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Collaboration Grant 252. Evaluation Team Progress. Senate Bill 290 Requirements.
Collaboration Grant 252 Evaluation Team Progress
Senate Bill 290 Requirements Standards of Professional Practice. The state adopted Model Core Teaching Standards and Educational Leadership/Administrator Standards define what teachers and administrators should know and be able to do to ensure that every student is ready for college, careers and engaged citizenship in today’s world. Differentiated (4) Performance Levels. Teacher and administrator performance on the standards of professional practice are measured on four performance levels. ODE will provide districts approved research-based rubrics aligned to the state adopted standards. Multiple Measures. Multiple sources of data are used to measure teacher and administrator performance on the standards of professional practice. Evaluators look at evidence from three categories: professional practice, professional responsibilities, and student learning and growth. Evaluation and Professional Growth Cycle. Teachers and administrators are evaluated on a regular cycle of continuous improvement that includes self reflection, goal setting, observations, formative assessment and summative evaluation. Aligned Professional Learning. Relevant professional learning opportunities to improve professional practice and impact on student learning are aligned to the teacher’s or administrator’s evaluation and his/her need for professional growth.
Probationary Teachers: 1 Formal Observation EVERY year and a minimum of 3 Informal Observations EVERY year. Summative/Evidence Conference EVERY year. • Contract Teachers: • On Year: A minimum of 4 Informal Observations, Collection of Evidence, Goal Setting, Summative/Evidence Conference • Off Year: A minimum of 2 Informal Observations, Teacher Collection of Evidence, Goal Setting
Reflect on Danielson’s Framework and rate your performance considering strengths and areas for growth.
Review Self-Assessment and write one Professional Growth Goal based on area for growth. • Using student data, write two Student Learning Objectives in S.M.A.R.T. format. • Professional growth activities and support needed to meet your goals.
Student/School Learning Objectives(SLO) are detailed, measurable goals for student academic growth to be achieved in a specific period of time (typically an academic year),based on prior student learning data, and developed collaboratively by educators and their supervisors
Student Learning Objectives • Must be rigorous and meet the S.M.A.R.T. criteria: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely • Each teacher must establish at least two student learning objectives from at least two of the following three categories • OAKs or National Standardized Tests • Common national, regional, district developed measures • Classroom or school wide measures
Student Learning Objectives Con’t • Teachers who are responsible for student learning in tested subjects and grades (i.e., ELA and mathematics in grades 3-8, 11) will use state assessments as one measure and will also select one or more additional measures • Teachers in non-tested (state test) subjects and grades will use measures that are valid representations of student learning standards
The SLO Process includes a continuous cycle where teachers create and implement teaching and learning strategies and then monitor student progress through ongoing formative assessment.
Initial Conference Aligned Professional Learning Opportunities Mid-Year Review Post Conference – On Year and Probationary
Artifacts • Formative Assessments • PLC’s • Principal Evidence • 1 Formal Observation-Probationary • 2 Informal (min.) Walkthroughs-On Year • 1 Informal (min.) Walkthroughs – Off Year
Review and Reflect on Professional Growth Goal and two SLO’s • Support from Administrator • Principal Evidence • Teacher Evidence
Artifacts • Formative Assessments • PLC’s • Principal Evidence • 1 (min.) Informal Walkthrough- Off Year • 2 (min.) Informal Walkthroughs – On Year
Review and consider Self-Assessment • Review Goals from the year. • Reflect on strengths and areas for growth. • Begin generating ideas for new goals. • Overall Performance Rating. On Year/Off Year: Evidence Submission On Year: Summative/Evidence Conference – March 15
The Pilot Beginning in January 21 Administrators/21 Teachers All Buildings Stipend for participating teachers and administrators January 30th Training SLO’s Pilot includes full cycle, SLO’s, all reviews, evidence gathering, weighted and matrix models and Aligned Professional Learning Participating teachers and administrators will document and provide feedback for Evaluation Team’s review in May
Pilot Feedback Survey Monkey in May Goal setting process Matrix vs. Weighted Model Number of observations Student Learning Objectives Rubrics/Process Aligned Professional Learning Anything else that might improve the process
Next Steps Collaboration Grant ODE Statewide Meeting April 10 Evaluation Team will attend the Train the Trainer workshop with Jorie Wilson on April 25. The Evaluation Team will make recommendations for the 2013/14 school year based on feedback from pilot teachers and administrators. CLS Training/Danielson’s Model Training Week of June 17 Danielson’s Book and Framework will be provided for all licensed staff. Trainings on Goal Setting and SLO’s fall 2013