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Arbri Road project, an illegal investment and with negative impact on the Brari Canyon

Arbri Road project, an illegal investment and with negative impact on the Brari Canyon. 1 March 2012. General information The Arbri Road will be a connection between Tirana and Dibra with a length of 74 Km. It runs in the arbanas settlements. The construction period: 2008-2013

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Arbri Road project, an illegal investment and with negative impact on the Brari Canyon

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  1. Arbri Road project, an illegal investment and with negative impact on the Brari Canyon 1 March 2012

  2. General information • The Arbri Road will be a connection between Tirana and Dibra with a length of 74 Km. It runs in the arbanas settlements. • The construction period: 2008-2013 • Two of its segments are: Dalja Ura e Vrashë- Bulqizë and Ura e Brarit- Tuneli Qafë Murrizë for which the General Directorate of Road (GDR) has requested an environment permit. The average speed on the road will be 80 Km/h • The investor is: General Directorate of Roads The total amount of investment: 17 milliard ALL taken from state budget • The road near Tirana is passing by the river of Tirana and the segment Ura e Brarit- Tuneli Qafë Murrizë • is destroying the Brary canyon • The Brari Canyon is a Category III Natural Monument by the IUCN categorization

  3. How we learnt about it: • The Nature Guide group of EDEN center saw the works for the construction of the road during one of their guide itineraries on the Brari Mountain • It was visible that the construction of the road was destroying the canyon and the river. Solid waste deriving from constructions are directly thrown in the river. • We began to search for information about the project on the official websites of the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration, Ministry of Public Works and Transportation, National Center of License • NOTHING was published on their websites ( EIA, Environmental permit), and limited information was available for this project • After that, official letters were sent to the respective governmental institutions for information

  4. EDEN and media concern for this project • Letter for information sent to : • Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration (MoEFWA) date: 3.10.2011 • Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MoPWT) date: 3.10.2011 • No reply so…letter for information resent to: • Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration (MoEFWA) date: 18.11.2011 • Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MoPWT) date: 18.11.2011 • Ministry of Environment, Forests and Water Administration (MoEFWA ) date: 14.02.2012 • The answers that we have till now: • General directorate of Roads , date: 7.12.2011 provided us with the nontechnical summary of the EIA and the technical report of the project ( in the EIA is mentioned clearly that solid waste should be transported away from the canyon with appropriate camions and not thrown in the river, indeed it’s not followed in reality.Three alternatives of the project are presented in the EIA and this one- passing through the canyon- was considered as the one with less impact on the environment)

  5. After no reply from MoWFWA on environmental permit and public consultations an information letter was sent directly to National Center of License (NCL)date: 14.02.2012 • National Center of Licenses (NCL) replied on date: 22.02.2012 • One of the documents they sent is the rejection (picture on the right) for environmental permit for the segmentUra e Brarit- Tuneli Qafë Murrizë . Reason:the Brari Canyon as Natural Monument. • The segment Dalja Ura e Vrashë- Bulqizë has an environmental permit. • We do not have official information on the process of public consultations.

  6. The letters sent and received: To MoEFWA date: 3.10.2011 http://www.eden-al.org/media/kerkese%20per%20marrje%20informacioni%20MMPAU%281%29.pdf To MoPWT date: 3.10.2011 http://www.eden-al.org/media/kerkese%20per%20marrje%20informacioni%20%20MPPT%282%29%281%29.pdf Environment Impact Assessment http://www.eden-al.org/media/permbledhje%20joteknike%20e%20VNM%281%29.pdf Official response of NCL (all documents) http://www.eden-al.org/media/Official%20response%20from%20QKL%20for%20the%20Arbri%20Road%20project%281%29.pdf

  7. Articles published about the illegal procedures on Arbri road: IDEA newspaper: http://www.gazetaidea.com/2012/02/08/nje-rruge-qe-po-shkaterron-mrekullite-e-natyres/ SOT newspaper: http://www.sot.com.al/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=20973:rru Mjedisi SOT: http://www.mjedisisot.info/content.asp?idd=12841&id=239&lloji=dok EDEN’s webpage: http://www.eden-al.org/index.php?id=308 YEE e-newsletter: http://yeenet.eu/index.php/publications/yee-newsletter/661-the-albanian-government-infringes-again-its-laws-and-aarhus-convention Facebook photos: http://www.facebook.com/pages/Qendra-EDEN-EDEN-Center/319334287560

  8. Photos

  9. Ura Brarit – Tyneli Qafë Murrizë segment view

  10. Massive mass of concrete

  11. Solid waste that have blocked the flow of the river

  12. Working in place, throwing solid waste in the river.

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