.) • Focus areas: -Harness emerging political, economic influence of the South for development agenda of SA and the developing countries -Maintain relations with strategic formations of the North as sources of development assistance and foreign direct investment

  15. POSSIBLE OVERSIGHT AREAS(cont.) • Programme 4: Public diplomacy and protocol • Focus areas: -Public diplomacy -Proactive, timely communication -Para-diplomacy -Perception of elitist foreign policy

  16. POSSIBLE OVERSIGHT AREAS(cont.) • Programme 5: International transfers -Progress on utilising quotas for South Africa -Needs Assessment report of membership to various international organisations

  17. PLANNED POLICY INITIATIVES • Establishment of South African Development Agency(SADPA)-approved by Cabinet in 2009 for outgoing development cooperation • Tabling of Foreign Service Bill-create necessary flexibility to address challenges posed by operating at global level • Operation: South African Council of International Relations-consultative forum with non-state actors(Cabinet approved 2011)

  18. MANDATE OF COMMITTEE • Oversee and ensure accountability in formulation and conduct of foreign policy(sec 55&92 of 1996 Constitution) • Oversight on policies, legislation, financial spending patterns, admin issues, activities of SA missions, activities of agency-ARF • Holds DIRCO accountable for its mandate • Enhance public participation in foreign policy issues

  19. Department Headquarters SA missions abroad - Engines & implementing agencies Direct oversight on conduct of foreign policy Bilateral missions Direct oversight on policy formulation & conduct of foreign policy Direct oversight on SA’s role and impact PCIR&C Direct oversight on SA’s contribution & impact Direct oversight on outgoing development assistance • Collaborating partners • Other departments • Civil society • Experts • Academia • Research institutions • Media • Foreign resident missions Multilateral missions African Renaissance Fund (agency)

  20. DIRCO’s CROSS-CUTTING MANDATE • Committee should continue seeking understanding on the implementation of Coordinating mechanism on activities of foreign policy nature (para-diplomacy). It will assist oversight function to check on the impact of such understanding. • Collaborate with other committees; joint visits to sites of delivery to check impact • Engage stakeholders as needed

  21. PLANNING(cont.) • Performance Monitoring unit in DG’s office should timely feed reports to the PC • These reports would ensure that the Committee does oversight visits to relevant sites/nodes of delivery/missions/project areas, and that is up to date with challenges and matters of interest in time for the budget review and recommendation report(BRRR)


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