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Progressing Disability Services (PDS)

Progressing Disability Services (PDS). Aisling Becton Clinical Services Manager. What is PDS?.

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Progressing Disability Services (PDS)

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  1. Progressing Disability Services (PDS) Aisling Becton Clinical Services Manager

  2. What is PDS? “The programme… aims to achieve a national unified approach to delivering disability health services, so that there is clear pathway to the services they need for all children regardless of where they live, what school they go to or the nature of their disability or delay”

  3. Why PDS? Background: • National Reference Group Report (2009) on Multidisciplinary Disability Services for Children aged 5-18 : group convened to examine how to provide disability services in the context of Disability Act and EPSEN Findings: • Gaps in services • Inequity of access • Alignment of services with primary care model

  4. Aims of the programme • Consistent structure across the country • Equity in access to services • Consistency and clarity in service pathways • Use experience of areas where new structure already in place

  5. Organisation of the programme • National Co-ordinating Group to monitor and guide • Regional Co-ordinating Group X 4 • Local Implementation Groups with all stakeholders - detailed local plans

  6. Implementation in each local area • Mapping of existing staff • Plan integrated pathway with Primary Care, Network and Specialist levels • Develop Children’s Network Disability Teams and Specialist Services • Reconfiguration of resources into geographically based services

  7. What does this mean for Wicklow/ SCA? • SCA Representation on Wicklow LIG – 3 staff 2 parents • SCA Representation on all subcommittees • DES representation at LIG and subcommittee level • 3 network areas identified - Bray Wicklow & Arklow • Centres agreed* • Mapping exercise completed x 2 • Staff Training Needs identified • Reconfigured service due to commence 1st January 2016.

  8. Referrers L E V E L 1 Criteria: Children with non-complex needs. Primary Care Level Criteria: Diagnosis of condition associated with complex needs or complex needs identified by screening reports L E V E L 2 Criteria: Children with complex. needs Children’s Network Disability Teams L E V E L 3 Criteria: Consultation and short term intervention for children who require specialist expertise Children’s Specialist Disability Services Service Pathway for Children with Disabilities or Developmental Delay

  9. Network Team- Needs of Child • The Children’s Network Disability Teams will be the main provider of support for children and young people and their families who require a complexity of services and support which should be available through the skill mix within the interdisciplinary network team. • Children with complex needs will receive the majority of supports at Network level but have short term access to Primary Care and Specialist Disability level care pathways where this is appropriate to their needs.

  10. What is a Network Team? • Interdisciplinary team • Reconfigured from those working in disability services • Bring range of skills and experience • Team development needed • Training needs analysis • Sharing of skills and knowledge amongst team and between teams

  11. Children’s Specialist Disability Services • To provide highly specialised expertise that some children require • To support Network teams and Primary Care, who will remain main service provider • Should be clearly demonstrable that these needs cannot be met solely by Primary Care or Network team • Options to consider as to how this specialist team will operate – to be agreed at local level.

  12. How to find out more… • Regular bulletins with news of developments around the country e mailed to SCA staff, circulated to parents. • The HSE Learning and Development website www.hseland.ie You can log in / enrol (you don’t have to be a member of HSE staff) and then click on Practice Development Hubs, the Change Hub (down the page) and select Progressing Children’s Disability Services from the Projects and initiatives section (on the top line) • All supporting documentation and bulletins available there. • You can also contact Caroline Cantan, National Project Lead with queries or comments by e-mail : info.childrensdisabilityservices@hse.ie

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