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October 21, 2010 The US/Japan HEP Collaboration 30 th Anniversary Symposium @Kona, Hawaii, USA. Advanced and Innovative Accelerators. ○ Mitsuru. Uesaka *Nuclear Professional School, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo
October 21, 2010 The US/Japan HEP Collaboration 30th Anniversary Symposium @Kona, Hawaii, USA Advanced and Innovative Accelerators ○Mitsuru. Uesaka *Nuclear Professional School, School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo 22-2 Shirakatashirane, Tokai-mura, Naka-gun, Ibaraki, 319-1188, Japan uesaka@nuclear.jp
Tokai Campus Backgrounds ICFA Panel on Advanced and Novel Accelerators Chair: M.Uesaka (Univ.Tokyo, Japan) I.Ben-zvi (BNL, USA), W.Leemans (LBL, USA), R.Ruth (SLAC, USA), Louis Rinolfi(CERN, Europe), F.Zimmermann(CERN, Europe), Jongmin Lee(APRI, Korea), B.Carlsten (LANL, USA), W.Gai(ANL, USA), O.J.Louiten(U.Eindhoven, NL), J.Rosenzweig(UCLA, USA), L.Serafini(U.Milan, Italy), S.Schreiber (DESY, Germany), Chuangxiang Tang(China), B.Cros(Univ.Paris-Sud, France), Patrick Muggli (USC, USA), Dino Jaroszynski(Univ. Strathclyde, UK), A.Noda(Kyoto Univ., Japan), R.Hajima(JAEA, Japan) Total: 19(America: 7,Europe: 7,Asia: 5) Long term Collaboration on Advanced Accelerators of Nuclear Engineering Department of U.Tokyo with KEK/LBNL/BNL/ SLAC/UCLA /ANL etc. Proposal for Future Research
Updates of X-band (S.Tantawi) Warm X-band is regarded as CLIC and still very important XB10(X-band RF structures, beam dynamics, sources Worshop,2010) ICFA Beam Dynamics Miniworkshop, Cockcroft Institute, Nov.30-Dec.3
John Lewin, M.D.- University of Colorado Health Sciences Center: High Energy - Low Energy = Iodine Image Laser Electron Compact Compton Scattering Monochromatic X-ray Source based on X-band(11.424GHz) Linac and YAG laser 3-D image of rat by dual-energy X-ray CT (X-ray: 40keV,70keV) Electron density Effective atomic number Supported by Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Sciences, and Technology and Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare from 2007. Subtraction imaging by X-ray drug delivery system X-ray Laser E-beam First achievement X-band thermionic RF-gun in the world Electron beam: 30 MeV, 20 pC/bunch, 104 bunches/RF pulse, 10 pps Laser: Q-switch Nd:YAG 1064 nm, 2.5 J, 10 pps X-ray : 21.9 keV, 1.7x109 photons/s 532 nm, 1.4 J, 10 pps X-ray 42.9 keV, 1.0x109 photons/s A. Fukasawa et. al., Nucl. and Meth. B 241, p.921 (2005) K. Dobashi et. al.,Jpn.J.Appl.Phys., 44, p.1999 (2005) F. Sakamoto et. al., J. Korean Phys. Soc. 49, p.286 (2006)
X-band Linacs for Industrial and Medical Applications 1. 950 keV Linac X-ray Source for On-site Inspection • 0.2Gy/min at 1m • Erosion of outdoor metal pipes of petrochemical complex • Material evaluation by 2 colored X-ray transmission measurement • 3.95 MeV Linac X-ray Source for On-site Bridge Inspection • ~5 Gy/min at 1 m 3. 6 MeV Linac X-ray Source for Cancer Therapy • 10 Gy/min@1m, • X-ray spot :1mm at cancers • Stereotactic therapy • Dynamic tracking therapy • for moving lung cancers
Laser Driven Dielectric Structures(E.Colby)-Optical Fiber Accelerator?-
Laser Plasma Acceleration Work under the US/Japan Collaboration was initiated by Profs.A.Ogata and K.Nakajima (KEK) from the Japanese side in ~1993 Photoinjector from BNL
Femtosecond Electron Linac@U.Tokyo 20 23.5 Laser Room Temperature 15 Temperature (℃) Synchronization between laser and beam 23 Synchronization (ps) 10 5 22.5 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 Time Reliable Femtosecond Linac and Laser Synchronization System Femtosecond Beam Science, Imperial College Press(2005) Quantum Efficiency and charge of several cathode material Cartridge-type replaceable photocathode system Synchronization between laser and beam within 600fs(RMS) Ref). M. Uesaka, et al., Phy. Rev. E 50 p3068(1994) (World record of femtosecond beam generation, 700 fs) M.Uesaka, et al., Trans. Plasma Science, 28,4(2000),p.1133 (High quality 200 fs beam) M. Uesaka et al.,Nucl. Instr. Meth. B241 p.880 (2005) (Synchronization system)
High peak power laser can derive the energetic protons Radiation Pressure (Coherent )Acceleration proposed Bulanov and Esirkepov et al. Target Normal Sheath Acceleration TNSA
Target tumors for laser driven 80MeV proton Elaborate treatmentSimulation for laser driven proton beam Shallow tumors which exist within 5cm below the skin Japan Atomic Energy Agency Ken Sutherland 69 MeV By Prof. Murakami (HIBMC)
Table 1: Parameters of Laser-Acceleration for Medical Applications Roadmaps for Laser Development, Application to Linear Collider, Light Source and Medical Use
Proposal for US/Japan Collaboration on Laser Plasma Acceleration by developing more stable/reliable/high-average-powered Lasers aiming at
Summary • Many advanced and innovative accelerators have been/are going to be realized under the US/Japan collaboration. • The achievements are applicable to not only high energy physics but also medical and industrial uses. • Tighter collaboration on laser plasma acceleration with development of sophysticated optics is expected.